Chapter 37 : Christianity In The Society

What are the physical role of Christianity to the society today? What has Christianity being able to offer physically since it came into Africa? They said Christianity to came to save Africa, then the question is, Christianity came to save Africa from what exactly? Christianity came to save Africa from who particularly? What was wrong with Africa that needed to be saved? Who was fighting Africa that made them to need a help? Who was against Africa that made them to need a rescue? Who called them to come and save Africa? Did you know that as a Chief priest or as a mouthpiece of the gods if you mistakenly sleep anyhow with any girl you will be punished without hesitation? But did you also know that a pastor can sleep with many of his members as he likes and go free now? Why? Why is most African christians the poorest?? Why is most African pastors the poorest? Why are most of the citizens of those countries that brought Christianity to Africa not Christians? Why are they not living by the religion they brought to save us? Why are majority of them not practicing the religion just like the majority of Africans are vastly practicing it? Why is it greater in Africa than in their own countries? These are the kind of questions every reasonable African child should be asking everyday, what prompted slavery? Why did they see us as animals? What made them swore never to let Africa rule herself? Did Africa call them to come and save them? Was Africa lost? Was Africans cannibals? Which gods of Africa was demanding for human sacrifice? When was the gods demanding human sacrifice? Which gods particularly? In which part of Africa? The fake news started spreading centuries ago that our ancestors were demanding our lives, till today it is still the foundational believe of some unwise Africans, which is the major reason why most of them are suffering a lot today because of their ignorance, and if you are telling them today that those news are fake they will be looking at you as a dumb person, or as a mad person because you are telling them the truth that sounds crazy in the ears of fools but sounds so sweet to the ears of the wise, but even though the false doctrines has been going on for centuries it still didn't stop wise people from discerning the real truth in the midst of everything, because there is a wise and great spirit that is inside everyone that knows everything about life before and after, and the spirit speaks to everyone everyday but only the wise listens to that spirit when they are speaking, but fool doesn't know what it means to hear from the spirits, and they don't even believe in realities like that, but however, wether you are ignorant or not whatever mistakes you make you alone will pay for it,so it's better you mind the kind of things you concur to this period and bridle your tongue so as to not fall a victim of the anger of the gods, but the gods will always be merciful to you for the mistakes you did unknowingly but they will be very brutal to you for the mistakes you did knowingly, now that you have heard the words of your ancestors you are now obligated to refrain yourself from that mentality of thinking that your ancestors are against you, now that you have realized the truth, It is now your choice make wether to continue living with the believe that your ancestors are against your success or follow the truth that your forefathers are not against you in any way or form, your ancestors loves you more than anyone else loves you, it's either you believe it or keep on believing that they are against you, but the real question is, why are they against you? What do they want from you? What are they going to use you to do? Christianity has not done anything to your life, you have survived only under the mercies of God almighty alone, it is just out of the mercies of God that you and I are still breathing free air today, if it was up to those people preaching to you, you would be paying for it, that is why people can not afford to pay for oxygen in the mission hospital, mostly members of the same mission, that is to show you that the mission is not to save you but to use you and save themselves and their various families as they wish, If all the Church general overseers can come together as one to save all the people who are Christians that are dieing of hunger and hardship in their churches, they can save the world, they can pay two million monthly to each of them and yet never go broke instead they will be getting more and more but their were not meant to bring such realistic evolution, their only mission is to use you and subdue your reasoning, and subdue that resilient spirit in you, and they will keep on sucking you till they suck you dry, yet the pastors that they are using as MC are dieing of hunger in their homes but they return funds to the province every week and they will return home and sleep with hunger, and you are still believing that it is the will of God, you are sick in the head,