
Hi my name is Narvian. Narvi for short. I am a demon. So here is where my story starts.

I was out playing one day when I was 5 years old. Then suddenly people attacked. My mother and father dragged me out to a hiding spot for emergencies which this was. After they put me in, they closed it and I stayed quiet like we practiced. I waited until everything went quiet which was mm, I don't know maybe 1 hour. I was too little to know the timing anyway I am just assuming. When I got out, I thought all was safe. Then I was taken thinking that. "Let me go!" I said. Kicking him and trying to hit him to let me go. "Stay still brat!" said the man trying to take me. I kept doing it until they knocked me out. I don't remember what happened after that. I do remember I got beaten a lot when I was kidnapped.

I was beaten for years. At this time, I was 16 years old. Me and a little boy not much older than me. "Hey do you want to come with me to escape?" He nodded quietly. "OK listen to what I have to say ok?" Then he pointed at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry this will heal." The boy didn't speak but I knew what he meant. "Ok when the guards are asleep, I have an idea. I'll need your help, ok?" The kid nodded. "Ok then." So, once they were asleep, I put my hand out and tried quietly to sneak the keys. But I was caught. "Shit!" I said. I tried so many attempts and all failed. Then one day there was an attack.

The guards were getting all anxious and were guarding us more than before. "Shit. Hang in there man. We can do this ok?" The boy nodded in agreement. Then the guards were killed and we were trying to get out by making noise. One of the men that were attacking everyone broke us out but they captured us as well. "Huh captured again. Why are we so unlucky man?" So, we just sat there quietly like obedient little boys. Then eventually we got to our destination. They dropped us down roughly.

"Ow could you be a little more gentle?! Are you ok man?" he nodded Yes. "You know I hope one day you talk and tell me your name. I'm interested to know. Will you someday?" He nodded his head yes. "Good." Then a man and woman came out. "Hey don't be so rough on the boys they are still youngsters." Said the man. "All of you go now!" Then everyone left. It was just us 4. "Hello sir. Madam. Are you going to hurt us too?" "Oh, you poor kids. No, we don't plan on hurting you. Here let's untie you and bring you in to get cleaned up." "Oh, he doesn't like to be touched and he doesn't talk I don't even know his name so be careful please. Only I am able to touch him since we are close." "Oh, ok sorry." Said the old woman. "Its fine. By the way my name is Narvian I go by Narvi." "Are you really? You're really the…." "The what sir?" "No never mind. Like my wife said let's get you cleaned up." So, we got cleaned up and it was a happy day. We had a nice warm bed that day and slept wonderfully.

The next morning, I woke up and my buddy who I named buddy since I didn't know his name. He liked it. He was already up. "Did you sleep good?" He had wide eyes and nodded yes. Then we both went out in just our pants and saw the old couple had made breakfast. "Oh, good morning boys. I was just making breakfast. Come sit and eat." "Yes madam." "Oh, please call me Luna and this is my husband, Leo." "Leo. Luna. Thank you for taking us in. we have been in that hell hole since we were 5 years old." "Oh, sweet children we are so sorry you had to stay for so long. you are probably starving let's get some food in those bellies. You boys need to grow up strong to protect each other and yourselves, right?" "Yes, Luna and thank you." So, we ate our food and they explained what the situation was.

"Ok if you boys don't mind you can help us out around the house or outside mostly manly work." "Yeah sure. It's the least we can do for taking us in Luna." "Oh my what a polite young man." So we got dressed in the clothes they got us and started helping out around the house or whatever they needed help with.

We stayed there for at least 2 years. We were not 18 years old but we still stayed there. Actually I wouldn't be 18 for another month or 2 but my friend was already 18. Lucky Bastard. We didn't need to worry about money but I worked anyway while buddy helped out Luna and Leo. They both knew I was working hard for them as a smith. I would come home and be all dirty and I would go home and take a shower. My job was to make small weapons for starters. Then I would work my way up to bigger swords. I missed my parents in these type of times. I may have been little but that is something you won't forget. Seeing your parents killed right in front of you. Seeing the man's face and not being able to do anything about it. I clenched my hands in anger then calmed down for a bit. I took a deep breath and let it out. Then finally I came out of the shower and changed my clothes. "Oh now you look decent Narvi. Are you feeling ok you look pale kid?" said Leo. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." Then I saw buddy's face. "I'm fine buddy really. I'm going to lay down for a bit." "Ok get some rest you don't look so well." Said Luna.

I went to lay down and closed my eyes. I didn't realize it was so bad that I was having a fever. "Ha... Ha... No. Mom. Dad. Don't go." I heard the door open but I couldn't open my eyes if I wanted too. I felt someone shaking me. I heard my name. "Narvi. Narvi honey. Are you ok Narvi? Narvi!" Then I woke up with a start. "Oh Luna. Is everything ok?" "You're not well you are sweating. I brought the doctor with me." "Oh, you didn't need to do that." "Yes, we did." Said Leo. "Ok doc please." Said Leo. "Fine since he's already here I'll let him." So everyone went out for some privacy.

"Doc I'm really fine. I just got home from work. I work as a smith and I took a shower to clean off. A nice cold one. Then I just had a bad memory that's all." "Is that really all young man?" "Yes, doc that's all please. I can't do this anymore. Just do what you have to please. I need to rest." "Yes, right away young man." Then he did his tests and gave me a shot for my fever. "Ok hopefully by tomorrow morning you will be fine." "Yes sir." Then he left and I got sleepy and slept a little better.

