Chapter 38 : Non Christian Countries.

The strongest countries today are those countries that could not allow Christianity to have influence over their original ways or worship, take for an instance China, Russia, England Germany Brazil France and many more, these countries are so great today in all ramifications, These are the greatest countries today in our 22nd century because they never allowed Christianity to spread through its regions even the Britain and the Portuguese that brought it to Africa are not practicing it to this much extent that the Africans practice it, China is Rich in security, reach in technology, rich in economy, reach in education rich in every angle yet they are not Christians, every tribe has their own way of worship, and Christianity was not the ways of African worship to their God, china has her religion and her ways or worship to God almighty and when Christianity came to china they brutally fought against it finally they won the battle today they are now enjoying it, are they doing any human ritual? or human sacrifice apart from apprehending criminals and crucifying them as due? Christianity was not the ways Africa worshipped her God, every tribes in Africa has their own ways of worship to God but Christianity has come and dragged us out from our main tenets, every tribe in the whole world has their own ways of worship to God almighty because every one is certainly a native of somewhere, we all came from somewhere, and those people who came here before us had their ways of lives, they had their own ways of worship and it all existed long before Christianity, and they were so great and wise and strong and courageous, I wonder what's wrong with this 22nd century children, they are more of cowards than fighters, men of those day were ferocious in goal getting, courageous enough to face what is facing them, They were very wise to an enviable extent, they were not cowards, bravery was their description, America couldn't go to war without a black man, most of the oldest constructions in the whole world was made by them with their hands alone, you can Google it, but today the narrative has changed, those people who were jealous and envious of our forefathers natural fortunes are now the ones we envy their artificial fortunes, artificial in the sense that almost everything that made their countries what it is today came from Africa, 80 % of what they are using to progress in their countries came from Africa yet Africa remains the poorest continent in the world today, because they are rejecting their true origin, they are rejecting their true nature as an African, they are rejecting their responsibilities that is accustomed to being an African that is why they are not progressing as others, that is why Africa is not progressing like other continents like Asia, Europe and America, Africa can not compete this continents with her government and developments till today, but Africa supplies this continents with raw materials that is immeasurable every day and night for centuries till today yet Africa remains the poorest continent, why? Don't you ask yourself why is Africa poor? Why is Africa poor even in her aboundance of treasures still Africa remains poor, why? And continents like America and Europe that does not have quarter of the natural resources that Africa has is among the richest and you don't ask yourself why? How is it possible that people who has lesser resources is richer than the people who has plenty resources? This are the kind of questions every reasonable African child should be asking himself or his parents, We all know that Africa is blessed with aboundance of natural resources then why is Africa the poorest continent? It is just a simple question, How is Africa that was among the greatest continents in the beginning of the world suddenly turns to the slaves of others today? Now I get it very clear that "the battle is for territories" we are born to secure our territory, we are born to defend our territory, we are born to fight for our territory, because the major problems of the world are those people who came to claim the territories of Africa, that is the major problems of the entire world, because they also went to claim some of the territories beside their own, but unlike that of the Africans it was a do or die affair, Africans were not given chances to exercise our rights, once you appear to speak against their selfish claims over a particular kind of thing in your own land they will do everything possible to remove you from their ways, Africans went through a lot of unbearable misery just to exercise their rights, that was the kind of resilience that our forefathers passed unto us and those people never wanted us to realize our full potentials that is why they brought Christianity as early as 1562 just few years they brought slavery and we displayed to them our resilience and perseverance through our determination and courage, the only thing that made them win most of the battle was just their guns.