Chapter 8 : THE GENOCIDAL WAR...

The genocidal war of Nigeria and Britain against the indigenous people of Biafra that began on the early hours of 6:26 A.M on the 6th of July 1967-17 of January 1970,

The Nigeria military troops with their Fulani brothers invaded our Homes in Biafra Land while some of us were still asleep,they came fully prepared with sophisticated weapons that was currently supplied to them by the British government to wipe us out of this earth in few weeks and take our land,

The Nigeria military first landed in Calabar and fired their first artillery shot that was fired by Lt gako whatever,

These unlawful deadly invasion was said to have popped up few months after the Biafran leader general chukwuemeka Odimegwu ojukwu declared the freedom and sovereignty of the state of Biafra on the 30th of may 1967

After many legal proceedings and agitations,the Nigeria government was still insistent on "one Nigeria"which has been the worst nightmare to the Easterners,

Many dialogues was held over the peaceful secession of the Biafran people from their worst nightmare "Nigeria" the Britain that was the major anchor of the Nigerian government couldn't allow such great revolution to happen,

They did not want it because it will not just better the lives of the Biafran people but it will also severe all their wicked hideous links in Africa at Large and they would loose all their benefits in Africa,

Odimegwu ojukwu was fully determined to gain the freedom of his people and take them to the promised land"Biafra" he fought against the high rate of corruption and injustice that the British embedded on Africa,

Few months after he announced the peaceful secession of the Biafran people from the Nigeria government, the British urged the Nigeria government and the Fulani brothers to match down to the East and finish off everything living and nonliving things there so that they can conquer our lands and have all our natural resources to themselves,

They came fully armed with the British support to kill us all and take our homes,they came fully prepared with sophisticated weapons to fight against unarmed indigenous people of Biafra,

We didn't commit any international crimes,we didn't commit any local crimes,we only asked for the betterment of our lives and our unborn generations, we were only exercising our prerogative power as enshrined in the international communities constitutions that says "A particular indigenous people has the right to self determination" "A particular indigenous people has the right to secede from any form of operational government or governance that is not competent or favorable to the masses through legitimate ways like referendum or through protest,

The Biafra agitation has been a peaceful movement since 1960 till date but the Nigeria government has been truly unfair to us,they have mercilessly delt with us since 1960 till date,

They invaded our Homes to kill us all as well planned by the British government but God stood on our side and we fought back with no arms,we fought relentlessly until we began to recover some of their arms,we fought as lions and we secured our homes,

Some of our noble men returned their British medal of honour to the queen of England to protest against the involvement of Britain in the genocidal war of Nigeria against the indigenous people of Biafra,men like Akanu ibiam, chinua Achebe and so many of them

We didn't allow them to suppress us,no matter the force they came with,no matter their allies and their British sophisticated weapons, the battle they programmed to end by weeks lasted for years, we're unbeatable, we're the children of the Lion of the tribes of Judah so we're lions too,

The Nigeria government came to kill us all in few weeks but we revolted and fought them back for years empty handed,it was during the battle that we recovered most weapons plus the ones we were able to construct on our own while the genocidal war was going on,

We didn't expect it to have come out that way in 1967,we didn't plan for the war in 1967, Nigeria knew and they were very prepared for the war,

Prior to the 1967 war, around 1950 to 1967 they had already began killing most of the easterners who resided in the Northern Nigeria for no reason,many eastern major generals in the Nigeria military department then had been boycotted in their offices and some of them were killed in many coup planned just to sabotage the Biafra struggle, so the Nigeria government had the war in their agenda and they were surreptitiously actualizing it,but unfortunately most of the Easterners are too dumb and they think only about themselves and their stomach even when their house is on fire,

Odimegwu ojukwu was consistently educating them on the importance of these revolution and the need to join forces and achieve a common goal but most of them were too foolish and stupid and so they did not listen to what the leader was saying then,some of them sold out the leaders plans to the Nigeria government,some of them even fought alongside the Nigeria government against their own people,and they came and killed us unlawfully, unjustly and unaware

The British government with the Nigeria government came and slaughtered the indigenous people of Biafra who were living peacefully on their own in 1967 till 1970, they just came and killed us like animals and no one has asked a serious questions about what happened then and no one answered to it till now,

The mass killings of women and children and pregnant women were much,that led to the surrendering of the Biafran people just for them to live and fight another day, because a teu hero is he who fights to live and fight and another day,

They reasoned within themselves and envisioned a potential future generations who could do better than them in time to come,so they accepted defeat for their children to finish up what they started and we are definitely going to achieve it peacefully one day