Chapter 41: Ron has disappeared

"Harry! Get up! We have to go to Quidditch team tryouts," Ron came to Harry's bedside early Saturday morning, shaking him awake with great force.

"Oh!", Harry Potter hurriedly put on his glasses and sat up in his bed.

"What's the selection test?", Neville asked curiously, he hadn't done very well in flying lessons and had never considered making the quidditch team.

But still, Neville had come from a wizarding family, and when he heard the word Quidditch, he couldn't help but pay attention.

"The Gryffindor Quidditch team is short a seeker, and due to Fish's previous performance, Wood is looking at the first years to see if there are any other suitable candidates for the Quidditch team, and to get some replacements and reserves," It was Seamus Finnigan who answered Neville, who was holding a shoe over his foot and, judging by the situation, it was obvious that he was also planning to join in the fun.

"Dean, are you going too?", Neville looked at Dean Thomas, who was also up and changing, and if he remembered correctly, Dean had recently fallen out with Ron over which was more fun in the Muggle world, soccer or Quidditch.

"I'm just going with Seamus and the others, to see what all the fuss is about," Dean shrugged as he changed and waved to Neville, "Neville, aren't you coming? If only to cheer Harry and the others up."

Neville thought better of it and got out of bed.

Squirming back into the pillow, Fish opened one eye to look at the noisy housemates, flicked his little ears and went back to sleep.(=?ωΦ=)

Not to mention his lack of interest in Quidditch, Professor McGonagall had forbidden Fish to touch a flying broom, and this team selection had nothing to do with him in the first place.

Harry and the others were aware of Fish's situation, so they didn't disturb the sleeping kitten, got dressed and headed to the Great Dining Room for breakfast.

As for taking food to Fish....

It was none of their business to take food to Fish, who was never short of it.

Harry and the others finished breakfast in the Great Dining Hall and headed to the Quidditch pitch, where Wood had gotten permission from Professor McGonagall for the day.

Not only did she sign the permission, but even Professor McGonagall had come in person, but she was worried that her presence might affect the students' performance, so she didn't show up for the time being.

Apart from the new students, there were also several Gryffindors from other years who came to the pitch, as did Dean, to watch the tryouts, but not to participate in them, if they had the ability to do so, they would have been put on Wood's team by now, otherwise, why wait until now?

The only first-year students attending the auditions were Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Seamus Finnigan, and in the case of the girls, there was only Lavender Brown among the first-years.

Muggle-born Hermione Granger had little interest in Quidditch and preferred to spend her time in the library.

Parvati Patil, on the other hand, came from a place where flying carpets were more popular and flying brooms, let alone Quidditch, were rare, and although Parvati had been exposed to some Quidditch culture since moving to England, she had been influenced by her native culture and had very little interest in Quidditch.

"Let's test who's a better seeker," Wood handed out flying brooms to the three of them and some of the regulars on the team, before pulling a Snitch out of his pocket.

The only thing the Gryffindor team lacked at the moment was a seeker, if they could find one among the first years that would be best, if not, one of them would have to be chosen from George and the others, and then the first years would have to fill the void.

After all, in Quidditch, finding a player was so important, not only for scoring the most points, but also for determining the end of a match, that it had to be the top priority.

"Now, get on your brooms!" said Wood.

At Wood's command, Harry and the others climbed onto their brooms and slowly rose into the air.

Wood released the golden snitch in his hand and saw a flash of golden light, and they all lost track of it in an instant.

"The selection has begun!"

The crowd in the sky immediately dispersed, looking for the Snitch.


"Meow ~~~~~"

As Harry and the others wandered around the sky, Fish, lying on his pillow, straightened his limbs, bent backwards into an arc and stretched with a cheerful laziness, slowly coming out of his slumber.

Sitting up on the pillow, he licked his paws slowly and rubbed his face repeatedly for a few moments before shaking out his mustache and jumping off the bed.

Wagging his tail mindlessly, he contemplated where he would go to play today.

As for food, he was in no hurry, as anyone he encountered would offer him food as soon as he left.

At Hogwarts, or rather anywhere there were humans, Fish didn't have to worry about food.

"Meow?" (=ΦωΦ=)?

One of Fish's ears suddenly turned toward Ron's bed, followed by his head, and his little pink nose twitched twice.

It was the scent of a mouse.

Hadn't red-headed No. 4 taken his mouse?

This was a bit odd, as Ron was always on guard against Fish, in case he accidentally killed Scabbers.

Bah! Red-headed No. 4 underestimates me! Fish is so understanding!

Remembering how wary Ron had been of him when it came to Scabbers, Fish wagged his tail in disgust.

Without thinking, he jumped onto Ron's bunk and grabbed the fat mouse's body.

Scabbers woke up groggily, feeling like something was weighing him down and he couldn't move, and he rolled his pea-sized eyes to look up, and a familiar, huge cat face appeared.

It was Fish, a classmate of Scabbers' teacher Ron, who, like him, was an animagus.

Fish was now holding him in his cat form, looking up at him with his slowly widening green pupils.


Scabbers struggled as he realized that his only support was not in the bedroom.

"Meow!" (Run! Or I'll eat you.)

Fish let go of his paws and Scabbers jumped like an arrow.

Even if Fish hadn't threatened, he wouldn't have dared to lie there like he had when they first met.

In Ron's absence, there was no telling if this little wizard, who had been a stray cat for years, would actually eat him.

"Meow!" (Run faster!)

"Meow!" (run faster!)

"Meow~" (hahahahahahaha...).

Scabbers, who was struggling to escape, heard the cat's meow behind him, and hated it.

If it wasn't for the fear of Dumbledore discovering his presence, he would have reverted to his human form and used an Unforgivable Curse on the cursed cat behind him.

However, Scabbers could only think of such things, and as long as Fish didn't really want to eat him, he would never reveal his identity.

But then, he would have to keep running.

Since the animagus didn't have any special powers like the druid transformation spell, Scabbers was, apart from his intelligence, a very healthy and slightly stronger rat.

So after a chase, Scabbers was caught by Fish with no problems.

After giving Scabbers a couple of pats, Fish let him go and....

"Ha...!" ?(='?'=)?

After scaring Scabbers into running again, Fish immediately went after him with great enthusiasm.

After being stopped by Redhead No. 4 earlier, this time he was going to have fun!