Chapter 55 Poverty Makes Man Vulnerable

The rate of terrorism in the world today is just tantamount to the rate of uneducated poor people in the world today, the More people become educated and rich in the world today is the more safer the world today becomes, however, if poverty keeps rooting deep and spreading vastly in the world like it's doing already today the more unsafe the world generally becomes, no one would have peace if everyone doesn't have peace, the world is in chaos today is because because many poor uneducated people can do anything if you can pay them well no matter what it is, the number of poor people in the world today is far more greater than the number of Rich people in the world today, meanwhile there are many resources in the world today that can make everyone Rich forever and no one would be poor, how are you going to have peace? When only you have the ability to change the lives of everyone in your world from nothing to something but instead you packed it hidden in your house waiting for the day you will die and leave those blessings you were supposed to share to others in that hidden room, while you rotten alone in the grave and those people who were supposed to be liberated through the blessings and the opportunities from you will still remain poor and your children will continue from where you stopped to squander money in vain while many people are dieing of hardship, Some rich men says that no one helped them to achieve whatever there have Achieved so far but that's a big lie, no one made it without getting help from anyone, no one made it on their own, someone must have created the avenue for you to try, some of them inherited their wealth but still can't help others, because they don't know that it is the rate of poverty that the colonial masters imposed on Africa that shattered the peace of Africa today, If we were all Rich like them, we would have had more peace than them because we are peaceful people by nature, You can not sleep well at night when you neighbors children are crying of hunger, and believe me your properties are not also safe in the morning because some children can do anything just to eat food, the more educated people become the more safer the world becomes, poverty breeds many evil thoughts and many motivate many evil acts, If you are okay and I'm okay I wonder what could bring problem to us, There is no big difference between a rich kid and a poor kid just decision and opportunities, kids who were born in a rich home has that opportunity from birth but kids who were born in a poor home has to make that decision for themselves, A Nation thrives when the citizens are doing well, A nation is peaceful when it's citizens knows the value of education and love, A nation is doomed when the citizens are not educated and poor, that nation has the ability to go extinct completely forever in future, When everyone is rich in the family, that family becomes unstoppable, but when everyone is poor in the family, the family becomes a memes, If you are the only rich one in your community and the rest are poor, how are you going to live in Peace in that community? But in our nation Africa today poverty has become our trademark, poverty has become what is known of Africa as a continent with silver and gold, just because a particular set of people are going against the rules they made themselves, they said stealing is a crime, yet they are stealing our resources and they are not giving us the citizens anything at all, the pastors preach giving every day in the alter yet they have billions stacked in their house doing nothing while their members are dieing of hunger, yet they preach to you to sow seed with your last Money that God will reward you but they can't sow the same seed to your life for God to elevate them the more, refrain yourself from this mental madness, rules that was supposed to be observed starting from those in power before going down to the masses, those in authority should be the top most observer of the rules and regulations before expecting the masses to observe it, but they don't follow their own rules, how is someone like me "Wisdom Ndukwe" going to follow the rules that the makers are the breakers? the reason for making a government is to ensure easy, safe and peaceful sharing of the dividends of citizenship,Not to steal the resources for yourself alone, you can't steal it all, you can't live forever, you can't even steal it enough, it can only be enough for you but you didn't take enough of the resources, you will still vacate that seat one day and another person will emerge, The reason why you were given power is to regulate and enhance peaceful coexistence in every community in every nation, if there is progress in every home the rate of terrorism in the world would be curbed by 80%, If there is progress in every home the world would be so Peaceful and soft, why the world is not safe today and full of uncertainties from different types of terrorist organisation is poverty and hunger