Chapter 40: I didn't expect it

While the Weasley twins were laboriously plucking Billywig's stingers in the Potions classroom, Fish was in the kitchen eating and drinking, led by Comey, a group of house elves who had become veteran cat slaves and surrounded Fish and Mrs. Norris to serve the two cats.

After they had eaten and drunk, Fish decided to go for his usual walk, while Mrs. Norris liked to go for a walk every night to help Filch catch the night students.

So the two cats left the kitchen and wandered around Hogwarts.

But the two cats had different routes to take.

Fish likes to roam and wreak havoc, crawling into armor, getting under statues and leaving claw marks in the wood, or sneaking into unoccupied classrooms and pushing things off desks onto the floor, which Comey and the others will have restored by dawn anyway.

Mrs. Norris, on the other hand, wanted to catch the students on a night out, basically wandering from hallway to hallway, or snooping around the various dormitories in the houses and the entrances and exits to some secret corridors.

So it didn't take long for the two cats to disperse, moving into their own areas of interest.

On the second floor, Fish would not stay long. Although Madam Pomfrey at the school hospital often gives him snacks, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is also here, and the lingering garlic smell inside couldn't be stopped even with the doors closed.

And what's more...

Minerva's office was also on the second floor, and Fish didn't want to get caught.

His confinement was to take Mrs. Norris to the kitchen for lunch, and if Minerva found out he'd snuck out of the kitchen, she'd be back to scold him, so he'd better stay away.

The third floor is the stinky guy's office, and the smell is stronger than the second floor, so Fish just skipped it.

On the fourth floor, down the hallway to the left, was the award showroom, with all kinds of trophies, perfect for a cat's nest, and every once in a while he'd go in to take a nap or something.

However, Fish wasn't sleepy at the moment, so he had no intention of going in for the time being.

As Fish made his way to the fifth floor, he heard a footstep in the hallway to his right.

Fish flapped his ears as two footsteps came, one of them soft, probably from Professor 'Greasehead, and the other loud, from none other than the big man, Hagrid.

Whoever it was, Fish didn't want to be seen now, so he quickly sought a corner and hid.


He watched from around the corner as Snape strode down the corridor like a black cloud, followed by Hagrid, who was striding forward at none-too-quick strides.

Fish remained hidden in the dark corner, waiting for the sound of the two men's footsteps to fade before running off again.

"Meow?", Fish turned his gaze in the direction the two were coming from.

He had also passed by that place when he was touring the entire castle before, but in his impression it looked like there was only a very common wooden door there, and he had left after a quick glance, thinking it didn't hold much interest.

As for Dumbledore's mention of staying away from her at the beginning of the term, Fish was sleeping at the time and didn't hear him.

But now, he was intrigued by Snape and Hagrid.

With small, light steps he reached the wooden door at the end of the corridor, and Fish wiggled his little pink nose.

Behind the door there was a faint stench, a bit like that of a dog.

Then Fish flicked his ears again and heard a strange snoring behind the door: there were three snores, but the frequency of the snores was exactly the same.

"Alohomora!" (?ΦωΦ?)つ━☆? *.

Curious, Fish pulled out his wand and fired an Alohomora spell at the wooden door in front of him.

As before, the door didn't respond at all.

"Meow! It's not working," Fish cursed under his breath as he tapped his wand against the floor.

After looking at the wand for a moment, Fish picked it up, after all, it was the spell that was useless and he still liked the wand.

Putting the wand away, Fish walked over and gripped the door frame with both hands.


I guess I'll have to tear it off!

Pushing aside the wooden door, Fish smacked his hands together with satisfaction and then stretched his head to look inside.

Behind the door was a large black dog with three heads, which had been making the snoring noises, but had already been awakened by all the commotion Fish had made.

"Meow!", Fish was startled by the big dog in front of him.

He was familiar with dogs, but this was the first time he had seen a dog with three heads, and he was envious of how big it had grown.

"Hello, meow~ (●ΦωΦ●)?"

Fish trotted over to the three-headed dog and bowed his little head in greeting.

"Woof!" ×3

The three-headed dog responded immediately, then bent his three heads down and tried to lick Fish's face.

"Don't lick me, meow!", Fish backed up two steps and slapped his middle head on the nose.

