Chapter 2: The Meeting

Navi was getting his chest pressed on at the moment to get the water out of his lungs. "Come on Kid! You better not die! Don't die!" Then he was turning paler. "Shit. There is only one thing left to do. I didn't want to have to do this. Kid you will be sore after this." He used a temporary power to press his chest enough to make him spit out the water. "COUGH! COUGH! Its you!" Then he passed back out. The person checked to make sure he was still breathing and looked relieved.. "Thank the heavens kid. You are going to live longer." Narvi had a fever. The person knew he had a fever but let it pass on its own. That's the only thing you can do The person put a blanket on Narvi to warm him up and put a blanket on him to help as well.

Narvi was finally waking up but felt sluggish. "Argh. I don't feel so good." He tried sitting up but felt dizzy. "Relax kid. You still have a fever. I saved you from drowning." "Is that so? Why exactly did you save me? I didn't want to be saved. This world would do better without me. Anyone who comes in contact with me dies. Old man." Yes it was the old man that said he would see him again. He just didn't think it would be this soon. "I didn't give you my name. My name is Ash. Are you going to tell me your real name Kid?" "No like I said before earn it. I wonder what day it is today? How many days have I been away?" "Your going to hate me for this kid. But I know someone who can tell you. Well not tell you but show you." "NO way! You didn't!" "Yep buddy is here. I had him do something he was the one who spotted you and I was the one that saved you." "Sigh. Dammit! Wait! If he is here does that mean something happened to Leo and Luna?"

Buddy finally showed up and was shocked. He ran over to me and hugged me. "Ow easy. I'm still sick. I missed you too Buddy. How is everyone at the village? Please tell me they are ok." I saw Buddy's face look sad. "What happened?" I grabbed Buddy's collar to get some answers. "Woah there Kid. Easy you know he can't talk relax. He wrote it down here." Then I let go of him and apologized. He knew I didn't mean anything by it.

I took the paper that Buddy had written on and read it. "Shit! I knew they would come back for me!" I saw buddy shake his head. "What do you mean no." He wrote it down on the paper. It wasn't the same people who attacked before. It was palace knights. "What the hell ? Why would they be after me?" "Ok kid. Now it the time you tell me who you truly are. I'm not joking." "I can't seriously. When I woke up last time I lost some of my memory. I don't know my name but I do remember the people who took care of me." 'Is it ok if buddy tells me?" "Sigh if you die Ash You will regret it one day got it!" "Yeah whatever kid." Then Buddy wrote down a name. "Narvian. Narvi." Then my head started to hurt from memories coming back. "Argh! Dammit!" I yelled. "Its ok Buddy he will be fine in a moment." Ten a few minutes later he was fine but not before he blacked out.

It wasn't long before Narvi woke up. "Hmm. Ow. My head." I said. "Hey you ok kid?" "My name is Narvi. Call me that." "Ok Narvi. How are you feeling?" "Like I got kicked in the head by a horse." "Haha. Well you didn't you just got your memory back is all." "Oh right. I remember my name now. Oh no did I tell you my name?' "You must have been out of it yes. You told him to write your name and to call you that instead of your fake name." "OK kid ready to journey?" "Yes where too?" "Wherever." "I guess so. Come on Buddy." SO he got up and followed us.

We walked until night time. We found a cave to chill for the night. "Buddy do you know why people were shocked at my name?" He made sure that Ash was asleep before he asked that question. Buddy wrote something down. He wrote: Yes but are you sure you want to know? If you do I have something else to tell you." I shook my head yes. "Ok then. You Are Narvian Astria Dragonblood. Crown prince of all Mystical beings but the Kingdom is called Aria." "No way! How can I? NO why would I? My parents were just commoners. Demon commoners like me. If that is true who are you really?" Then he wrote down the other thing he had to tell me. "I will tell you when I speak at the palace. Since I was 5 I was told not to speak to anyone so I decided not to speak. I will tell you everything when I get there. I was told not to talk until I brought back the Prince." "I see. Is it ok if I still call you buddy until then?" I saw him nod. "Ok thanks. Is that where we are headed is the palace?" Then he wrote something else. "Yes but I started walking this way is secret not letting Ash know where it is that we are going. Now I have to burn this ok?" "Yeah sure." Then he burned it till there was nothing left of the paper. Ash woke up to smoke. "Oh, it's you kids. What do you think you are doing?" said Ash. "Sorry Buddy was just showing me his power." "Oh ok just be careful next time. Let's rest we got a long journey ahead of us." "Yes sir."

The next morning, we were eating and getting ready to go. Then me and Buddy were deciding what to do in secret. Ash didn't know their plan. Since that day if they kept walking until night, they would be halfway to the palace.

Finally, night did come around. When Ash was asleep, they would escape. "Ok kids let's eat our dinner and get some sleep, ok?" "Yes Ash." I said and Buddy shook his head in agreement. "Ok well let's eat then." So, we ate a lot since we will be journeying for a while. Then we stayed up until Ace went to sleep. We made sure his breathing was even then we grabbed our sacks and quietly left without Ash Knowing.

It was the next morning when Ash knew the kids were gone and freaked out. "Shit! Those damn Kids! Where the hell did, they go? They better be ok." Then he went out to look for them.