Midnight that night I decided to try to sneak out without buddy. The window was already open for air at night. Then I stepped out still not feeling so well but managed. Then I started running towards the gate out of here. I don't want what happened to my parents happen to them. I have a feeling they were after me. Finally, I was out of the village. I had some weapons I was supposed to hang on to for someone but I took them with me to try to defend myself. I don't want buddy getting hurt because of me. Or my new friends Leo and Luna. So, I ran and ran until I couldn't see the village anymore and said, "Sorry Leo and Luna. I will see you again, I hope. Buddy, I better see you again too or when I die you will regret it friend." I said out loud with no one listening. Or so he thought.

The little demon boy kept running until he was being attacked. "Shit. I knew this day would come. I started fighting the men off and I killed every last one of them. Then I tried to hurry off. I was so badly injured I learned to stitch myself up so I did it. I may have done a horrible job but at least its done. All I could do was wait here for a bit until I can catch a breather.

Finally it was time to go out again. I did my best walking about then I felt an arrow hit me and that did it and I was falling down then I felt someone catch me. I looked up and saw a gruffy old man and passed out. The old man had killed all those who were trying to kill him at that moment. He looked at Narvi's wound and saw it was pretty bad. Both of his wounds. "Hang in there kid. You better not die on me." "Hmm. Ha…Ha…" "Shit he's got a fever. Sigh I guess I have to use this. Never thought I would use it on a demon boy." Then he smeared some ointment and wrapped him up nice and snug so it didn't hurt the wound or him. He lit a fire and watched the little demon boy thinking he reminded him of himself. "Kid you have the look in your eyes I had at a young age. You must have gone through hell as well. Considering those scars."

The next morning. I woke up not knowing where I was a moment then coming back to my senses. "I thought I was shot by a poison arrow?" "You were kid." Said the old man. "Uh…" "I see your confused kid. I was there when you were shot I bandaged you up and healed you." "I-I see." "So what is your name kid?" "That is none of your business sir. You will earn my trust to know it. I won't give it to just anyone. For now call me Arson." "Ok Arson. What brought you into this neck of the woods?" "Like I'd tell you old man." "Hey I am in my prime still. I'm 35." "Yeah and I am 10 years old, not." "Hey really I'm not lying." "Fine Fine I believe you. I will at least give you my age. I am 17 almost 18 not that you should care." "Why are you such a rough kid?" "I will tell you one thing. You better be careful around me. I left these people for a reason. They are nice folks and I don't want my friend buddy to get killed because of me. Everyone who has been close to me dies. End of story." "Oh I see. So do you think you are cursed?" "What if I do? I assume you are a human correct?" "Yeah what of it? I am just a wonderer I lost my family and became one not wanting to get close to anyone." "So you saw a lonely young demon boy to help then once I'm better you're going to leave me in the dust right?" "Nope. I'll take you wondering with me." "What the hell? No way in hell I'm going to do that. I do things alone. I shouldn't have told you so much. Shit. Now they will probably know you have been with me and will kill you. I have to go." I tried to stand up but flinched in pain. "No kid. Just relax. No one is going to hurt you or me. At least not right now." "I'm sorry but I have to go. I have to be somewhere." "Ok I won't ask can I at least make sure you get there, ok?" "I'm sorry no. If I ever see you again I will thank you for taking care of me. In the mean time if a man comes by who can't talk I named him buddy. Don't tell him you have seen me. You will regret it." "Fine let me at least send you off." "Fine do as you want but that's all sending me off not following me ok?" "Sure whatever."

Then the man did as he promised he saw me off and gave me a stick to help me walk. Then I used it with all my strength and he gave me food as well for my journey as well for wherever I was going. He probably knew I lied he was young once.

After walking awhile I found a cave to sleep in. I laid down in it. I winced in pain but managed. The next day I went back on my journey. I don't think I'll ever find where I belong but that's ok. I don't want anyone hurt because people are after me. Its fine. I should be used to it by now. There were some in the years I stayed with Leo and Luna. With the training I had I did good there were a bunch of people that had to be killed and I helped out. So I should be used to seeing killing by now so it won't surprise me.

I was so bored and it was getting hot. If I wasn't a demon I wouldn't have to worry about going to the human village. This is shit." Then I was getting weaker and I heard footsteps I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. I was just so weak and about to black out. I felt someone catch me and didn't know who it might be. Then I blacked out.

When I woke up it was dark outside. It was nice and cool. "Hmm. Cough! Cough! What is going on? Where am I?" "Easy there man." "Who are you?" I said in an angry tone. "Woah relax. I just helped you. My name is Zala. I saw you were about to pass out from the heat and helped you." "You shouldn't have done that. Everyone who comes in contact with me will die. I can't tell people my real name." "That's fine. Here take the rest of the medicine. Then if you must go at least eat something first." "I'm sorry I can't. I have to go." "Ok then. At least be safe." Then she hopelessly saw him off. Then he went back on his journey to wherever he was going to end up.

He had to fight a lot of people on his journey and kept meeting a lot of people afraid that something will happen to them. He decided to take a break. He was so mad that people are going to continue helping him and end up dead because of him. He just wishes sometimes that someone would kill him. He vowed that if anyone was killed because of him again he swears he will never look or get close to anyone again.

"That's it I am done." I said. I was thinking of how and where I would kill myself. I'm done with seeing and hearing people die because of me. I won't be able to take it. If more people know me then eventually the whole world won't exist. Maybe a whole village. Dammit!" Then he found a cliff. He threw his stuff down. "Sorry buddy I guess I will never hear you speak. You are the one person I will miss the most. Leo and Luna the old man and that woman." Then he jumped into the ocean. He was going further and further down until someone jumped in and grabbed him. Just barely managed. Just a second longer and Narvi wouldn't had been able to be saved.