Dogs had so much drool, and it stank so much, Fish never really liked being licked by dogs, especially when the dog in front of him was so big that he drooled even more.

"Oooh...," The slap wasn't hard, but the three-headed dog still cringed and let out a whimper of aggression.

"You drool too much, I don't hate you, meow," Understanding the three-headed dog's aggravation, Fish stood on his tiptoes to pet the dog's snout twice, apologizing for the slap he had just delivered.

The three-headed dog that was immediately comforted bent down and placed the three large heads in front of Fish.

Fish simply turned back into a cat and jumped on his middle head.

The cat and the dog exchanged "meow meow" and "woof woof woof woof".

This made Dumbledore, who was eavesdropping on the sidelines, very frustrated...because he couldn't understand.

And after Fish communicated with the three-headed dog for a while, it stepped aside, exposing the flap door beneath him.

Dumbledore's heart squeezed, this multi-level was not only set up for him to catch Voldemort, but also to train Harry Potter as the Savior, and it was not impossible for Fish to get through it, but only if he teamed up with Harry.

But what happened next was a relief to Dumbledore.

After showing Fish the trapdoor, the three-headed dog covered him up again, and no matter how much Fish meowed, pawed at his head, and bit his ears, the three-headed dog stayed at the trapdoor and didn't move.

Hagrid's animals were very loyal.

A relieved Dumbledore stroked his beard and smiled as he watched Fish intimidate the three-headed dog.

"Meow!" (I'm outta here! I'm pissed!).

When the three-headed dog stubbornly refused to let him into the trapdoor, Fish gave it two more paws and jumped off its head, intent on leaving.

There was still time to come back later, and according to Fish's own biological clock, it was almost twelve o'clock, and he had to remember to send Mrs. Norris with 'Jumping Eyes.

"Woof, Woof!"×3

The three-headed dog waved goodbye to Fish with all three heads at once, wagging his tail as fast as he could.

After leaving the room at the end of the fourth floor corridor, Fish wandered around the area that Mrs. Norris often patrolled and soon found her, and the two cats rubbed against each other before heading to the Potions classroom together.

On the way they met Peeves, but the mischievous one took one look at Fish and walked away, cursing because he knew he couldn't scare this little cat.

The two cats made it back to the Potions classroom safely, and Fish, in human form, entered.

Fred and George were still struggling to pull Billywig's stingers out, while Filch and Professor McGonagall watched them.

Meow? Minerva?

Fish looked a little wary when he saw Professor McGonagall, but he soon caught on.

I'm here to complete my confinement, so what's the point of feeling guilty?

A smile appeared on Fish's face as he ran to Professor McGonagall's side.

"Minerva! My confinement is complete! The confinement was fun!" ?●ω●?

Fish hugged Professor McGonagall and moved his little head to rub up against her.

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall twisted the corners of her mouth, thinking it was a good thing she had cared enough to take a look, otherwise she wouldn't have known that Filch, a guy with big eyebrows and big eyes, was giving Fish special treatment.

With a furious look, Filch turned his head shyly, not daring to meet Professor McGonagall's gaze.

However, Professor McGonagall had no intention of pursuing him, after all, Filch was well within his rights to assign whatever homework he wanted, and even if he had the sense to give a student a break, that was his freedom.

Professor McGonagall herself wanted to take this opportunity to teach Fish a lesson, but she never expected that even Filch, who had a bad reputation among the student body, would change his ways and be nice to him.

Well, how bad can a cat lover be?

Professor McGonagall looked at Filch, who was scratching Mrs. Norris's chin, and came to this conclusion very subjectively.

But then, in this way, Filch's confinement cannot be left to Filch.

Professor McGonagall looked at Fish, "Now that you have finished your confinement for the day, why don't you go back to bed?"

After dismissing Fish, she turned to Filch and said, "Starting tomorrow, I will confirm Fish's confinement, so keep an eye on the two Weasleys."

"You should, you should," Seeing that Professor McGonagall had no intention of pursuing him, Filch smiled and nodded.

As for what would happen to Fish next, Filch could only say regretfully that there was nothing he could do.

"Meow?" ?ω?

Fish looked at the two in confusion, not understanding what they were talking about.