These is the false prophecy they brought to us, democracy is the government of the people by the people and for the people,yet an igbo man is not among the people entitled or enlisted for the practice of democracy in wester Africa like Nigeria,

Democracy is what our colonial masters used to deceive us into not dragging anything like power or authority with them, instead we can drag it within ourselves and finally they will choose whom they want to choose,they brought a life style to us and they are not living that way in their country.

Africans were living by their ancient kingdom rules and regulations made by their ancestors their "forefathers" where the king and the queen rules the kingdom, they are like the head of the states and the power of Royalty rotates around the royal blood and interchange with marriage

They was no democracy or colonialism during the 11th to 13th century in Africa, the people lived just very fine and comfortable, until the Germans and Portuguese invaded Africa through Uganda and Chad.

Africa lived with a communal rules and regulations made by them and it's backed up by their ancestors, Africa believes in native practices, like medicinal herbs, ancestral magic and many exquisite cultural presentations.

They are some part of western Africa that is said to have originated from Israel, the direct descendants of Gad the twelve sons of Jacob, the "Biafra Land" this people originated from Eri the son of Gad the grand son of Jacob.

Our colonial masters brought democracy to disorient our way of living and we refuted their evil intensions and they brought Christianity and finally deceived us with it, they told us our forefathers doesn't want us to exist, they made our forefathers look like the villain to our generation meanwhile they are the ones that never wanted us to exist freely, they came to extinct us completely after seeing the aboundance of treasures in lands, yet they couldn't achieve extaminating us totally, Instead they turned us away from our mode of worship, they turned us away from our means of getting powers through our ancestors, they made us turned out back on our ancestors hoping they were the devil in our story, they made us believed that our ancestors are against our wellbeing and they doesn't want us to live and Excel more than them by the kind of Christianity they preached to us

Christianity is the binding agent they used to bind our lives to remain beneath their charms of unrealistic democracy and colonialism and never to ask any questions because you'll be going against God's rules as they preach, it is only in Africa that children doesn't have any right to speak against evil acts and injustice done against them, Christianity is their watch dog,it is their every day reminder and their source of renewing their binding agent constantly.

Thank God for sending a man like Nnamdi Kanu to open the eyes of the wise and the courageous ones,to lead Africa through its shadows of darkness,to unbind that agent used to seclude our strength and beauty,

If there's anything like democracy why then do the northerners have so much believe that an igbo man won't attain the seat of the presidency in Nigeria?

They brought democracy to us yet they are not living by the democracy,the most annoying part of it is that no one has any right to speak against the evil because they told us in the bible to abide by the law of the land and respect the government orders wether it's convenient or not,

The level of evil that is running boldly in the streets of Nigeria and Africa entirely, if democracy is really the government of the people by the people and for the people, a contraction like Nigeria that got her independence since 1960 would have been a blessing instead of being a curse to her people,

For sixty years their unrealistic democracy couldn't give us a good leader, it couldn't give us a good ministers because it is not the peoples choice that are always elected,after the masses cast their votes and return to their homes, our colonial masters will choose among the delegates the one that is more gullible and unwise who will foolishly and stupidly accept any task given to him by their colonial masters just to answer the president of a country and it doesn't really matter if the people they are leading is dieing or not,it is none of their concern, they will choose the ones that are too gullible enough to the extent of killing his own people to prove himself to their colonial Masters that has evil intensions from the beginning.

Before democracy our forefathers were living peacefully with their rules and regulations that no one dared to go against it and go scot-free and their were bound with that uncommon and selfless law of the land, and everything was going fine, every one was living happily and every one abstained from anything that would jeopardize their modus operandi of the land,

Every one was being too careful because going against the rules and regulations it's just like going against the gods of the land and their consequences can be brutal and they was restraint,every one knew their limits of what to do and what not to do,

Democracy has destroyed the fantastic and amazing precepts that was supposed to make Africa the greatest continent ever!

Democracy has compromised the wonderful strength of Africa and demonized the profoundable beauty of Africa, democracy has brought to us evil principalities and powers to condemn us to nothing,thank God for sending a legend like "Nnamdi Kanu" to liberate Africa from the bondage of ruins that democracy has brought into our lives