Chapter 5

At eight o'clock in the morning, Eloy had no class, so he stayed in bed and went back to sleep. Suddenly there was a loud tapping on the door, and it didn't stop, one louder than the other, interspersed with a few yells.

She first buried her head under the covers, but the effect was negligible. She sat up from the bed with fire in her heart and annoyance.

What kind of annoying guy was it? It was disturbing her good dreams so early in the morning.

"Eloy! I know you're in there! Get your ass out here!" Miranda yelled from outside the door, and the door and frame shook together as if they were trying to turn the house upside down.

It turned out to be her, and a smile appeared at the corner of Eloy's mouth. Her anger had dissipated cleanly, and she felt that her revenge campaign should have been a complete success when she saw such a big emotional reaction from Miranda.

She left the jarring door aside first and fished her phone out from under her pillow, and the message alerts were amazingly numerous. There were messages with condolences that were really prying to see if she had really broken up, messages to help her denounce Miranda and Klem, and the funniest part was that these two parties had also called her a dozen times as well as sent her countless messages.

Luckily, she turned on the mute in order to sleep, otherwise she would have been miserable this morning.

Ignoring these unimportant people for now, she first dialed the campus security guard's number.

"Yes, I don't know what's going on, but the person at the door is very aggressive, I don't dare open the door, and I suspect she's carrying a weapon. Please come quickly, I'm really scared."

"Okay, don't open the door yet, protect yourself first."

Eloy casually picked up a jacket and draped it over her body, it was impossible not to open the door first, how could she not be part of the show with such a good follow-up.

With a click, the lock opened and she pulled the door open.

Miranda outside the door did not expect her to really open the door, her hand pounding on the door hung in mid-air, she continued to hold it up is not good, put it down is not right.

Eloy sent the evidence of Klem's cheating on Miranda to Cara yesterday, who was work at the Ministry of Information. her looks were outstanding and had a high popularity in the college, while Klem's family was well-off, and his looks were not bad. the two were the focus of the school's attention when they were having an affair, and almost every batch of new students enrolled, their love story would be spread again.

So the breakup coupled with the cheating news would be an explosive news as well, see, it was only sent out not long ago this morning and now there were already countless messages pouring in to her.

She took a step forward with a meaningless smile on her lips. Her last name was Fox, and although she hadn't lived in the Fox estate, there were always rumors circulating in the wealthy neighborhood. Perhaps Miranda happened to remember something, her momentum weakened and she took a half step backwards, forced into the hallway by Eloy.

There were still many students in the dorm who did not have classes, and they had heard the commotion long ago, and soon part of them gathered to see what was going on. Some had already raised their cell phones, taking pictures and photography, all waiting to spread the word to share the aftermath of this explosive news.

Miranda's momentum only weakened for a moment, and soon her straightened her back.

"How can you do this to us, Eloy? I did something wrong, everything is my responsibility, why do you have to involve Klem in this?"

Miranda's best trick was to put herself in the lowest position, then used other people's interests as an excuse to lash out at people, in fact, the ultimate goal was just for herself, her trick to confuse many people was here, but Eloy had already seen through this person. In fact, Eloy occupation of the high ground of public opinion so early was also based on this consideration.

"What did I do to make you make a scene here in the morning? You also know that you did something wrong? Then where did you get the strength to hammer my door?"

Miranda didn't expect her to refuse to admit it, originally she had presented an image of honesty and reliability, but this time, she showed her fangs as well.

She had to roll her eyes and find another way out, "Eloy, you are not a person who loves to lie, you must not speak against your conscience because of such a bad thing, the news was released by the school's news department, who doesn't know that you and Cara, the vice president of the news department, are close friends?"

Eloy sneered, not taking the bait, "What kind of logic is that, because Cara is my friend, she must be covering me up? On the contrary, your behavior is suspicious. You did something bad and knew it would be revealed sooner or later, so you're throwing me in the towel first?"

Miranda was unable to argue with Eloy, and she was dissed by Eloy.

Eloy's eyes glared at Miranda with a vicious expression, and suddenly there was the sound of running from the other side of the corridor.

Both of them turned their heads at the same time and found that the person who came was actually Klem.

