Chapter 56 Who Ordered The Killing Of Twins?

The colonial masters forcefully imposed madness on Africa, while I was searching for something I came across the history that Mary whatever stopped the killing of twins in Nigeria, then it reminds me how we cherished that history as kids in primary school, they never thought us any history of any African legend but only the whites like lugard, shaw, park and the rest of them who came and imposed madness on us and forced us to believe they are doing us good, so I when I saw that history of Mary whatever that stopped the killing of twins in Nigeria I began to ask questions as an adult now, I asked one old wise man, Sir please I heard that Mary whatever stopped the killing of twins in Nigeria he said yes I asked him which state in Nigeria and which community was practicing that believe? He said that in his own state Enugu state in Biafra Land but he never mentioned the community though, he told me a story about that last set of twins in their community that experienced that madness imposed on Africans, when the twins were born sometime ago, it was a boy and a girl, the parents took the female baby to the evil forest for something to happen to the baby and they will say that the gods has taken it, even though its a carnivorous animal that ate the baby they would say it's the gods that accepted the baby, madness like I Said, he said the baby cried in the evil forest for four days and nothing happened to her then the parents brought her home and took the boy to the evil forest in exchange for the girl, the boy cried through out the night and nothing happened to him,then their paternal grandmother went to their maternal grandmother to plan a deal of taking the two babies out of the community so that no one would know what happened to them, later in the evening they took the two babies out of their paternal home to their maternal homes, then I asked the wise man Sir so the gods did not hurt those babies and never allowed neither carnivorous animal or cannibals to harm them rather allowed and helped escape them to a safe place, that means it wasn't the gods decree, it wasn't the gods order, someone must have lied to someone to be killing the set of twins in Africa to reduce the population of Africa so that they can attack Africa and conquer easily before Africans began killing the twins, because I have also heard many stories about kids who were sacrificed to the gods in the forest but at the end the gods trained them to be strong humans,Which means it wasn't what they said neither was it what they wanted, someone lied to someone before it began, if it was the decree of the gods to be killing twins in Africa it wouldn't have been a blessing today talkmore of standing today, So I told the old man that this could be one of the methods the white people used to convince us to reject our gods that has been doing everything good for us than bad, he Said that it was seen as a taboo in Igbo land then, to give birth to twins, then I asked him who gave the order and which gods was accepting it? He said truthfully that it was just their illiteracy and ignorance, Which means someone fooled them to believe in that, someone must have deceived them, I searched on Google about the killing of twins in Africa and it was only showing Nigeria and Igbo people, it was practiced in Igbo land while the Yoruba people worshipped twins as gods and they were not killing them, which means that twins were neither a taboo or a curse to the earth but rather one of the most desirable blessing to the earth, which literary means that these people has been going on deceiving our people, The "Biafran people" far back to reduce their population before attacking us, and the reason they fabricated that story was to make us hate our gods and turn our back on them while they have not turned their back on us, then they brought their Mary whatever to come and disguise as the savior of the twins in Igbo land just to deceive our forefathers to reduce their populations, just Incase you are still doubting ask this questions, Who ordered the killing of twins? Which gods decreed that giving birth to twins is a taboo to the earth? When did it start? Where did it start? I bet you No gods decreed such atrocious decree, No gods accepted it either, it was just the ignorance of people who were deceived by those white people that brought this calamities upon us, they forcefully imposed this madness on us, our gods were not monsters and they are not monster till today, we have just been accusing them based on what the white man told us and forced us to believe, what every African child should know on time is that everything they teach in Africa is lies, the religion they preach today are lies, the way of life they're adapting are fake not our original traditions, our mode of dressing, our mode of greetings, our mode of worship, our kind of foods, they have changed everything in Africa today, and our ancestors are calling us to realize ourselves before it will be late