Chapter 41 : Everyone's Purpose

If you ask anyone this popular question, what is your purpose in life? Some would say that their purpose in life is to save their families, some would say their purpose is to save the world but some people believe that world can not be saved and some believes that the world can still be saved, but the real truth is that God did not just create anyone to come to this world and save their families alone, however the purpose of creating everyone of us into this world is to save the world, no one was created to save their families alone, now, bringing the purpose home to everyone in their various continent you will begin to realize that every one was created to save their own continent then save others after, but it is a great duty, Infact, It is the greatest purpose of all times, to fight for the freedom of a continent, not even a country, continent, there is no other purpose that can compare with this heavenly purpose, from what the bible says, that it is the greatest and highest gift for a man to give his life for his friends, so this literally means that it is the greatest and the highest purpose to fight for the freedom of your continent or your country, many great people has discovered this general purpose of every one, coming down to Africa, many great Africans who are so wise to understand the purpose they were created for as an African, many courageous men and women of Africa who had the ability to stand out and speak for the freedom of Africa, they were so brave enough to fight for the freedom of others, even they themselves has Freedom untouched, but they would so much love to see others have their own freedom untouched too, that is what a good leader does, that is what a freedom fighter does, A real freedom fighter fights for the freedom of others even though he's held captive, in the next chapter of this book I am going to enlist some of the great Freedom fighters that gave up their lives for the freedom of Africa, there are many Africans who understood that the purpose we were all created is to join in the struggles of Africa restoration and total freedom, there is no other purpose any African child was created for if not to assist in chasing away every foreign influence that has been embedded on Africa entirely, we are all created to contribute to release of the blessings of Africa from the hands of the withholder, but certainly not everyone shares this kind of view, not everyone has the courage to speak this truth, not everyone has the knowledge to understand this divine mandate given to us by our creator, not everyone has the ability to that change that deceitful stories about we been the second class citizens of the earth, not everyone has the power to resurrect the dead the beauties and the crippled strengths of Africa, not everyone understands this divine purpose, only few, only few in every century understands that the only purpose why we are created is to help liberate Africa from her biggest challenges "foreign influence" even though many knows this truth but finds it difficult to follow it, many knows that with time everything is definitely going to change, but they can't just help make it today, they don't just want that day to be today, many people knows that Africa is a big mess, many knows that Africa has been in great tribulation for centuries, many people knows that Africa is suffering from foreign influence, many nations knows that Africa will one day evolve again, many continents knows that one day Africa will wake up from their sleep and seek what is rightfully her's, many people knows that Africa is not going to end like this, many countries and many citizens knows that Africa is supposed to be better than what it is today, just as many of them knows that Africa will definitely be better than what it is today and some of them will feel the heat, some of them who perched on the wings of Africa sucking her resources and killing her people will definitely be cut off one day, that's for sure, that is why some of them are contributing greatly to make sure that day is not today, that is why most of them are consistently assisting to prevent that day from being today but deep down in their hearts they knows that it can only take time, "it is only time that will prove everything right and prove everything wrong" just with time the freedom of Africa will be unquestionable, unquenchable and unavoidable, "Time will prove all the Freedom fighters of Africa right and prove all the oppressors of Africa wrong" one thing I know for sure is that the purpose we were all created for is to support Africa in her battle against the atrocities and injustice done against her past and present children, so no matter how many number of her children who are been misled by the foreign influence embedded on Africa it won't change anything, it won't stop our purpose from being our purpose, it won't stop our forefathers from fighting for the chosen few who are willing to speak the truth to the world