"Eloy!" he gasped, running to a stop in front of them in a few steps. He came around to Eloy, directly ignoring Miranda next to him.

His eyebrows knitted together, his expression both sad and sorrowful, "Did you do that? If you can relieve your anger, then I can accept it."

She looked at him as if she saw the once that she had loved. Among the many flashes of her love for him, tenderness was one of them. But after he had transferred his tenderness and love to someone else, he was using his tenderness to hurt her.

"But Miranda is innocent, and I want you to delete the part where you've invaded her privacy."

Her eyes widened, trying to see how the man in front of her had suddenly become a stranger to her. She was tempted to ask him when exactly his cheating had started. She suddenly didn't think it was as simple as rolling in the sheets. Was it that Miranda's attentiveness struck him when he came to see her one time. So everything he had promised her had become a joke, the man who had sworn to break his vows.

But before her questioning could be uttered, a cry, not too loud, but just caught by those present, rang out.

"Don't blame Eloy like that, she was just confused for a moment." Miranda literally squeezed out a few tears, and while he turned around, she had her hands wrapped around his arms.

"I know you love her very much, and I've heard your love story, so the mistake was made by me, you mustn't fight because of me!"

The words that made Eloy roll her eyes surprisingly really struck Klem, and he literally frowned and begged her once more.

"As long as you delete that part of her, I can accept everything else."

Forgot it, she felt that everything was really lost, youth or love, already dead in the past. Although the heart still hurt vaguely, but it was better than the greater betrayal that followed. An orphan like her was best at healing her wounds alone.

"Do you know that your mother came to see me?"

"Yes..." he wondered for a moment, but then immediately looked at her with worry. "Did she give you a hard time?"

"No." It seemed that Mrs. Bird had not yet told her son everything. She was determined at this moment to make a clean break for her past.

"She asked me to choose between you and the scholarship, and I chose the scholarship."

He looked at her incredulously, only to receive an affirmative look.

"Why!" He grabbed her arm and questioned in a loud voice, "Have you given up me? Or did my mother threaten you? You tell me and I will protect you."

If this matter had been put in the past, she would have really believed his words; what mattered was not whether he could do it or not, but that he was on her side. She was most afraid of being alone, without accomplices or rescuers.

"Do you know why I fell in love with you in the first place?"

He still took her arm, but with less force in his hand.

"Why?" He asked in a whisper.

"Because at that time you were still worthy of my trust, we still had a future, I was still able to have something to look forward to. I knew that every step I took, every decision I made, was worth it.

But what about now? You destroyed them with your own hands, and I don't even need to fight with your mother anymore, so why should I fight with so many people and end up getting stabbed by you?"

She spoke so emotionally that tears welled up in her eyes, and she shook off his hand and took a half step back, not looking at the remorse and unwillingness in his eyes.

Someone else rushed over, and there was more noise in the direction of the stairs.

"Which one of you called for help?"

"It was me." Eloy raised her arm and gestured to campus security. "Miranda and I have a big misunderstanding, and I'd like the school to help reconcile it."

Miranda looked at the security guard and Klem with a stunned expression and wanted to say something else.

But the security guard had already walked up to her, "Come on, student, go to the office and talk about it."

Eloy had done something so reasonable that even the teacher couldn't get evidence to educate her. So she left while Miranda was still receiving education related to not using violence and emotions to solve problems.

She was alone along the outer roads of the school without a purpose, Klem was picked up by his mother and no one would bother her now.

It really did seem like a dream; she had experienced more ups and downs in the past few days than she had in her life before. But what happened after the noise receded? There was really nothing left. She hugged her arms, as if she was a little cold, and as if she was a little lonely.

Suddenly, a Bentley pulled up beside her. She tilted her head and casually glanced at what she thought was someone trying to get out of the car here, and she quickened her pace.

"Miss Eloy, are you escaping?"

The car door opened and Felix stepped out.

She froze in place, unable to make any reaction for a long time.

"What?" He walked up to her and he leaned forward slightly to look at her face, "Miss Eloy, are you trying to play dumb?"

"No, no," she took a general step back and explained in a panic, "but I did get a little surprised how I ran into you again by chance."

"Not a chance encounter," Felix looked at her surprised expression with a slight smile, "Have you forgotten? You promised to wash my car."