Chapter 62: Fish ate the ham (Edited)

Harry and Ron returned to the dormitories, exhausted and depressed.

"How was Quidditch training?", Seamus Finnigan, who had heard the commotion, poked his head through the curtain and asked curiously.

"Ugh... never mind, we all lost the Snitch... Wood's freaking out, if it wasn't so late, he'd probably force us to turn the whole pitch over," Harry said.

Ron sighed and then shrugged, "I guess he most likely didn't close the case when he took the bludger, and that's why he missed the Snitch."

"Oh... that's pretty bad," Seamus said.

On the other hand, Dean Thomas also poked his head out and sighed without much encouragement, "The golden Snitch... sounds very expensive."

"Actually, that little thing is very expensive," Ron instantly found common ground as he gestured with an exaggerated expression, as if to emphasize how expensive the Snitch was, but unfortunately no one could understand his gestures.

"But fortunately, Mrs. Hooch said that all golden Snitches have long been under a tracking spell, just in case they accidentally get lost... This sort of thing happens from time to time," Harry said.

"So what's got Wood mad?" Dean scratched his head in confusion, "Isn't there a solution to this?"

"Teams that have a history of losing their Snitches will have more trouble borrowing balls for training in the future," Ron explained, "And it seems to have an effect on joining the national team in the future. Wood's greatest desire is to become a team player. A professional Quidditch player."

"Oh... that's pretty bad," Dean sighed again, not so effusively, before retreating back behind his curtain.

An exhausted Harry and Ron didn't feel like continuing their conversation, each tidied up and got into their beds to lie down, and the dormitory soon fell silent again.

As for Fish, after grabbing the Snitch, he ran straight to Hagrid's hut.

He usually hung out in the castle, but today he had to meet the big man and Fang, as it was his first time out.

But Fish came at a bad time, as Hagrid was on patrol in the Forbidden Forest with Fanh and no one was home.

After knocking on the door twice and finding no answer, Fish walked straight through the gap in the hut door.

With the Snitch in his mouth, Fish circled around Hagrid's hut, and jumped onto Hagrid's bunk and opened his mouth.

As soon as it was free of Fish's grip, the Snitch flapped its wings and tried to escape, but it didn't get very far before Fish's little furry paws hit it again.

The moment the Snitch was slapped, Fish jumped slightly to his side, sitting crouched on the ground, left paw raised and staring at the Snitch. (=?ω?=)?

Every time the Snitch flew, Fish's paw struck like lightning and sent him back to the ground.

After a few repetitions, Fish seemed to get bored and backed up a few steps, allowing the Snitch to fly, but since it was indoors, it could only wander around Hagrid's hut.

Whenever the gold thief mistakenly approached a gap near a door or window, Fish would arrive in time to push it away or knock it down.

Even if he flies high, Fish can climb to the ceiling using the spider walk spell and swoop down on the Snitch from the sky.

Unlike Scabbers and owls, the Snitch was tireless, so Fish had a lot of fun until he got a little tired of playing, then he held the Snitch tightly and returned to his human form.

Looking around for a moment, Fish grabbed the Snitch and ran to Hagrid's wooden table,

He found an earthenware teapot with a broken spout and shoved the Snitch in his hand into the teapot.

"I'm hungry meow...", Once that was done, Fish rubbed his stomach and started looking around again.

There were no other compartments in Hagrid's hut and he had a direct view of everything in it.

There were a few ingredients and condiments stacked by the fireplace, but Fish had no interest in raw food at the moment, so he looked at them and paid them no attention.

Soon his eyes settled on the hams hanging from the ceiling, cured pork that Fish knew could be eaten straight up, even uncooked.

As for the pheasants that also hung from the ceiling, they didn't even have their feathers plucked, so he didn't want to eat such annoying things.

"Accio ham!". Fish pulled out his wand and pointed it at a ham hanging from the ceiling.

Although the Spell was not in the first-year textbook, Fish had been caught by Minerva with it so many times in his first years that he had mastered it after a few tries.

Under the magic of the Spell, the ham shuddered slightly, then shook more and more until it broke loose from its hook and fell in front of Fish.

"Hey!", Fish reached out his left hand, the nails on his five fingers grew fast and furiously, becoming as sharp and long as blades.

With a swift movement of his arm, Fish sliced off a piece of the ham in front of him, then used his long, sharp nails to dig into the meat and chew it with satisfaction.

[Claw of the Beast]

This was a spell that Fish had accidentally awakened when he was helping Ron break his homework. This spell can make his claws grow bigger and sharper, so Fish still likes it.

The only downside is that it's a bit too sharp to use when fighting Minerva.

After eating a small piece of ham, Fish stretched, returned to his tabby form, and jumped onto the large bed Hagrid had placed in the corner.

The bed was covered with a patchwork of rags, and Fish rubbed his four little paws against it, then found a soft place to lie down and sleep.

Some time after Fish fell asleep, a faint noise was heard coming from outside the house, faint enough for a cat to wake up.

Fish flapped his ears, then looked in the direction of the sound and humanely lifted his paws and rubbed them twice around his eyes (=Φω?=).

After rubbing twice and realizing that something was wrong, Fish remembered that he was now a cat, so he simply sat down and began licking his fur and washing his face.

As for the noise outside, he could already hear the big man's footsteps and Fang's barking.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Hagrid pushed open the door and came in, and before he could find Fish on the bed, Fanh pounced on him wagging his tail.



Fish raised his paw and swatted back at the enthusiastic Fang, who didn't get angry at the blow, but stood up and rested his two front paws on the edge of the bed, wagging his tail vigorously.


"Fish? What are you doing here?", That's when Hagrid saw Fish's small figure, and he cheerfully walked over, sitting on the bed with his butt, causing Fish to bounce twice on the bed next to him.

"I've come to play with you, Meow!", Knowing Hagrid didn't understand cats, Fish transformed into his human form and sat cross-legged on the bed, replying as he pulled a handful of snacks out of his magic bag and handed them to Hagrid, "I was hungry and ate your ham, so here's my compensation!".

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!" Hagrid laughed as he pushed Fish's sandwich away, waving his hand, "No compensation needed! You can have what I have here, all you want, no problem!"

"Meow?" Fish blinked, dutifully stowing the snacks in his hands in the bag, then jumped off the bed, "Then I'll show you something good!"

With that, he ran to the wooden table and opened the lid of the teapot before a small golden ball popped out of it, but before it could escape, it was grabbed by a quick Fish.

"There, isn't that a Snitch?!" asked Hagrid, dumbfounded, as he looked at the golden ball in Fish's hand, still flapping his wings.

"Meow?" Fish cocked his head, "I don't know, I picked it up."

Well, he had found it in the box, and Fish was too good to lie.

"Oh... so it's probably from some House team that accidentally let the Snitch escape during practice," Hagrid speculated without the slightest hesitation, he didn't ask Fish to return it, and it wouldn't be long before Mrs. Hooch came looking for it anyway.

As Hagrid was thinking this, the wooden door of the hut burst open.

"Hagrid, has a Snitch come into your house?" asked Mrs. Hooch as she pushed the door open.

Then she saw Fish standing by the wooden table and hid his left hand behind his back and say, "Hello, Professor Shorthair! Fish hasn't picked up any Snitch?" (●?ω?●).

Mrs. Hooch: "..."

Hagrid: "..."

Fang: "Wow!"