Chapter 9 : THE UNBEARABLE...

...If all the Easterners had joined forces together and work in unity when general ojukwu was consistently saying it,the 1967-1970 massacre wouldn't have been a great horror, just like it was!

Imagine fighting empty handed against someone who has sophisticated weapons and unaware,

No one speculated that they would invade our lands with such atrocious purpose because we had not committed any crimes against anyone rather we've just exercised our rights peacefully as an indigenous people but it was a great offense to the Britain and Nigeria,

Just for knowing our rights and exercising it peacefully,it was a big offense enough for Britain and Nigeria to conspire against the indigenous people of Biafra to the point of raining down hell on them,to the point of unleashing the worse disaster in the history of Africa on the indigenous people of Biafra just for knowing their rights and tried to exercise it,

This is so unbearable, unimaginable and unbelievable, our lives means nothing to the whites,our wellbeing is none of their concern,our lives means nothing to the international communities,as long as they keep using us to get whatever they need to flourish their countries,

Britain and their tool Nigeria invaded the homes of the indigenous people of Biafra and slaughtered them like common animals,they assaulted us, they humiliated us,they frustrated us,they put us in despair,they pushed us beyond our limits,they made us homeless,they made us hopeless,they made us helpless,they abused us,women and children were killed as flies, pregnant women had their stomach cut open and unborn babies were pulled out and dashed on the wall,

This is so unbearable,the worst atrocities in the history of Africa, uncountable number of lives were lost,damages were like a place that encountered the worst holocaust, just for knowing their rights,what More has the Britain not done to Africa,

During the 15th to 19th century they called us animals openly and boldly shipped us like cargos to work for them in their countries as slaves, caged and starved for months with chains around the neck hands and the legs for months just to reduce the strength of the black man so that he won't have enough capacity to fight back,they were too afraid of the blacks because we are stronger and better!

What more do we need before we can wake up and join forces together to achieve this common goal that will better the lives of our children and our unborn generations,how long more do we have to allow them to keep fooling us with their unrealistic democracy?

What else will they do unto us so that we can learn and adhere to the truths that the whites sees us the blacks as just animals that needs to be eradicated completely from the face of this earth,they sees us as animals that needs to be dealt with gruesomely every second,everyday and deprived of his flexibility to live happily

Believing that white people will ever treat you the same way they treat their fellow whites it's just as the same thing as believing that one day Satan will shout praise God, it's just an imagination,it can't happen unless God uses His powers to make Satan to praise Him, it didn't start today, for long they've been practicing this thing called "racism" that is why they came to our land and killed us like flies and no one asked questions,no one asked questions about what happened to those indigenous people of Biafra, because we're not humans to them,so they can do anything they feel like doing to us,they can smash us like the caterpillars smashing pumpkins,they can kill us as they wish,

They think they can,they believe that they can do anything they feel like doing to Africa anytime any day but that's a big lie, thats a big fat lie,the truth is,

" You can beat a child but you can't force him to cry" "you can push a child but you can't tell him where to fall" you can call me a goat but you can't force me to feed on grasses" I will always have my choices to make,they are not our God so they don't make decisions for us, they don't matter to us just as we don't matter to them,after all,it's a free world,you can decide what you want and accept whatever that comes after,

The reason why it was easier for them to kill us much more in 1967-1970 was because we didn't prepare for the war,we were not enlightened widely the way we are now,and we didn't have any sophisticated weapons then, we've not had any development then,we were just living our peaceful lives and enjoying the gifts that God has endowed us with,

They couldn't control they jealousy and callousness, instead of them enlightening us on how we can manage and utilize our resources for the global advantage and developments for the betterment of our lives and our unborn generations,they wanted to take it away from us by force through conquest,but God stood by our sides and fought on our sides,

It was a deadly fiasco but we still defended our homes even though they killed us much but we still kept what belongs to us and they couldn't take it away from us,

A war they scheduled to last for weeks lasted for years even though we were not prepared for it,what a brave nation "Biafra"we are indeed the children of Israel, we are indeed the true descendants of king David,

God has blessed us abundantly more than others with many gifts,natural strength,wisdom,exquisite talents and beauties and multi mineral resources, that is why we are their targets, if we weren't that unique they wouldn't be chasing after us so relentlessly,but we can't let them take away our God given blessings, never,it's ours and will continue to be, no man or woman can take our God given blessings from us no matter how they will attack,we are God's own people