Chapter 3: Meeting the Creatures/My Nightmare

"Ow that hurt. Where the hell am I? Hmm." I said confused holding my head in a slight pain. I heard the door open and was cautious only to find my brother to walk in. "Oh brother. What are you doing here?" "I came to see if you are alive and well." Said Arson. "Haha well the alive part is right as you can see. As for the well I'm still a little out of it. Hey Ash." "Hey there Arson how you feeling?" "OK for now. Hey can I talk to my brother alone for a minute?" "Yeah sure. I'll be right out side if you need me." "Yeah thanks."

"Ok brother. I have been wondering this for a long time. You don't have to answer me now but, I would like to know some day." "OK shoot. What's the question." "OK so I know you are my half brother right?" "Yes I am." "Then why do you look more human than demon? I mean the only demon appearance you seem to have right now is the ears, eyes and you have a tail. Everything else is human." "Ah about that. You were told that my mother was different than yours right?" "Yes I was told that." "Well I got the truth from father. We share the same mother but different father. I don't know my father and wonder if he is dead or alive." "Hmm. Now that I think of it I may have a suspicion." "If you are thinking about ash. Its impossible. I am 19 right? he would have been 16 when I was born. OK so it wouldn't be impossible. I guess there would be a way to find out. I am curious too." "Why not ask mom first." "I've tried. She said she was young when she had me too so it might be possible if he was my father. Mom said she didn't remember. She said she might if she saw my father. So what I'm going to do when we go back to the palace is get a DNA Test." "Yeah good idea."

Then there was a knock at the door. "Come in Ash." "How did you know it was me?" "The way you knock and I heard footsteps." "Uh I might have heard a little of your conversation. The one at the end about your father. You don't need to do a DNA test." "What why don't we?" said Arson. "Well when you were hurt and I bandaged you, I saw a mark on your back. That mark is rare and its only in my family. Meaning you are my son. I'm sorry she never told me. I didn't know you were my son until I saw the mark. When I go around again I'm going to head to my village. I'm going to take you with the permission of the king and queen of course." Said Ash. "Uh what about me?" "What about you Narvi? Of course you are coming." Really? Awesome thanks." "Well at least you know where the human part of you is from now." "Uh what should I call you then? Ash or Dad." "Haha oh I don't care call me dad or Ash whatever you want." "Yeah I feel comfortable calling you ash for now." "Haha ok sounds good. Ok kiddo get some rest you should be able to go back home tomorrow if there are not complications." Ash felt my forehead and said, "You feel like you have a slight fever. It should be gone by tomorrow so get some rest ok?" "Yes sir." I closed my eyes and scrunched them a second then relaxed.

The next day I was fine and was ready to go home. "Oh wait we never got to see the creatures." "You feel up to it still?" said Ash. "Yeah I feel fine now." "OK then." "Ah I know who you should meet first. Follow me." said Ash. So we followed him to a bar.

"Hey we aren't old enough to drink yet." Said Arson. "Its ok kids. As long as you don't drink you will be fine." said Ash. "Hey buddy over here!" "Be right with you!" Then we saw a Centaur walk over. "Wow So it is true. They have a horse body and human chest on up." Said Arson. "Oh hello Ash. These friends of yours?" said the Centaur. "Yeah these are kids I'm looking after right now. This is Arson and Narvi." "Oh welcome princes. My name is Blaze. Welcome to my pub." "Thank you sir." "Oh just call me Blaze." "Just call us by our names as well." "Ok sure. What would you boys like to drink?" "Jihad for me." said Arson. "Fizzy Bubblech for me." I said. "Haha you kids are funny. OK and uh I would like a Vesper." "OK coming right up."

In a few minutes we got our drinks and ordered are food and finally got our food as well. We ate our food then thanked the man and headed to see the other creatures. "Ok which creature do you want to see first Narvi?" "Oh sorry. I was in a daze just now. What did you ask?" "You sure you are ok to continue?" "Yeah I'm fine." "Ok what creature do you want to see next?" "Oh that. Uh lets go see the Phoenix birds." "Oh sure. Uh there is something you should know about them first before I show you. Its not true that they are flames. Its because of the design. As for another thing they can turn human as well." "Oh well that's cool. That's something I didn't know." Said Arson. "Y-yeah." I was still looking at the forest because I saw something strange. I just shook it off and tried to act normal.

