WebNovelSOFT ICE50.00%


At the rooftop, Erica could be seen sitting at the very edge while swinging her legs,she closed her eyes to enjoy the fresh unpolluted air blowing her hair which she loosened earlier,she became lost in her thoughts and failed to notice that someone was sitting beside her, soon enough she opened her eyes only to see someone's face in front of hers, this startled her and she fell backwards.

"Oops,sorry, didn't mean to scare you, I was just tryna observe your features from a closer distance, My bad" a boy of 19 years old said why grinning, not showing any sign of remorse for his recent actions. Erica pushed him off her and the boy fell back while supporting himself with his palms pressed on the ground, "Why are you here?" She questioned him, he raised one of his brows "Why can't I be here?" He questioned back, Erica glared at him before she abruptly stood up to leave as she knew that this young man would be nothing but trouble.

"You really have a temper you know" he said, Erica stopped in her tracks for reasons which she herself doesn't know

"Normally you should start by asking who I am, Instead you asked why I am here, but no problems, I am here to return this to you, It fell down when you stood to answer a question, At first I wanted to keep it with me because I fancied you a bit and I wanted to know your reaction on losing it because just a glance at it tells me that it must be something you cherish a lot, But I've changed my mind, I've realised that you're not even that unique as you claim to be, you just have pretty face and cool eyes with blonde hair, Ahh what am I even saying, Just take this, it belongs to you anyway" he said as he drew out his palms towards her, a shiny silver coloured bracelet came to view, she was baffled as she took it, this was the only thing left of her mother which she had, this was more like her good luck charm and she took it wherever she went to because with it it felt as if her mother was with her.

He stood up from the edge of the rooftop and started walking away when he heard eight letter words that made him spurn around "Thank you" she said, A smile crept it's way towards his face "Merlin, I'm Merlin Reeks" he said before he left.

For the past 11 years those two words has never escaped from her lips, she never needed anyone's help so there wasn't a point of showing gratitude, she never apologized and the word 'Please' doesn't exist in her dictionary, but today she struggled within herself to say it out and she did, Too bad, the recipient doesn't know the value of such words that were thrown at him, these thoughts ran through her head, He didn't even say something like 'You're welcome' or 'My pleasure' and he told me his name 'Did I ask for his name' she scoffed while walking to the cafeteria as she noticed that it was break time, 'Today is gonna be one hell of a long day' she thought