Chapter 63: Quirrell (Edited)

God, not a single ball to play with!

Leaving Hagrid's hut, Fish returned to Hogwarts castle in a huff.

The Golden Snitch was finally returned by Fish....

It wasn't that Fish wanted to return it, it was that the Snitch had suddenly "died", not knowing what Mrs. Shorthair had done.

A little ball that didn't fly no longer made sense to Fish, so he returned the Snitch.

Although Fish knew the Snitch wasn't really "dead," the problem was that he couldn't bring it back to life, so he reluctantly returned it. So he reluctantly returned it.

'Humph, if you won't give it to me, don't give it to me, I'll just ask Minerva to buy me one, OR I'll play with Scabbers!' thought Fish.

Fish wagged his tail and didn't give the matter too much thought, anyway, he had so many toys that he didn't need this one.

Now where to play?

Fish wandered around the castle, wondering where he should go next.

He wasn't too sleepy after his nap at Hagrid's, he wasn't hungry after eating ham and he had spent a good while playing with the golden ball, so he didn't feel like exercising too much now....

After walking for a while, Fish lay down in the middle of the hallway, staring at the candle flame waving on the wall, and began to be in a daze.

Every now and then, a passing ghost would wave at him, and Fish would respond by wagging the tip of his tail.

After lying in the middle of the hallway doing nothing for a while, Fish got up again and wandered around Hogwarts.

The second and third floors smelled too bad, and he didn't want to go looking for the mean old man right now, so, as usual, he quickly skipped them, and without knowing exactly what he was doing, he unconsciously made his way to the kitchen door.

'Okay, let's get some food from Comey and go see Luvi,' With that in mind, Fish transformed back into his human form, reached out and scratched the pear in the paint twice, then the pear turned into a handle and pushed to enter the kitchen.

"Master Fish! You're here!", Comey was the first to greet him, followed by the other house elves in the kitchen.

"Welcome back to the kitchen!"

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Bring the food!"

"Fish! Fish first!"

The group of house elves shouted, filling the kitchen with four long tables in the blink of an eye.

"Please come and sit here! Master Fish!", Comey gracefully polished the wooden stool closest to Fish.

Fish muttered, "Well, I'll just stop by for something to eat, I'm not very hungry..."(●Φ﹃Φ●).

"I'm not very hungry" Fish twitched his nose and, after some deliberation, decided to respond to Comey's enthusiasm.

As he sat down, he pulled out the magic bag the mean old man had given him and said, "Fill this bag for me meow, by the way, just meat."

"You're going to take food to Luvi, aren't you? Master Fish is very kind."

After all, this is not the first time, the elves here naturally know who Fish is going to feed the food, but this does not stop them from praising Fish.

The food on the table was quickly shoved into Fish's magic bag, revealing the Weasley twins who were sitting across from Fish.

Fish greeted the twins in front of him as he munched on his food, "Meow? It's No. 2 and No. 3! How are you guys?"(●Φ~Φ●)?

"Good evening, Fish..."

Fred replied weakly, and then continued to stare at the empty plate in front of him with George, with a look of despair on his face.

They hadn't even finished eating...and they had taken it all away....

The difference in treatment was all too apparent.

The twins sighed in unison.

They had come to the kitchen to treat themselves because they were so tired from tonight's training, but they hadn't eaten more than two bites when Fish came in and there was no more food... for them!

"Oh, sorry, both Mr. Weasley's!", It was only then that the house elves discovered that they had accidentally put the twins' food in Fish's magical bag, apologized and began to chastise themselves as they went back to serving the twins' food.

"Meow? Turns out Comey isn't the only one who likes to bang his head against the wall. Your hobbies are really strange, meow."

Fish cocked his head to the side, completely baffled by the house elves' behavior, although the cats occasionally struggled with their hind legs and tails, they didn't do it with as much force as the elves.

Blood was being spilled!

Fish, who had always thought that was the same as cats fighting with their hind legs, didn't stop them, but watched curiously.

Luckily, George and Fred were able to stop the self-harming house elves in time, but they had lost their appetites after all the commotion and after a few quick bites to comfort the elves, the twins left the kitchen a little embarrassed.

"Well, I should be going too, meow," Fish wasn't very hungry, so after two grilled fish, a sausage and a plate of shrimp, he got up and left.

"Come back when you have time!"

"We'll have all kinds of delicious food for you!"

"If you need anything, just call our name!"

With the elves' warm farewell, Fish left the kitchen, turned back into a cat, and ran up to the fourth floor.


Upon reaching the fourth floor, Fish shrugged his little nose, he seemed to smell the stinky guy's scent, and the scent... seemed to be directed at Luvi.

Even though he hated the stinky guy's smell, Fish planned to take the food to Luvi as planned, and ran down the hallway to the right of the fourth floor, resisting the unpleasant smell in the air.

But to make himself feel better, Fish opted to adopt human form: at least his sense of smell would be less acute and he could stick his hand out to hold his nose.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Fish found no trace of the stinky guy.

"Strange, I clearly smelled the stinky guy's scent, meow," Fish removed his palm from his face and frowned as he sniffed around him, noticing that the smell, which had been strong a moment ago, was dissipating quickly.

"Is it gone already, meow?", Fish cocked his head to the side, it would be better if the stinky guy wasn't there, so he wouldn't have to hold his nose.

Putting the matter aside, Fish ran for the wooden door.

Hiding, Quirrell sighed in relief as he used a magic spell to mask his scent in time.

He had gone out to look for clues about the stone, avoiding everyone, but when he was surprised by Fish, he realized that his scent was a huge vulnerability, but he had found it just in time so as not to interfere with the Dark Lord's plans.

Relieved, Quirrell looked curiously at Fish, he had tried several times to open the rough looking wooden door without making too much noise.

Voldemort, who was glued to the back of his head, was on his deathbed and had no power to deal with the door.

Now looking at Fish... a natural animagus who is more famous than Harry Potter at Hogwarts, he seems to have a way to open this wooden door that is difficult for him and the Dark Lord?

[Ant's Strength] [Bull's Brute Strength] [Savage Power].

At Quirrell's suspicious look, instead of pulling out his wand, Fish silently applied the three buffs to himself and then grabbed both sides of the wooden door with both hands.


Just like the previous times, Fish easily ripped off the entire door.

With ease, Fish pushed the door aside and walked into the room, shouting, "Luvi! I've come to see you, meow."

Professor Quirrell, who had tried so hard to open the wooden door, and Voldemort, who also couldn't do anything at that point: "..."