It was only a few days later when they saw the palace. They finally rested and Narvi's old wounds weren't fully healed. In fact, he bled when he jumped in and had to be re stitched and wrapped. While they were resting Buddy noticed that Narvi was holding on to his side. Buddy put his hand on Narvi's shoulder. It got Narvi's attention. "What is it buddy?" Then he pointed to my wound. "I'll be fine. It just reopened when I jumped is all. It's not all too bad." Then he pointed to himself and my wound. "Yeah, go ahead." He took off my bandage and saw the wound. Then he put some medicine on it and rewrapped the wound. "Is it really that bad?" He wrote something down. "What do you mean something is not right with my wound? Will it heal?" Buddy nodded yes. "Well, that's good, I guess. Tell me when you can talk about my wound first ok?" He shook his head yes. "Ok I think we have rested enough shall we go?" I tried to stand up but my wound hurt. "Shit that hurts! Buddy help me up." He grabbed my arm and helped me up. I leaned against the tree in pain. He put his arm around me. "Yeah, I'll be ok. Takes deep breath and exhales. Ok let's go." So, Buddy stayed beside me just in case.

"We got to the palace gates with no problem. Now what Buddy?" Then he wrote something down. "Really I get to hear your voice? Awesome." "Clearing his throat then said "I have brought the long-lost crown prince of Aria. Crown prince of the mystical creatures." "Wow you have an almost alluring voice." "I was surprised myself when I spoke." One of the guards said, "Wait a minute let us get someone to confirm." Then one of the guards went. A few minutes later a man who looked just like him came out.

"Narvi? Is that really you?" "I cleared my throat. Who might you be? Your majesty?" I said because of the crown. "I am your father. I sent your brother to go out and find you." Then I looked at the man beside me. "You were my brother all this time?" "Well half -brother really. I lied about my age. I am actually older than you by a Year. Yes, its him father. Can we come in?" "Yes, let them in please."

"Welcome back your highness's." said the guards. "Thank you I guess." We were both nervous since he hasn't been there since he was 5 and I have never been there at all that I can remember.

We went inside to a throne room. I saw a woman sitting in a chair. She must be the queen so I bowed and winced in pain. "Hello your Majesty." "Oh please stand up. You are my son." "You both are my sons whether you are blood or not." I saw her look at Buddy since he didn't tell me his name yet. "Your majesty? Are you really my mother and are you really my father? If you are who were the people I called mother and father all these years?" I choked up in tears but I was more

angry than anything. "Come with us Narvi. We have something to tell you." Said the king and Queen. Buddy followed.

We sat down on a couch. "Ok Narvi what would you like to know first?" said The Queen. "Well first I would like to know big brothers name." "Oh I forgot sorry. My Name is Arson Arton Dragonblood. "I see. Oh and the other thing my wound why is it not normal?" "I'm going to take off the bandage ok Narvi?" I nodded in agreement. I flinched because of the pain. "Sorry." "Its ok I can take it." Once he was done I saw the strange wound. "Stepmother, Father you need to see this." They came over and saw his wound. "What happened? How did this happen to him?" "I don't know. He must have got it when we separated." "Yeah about that sorry Arson." "Don't ever do it again ok?" "No promises." I tried to laugh the pain off.

"it looks like it was from a sword." "Oh yeah that. I can't remember if that was before or after I met the old man. He was the one that tended to my wounds I think for all of them. Am I going to be, ok?" "Yes, you will. I know a person who can help. Get a butler to get the healer." Said the King to Arson. He got up and stopped a butler to ask. Then went back in the room. "I am so tired. The pain is making me tired." "It's ok Narvi just sleep. Your home now. Sleep." Said my mother. I closed my eyes in pain then eventually sleep took over.

The Healer finally came in the room and went to the boy's side after greeting the king and queen. He wasn't just any healer he was a specialist. Arson, would you mind taking off his bandage?" "Yes sir." He took off the bandage and looked away for a moment. "Who the hell did this to the poor prince? I just hope I can do something." The wound wasn't red like normal wounds would be. It was like a bruise color but not a bruise. Then the healer put his hand on the Narvi's wound and tried to heal him. A bright purple light showed as he was healing him.

Once he was done, he checked the wound to see if it was healed. He was relieved it was. "OK its healed. I recognize this wound. He was lucky he came when he did a day or 2 longer, he would have died." Said the healer. "What exactly was this wound?" said Arson. It was definitely not a sword but a dagger only someone like your kind can make. He must have been hurt by his own creation. Let him explain when he wakes up. I'm sure he would. When he does come get me. I need to do a checkup." "Yes, and thank you." Said the King. He nodded then left Narvi and the others alone.

"Dad. I am going to carry little brother to his room so he is comfortable is that ok?" "Yes, that's fine. Be careful." "Yes father." So, he took Narvi to the room next to his. Other than the bed change everything was the same in Arson's room. After he put Narvi down in the room next to his Arson when to his room and saw everything was the same except for the bed. "Wow I don't remember making these at all. Since all of this is kid stuff I will have to change a lot in here but some things I wouldn't mind keeping." After exploring his room he went to check on Narvi.

He went to the room and Narvi was still asleep. He felt Narvi's head and it didn't feel feverish. "Come on brother. Wake up please. There is so much to tell you. Sigh." A few hours later Narvi was waking up. "Hmm. Argh." "Hey Narvi its ok your home now." "Home? Buddy is that you?" "You must be out of it. I'll let you wake up a bit." Then finally he was more focused. "Oh, hey Arson. Am I healed?" "Your finally back. Yeah, you are healed." "Hey if you are my half-brother does that mean your mother.." "Yes My mother died. I don't remember her since I was a year old. Dad will explain everything. I will get the healer be right back." I nodded. "Sigh my life is going to be busy for now on I guess. I really want to be a blacksmith. I really liked doing it. I hope some of them survived." I said out loud to myself. I put my legs to my head careful of my horns. Depressed. More grief.