Chapter 40 : Do What Is Right Now

The real question is when is this atrocities going to end? Who is going to end this hideous evil that has befallen Africa? Who is going to rescue us? When exactly is it going to end? Every day people are dieing of hunger and starvation, every day people are being forcefully killed by the terrorist in uniforms, terrorist with uniforms working under the government today are killing people every day in Africa, why? What are they seeking for? Who is sponsoring them? Only in Nigeria have I seen a terrorist organisation having sophisticated weapons better than that of the government's, only in Nigeria have I seen where the members of the government is ten ten times richer than the government yet they still borrow money from outside, there are lot more of this stupidity happening in that contraction called Nigeria, All this things are happening in Africa because Africa does not posses her full rights as a continent, because our rights is been divided, the colonial masters are holding 70% and Africa is managing 30% so how can you things be moving well with Africa? There are lots of unimaginable treacheries that is going on in Africa and every one is keeping quiet, because until all of us starts having the same vision of a better and greater Africa that means all of us are still keeping quiet, it is what we are created for, it is what we were born to do, to free Africa from her bondage and take Africa to a better and greater level, Africa deserves to be better because we are the ones that made others what they are today, it is our resources that made them what they are today, so we deserve to better than them, but until everyone begins to share this point of view, until everyone begins feel the hunger for the actualization of a better and greater Africa, until everyone begins to speak out for the rights of Africa in the midst of the entire world, until everyone begins to fight for the freedom of Africa from colonial bondage just like our forefathers did when it was their turn, and we won't fail to do our parts now that is our turn, we must do better than them because we have many better opportunities that they did not have, so we obliged to do better, and we must do better, but it is a personal decision, you can decide to join the train of the Freedom fighters and lover of justice and equity or you can still keep watching them deceiving you the more, or you can still keep on believing them that your ancestors are against you, or you can still keep on believing them that you don't deserve to be better, it is a personal decision to make, and it is also a willful decision to make too, no one would force you to make that decision, no one would threaten you to join the movement of freedom fighting, but if you are truly wise you won't wait till you are told to do what is right, you do what it right whenever you see it, don't hesitate to do what is right whenever you see it because it will always speak for you whenever you are called.