We went to see the phoenix bird's and saw some of them in human form. "Oh hello sir. Is the old man's son here?" "Yes right this way." "Follow me kids." So we followed him and an odd looking man.

"Elder we are here to see your son. Its me Ash." "Oh Welcome ash." Said an old man. "Thank you sir." Then we heard some noise and out came a man that looked no older than Ash. "Ah Ash. I knew I smelled something strange. What brings you here?" "Ah these are the princes Narvi and Arson." "Ah I see. Welcome your highnesses. The man bowed." "Oh please don't." I said. "Just treat us like a normal person. We just got home and found out I am a prince." "Ok sure. Oh right. My name is Diyan. I am a blue phoenix. All of us have our own color. Well there are only certain colors not all colors that we are. The colors are: Red Blue Green and Purple. That are the only colors there are of our kind. I am going to be your guide." "Thank you sir." "Oh just call me Diyan." "Ok Diyan." Said Arson.

So we toured and It was really cool to see the male and female Phoenix's and their colors and their eyes are awesome. What's unique is there eyes and eye color.

Then we saw most of the creatures and I wanted to go home. "Uh can we go home now?" I said feeling a little chilled. "Yeah sure but don't you want to see the elves and Nyphs. Also the woodland creatures?" said Arson. "No. Please lets just go home for now. Maybe another time. I'm feeling a little sick. I need to go home and rest." "Oh ok sure." So we walked home and when we got there I went straight to my room.

I was thinking to myself and drawing since I could whenever. I know I'm a demon right? I'm supposed to be an evil person having powers. It's the only human think I do like. I also do a lot of human things as well like sleep and work out and stuff. Anyway. I drew what I saw in the forrest and had some thoughts.

'Why do I get chills when I see them? I have a feeling I've seen them before but where? Damn! I just wish I could remember what happened that day my parents were killed. Maybe I would remember seeing them. I guess I'll try to get some sleep. Maybe I would feel better.' I hid my picture inside my desk and laid on my bed. I got under my covers and closed my eyes. Just then I heard A knock.

"Come in." I said as I was opening my eyes when I literally just shut them. The person came in and it was my brother Arson. "Oh hey Arson." I must have looked pale because he asked me if I was ok. "I'll be fine with a little sleep. Just things on my mind. Its just I keep thinking back to the people who I thought were my mom and dad. Something seems strange." "What is strange? You said they died in a fire right?" "Yeah that is true but how the fire started is strange. Every time I close my eyes I see it. I think I might have been the one to start it. not only was it my house but others as well. I must have went crazy. Arson I think I killed them. I think I killed my parents." "First of all they weren't your blood parents. But I understand cause they raised you. Second even if it was you, you didn't do it on purpose. How old were you when it happened?" "You know how old I was. I was 5 years old. I was captured after the fire happened." "Oh so you were running away when you came to us?" "Yes I was young I didn't understand what was happening. All I knew was I was scared and I was told to listen to my parents I kissed my mothers head after she told me to run away. Dad was already gone." "I'm sorry Narvi." "Its all good. I will get over it eventually. Anyway now there is something I wanted to ask you. You were acting strange when we went out to meet the creatures. What happened?" "Oh you noticed?" "I wasn't the only one." "Oh well I guess I will tell you but I want Ash there as well. Oh and I want to talk to mom and dad as well about the situation." "Ok would you like to rest first." "Yeah for a bit." "Ok I will let the others know." "OK thanks Arson." "No problem Narvi." Then he went out and I closed my eyes just to have the same dream about the fire again.

In the dream I am in the village and its on fire I rush to my parents but dad is already gone I try to talk to mom. she is telling me to run. Then I see her mouth move again but I can't hear her. "Mom what are you saying I can't hear you. "Just Run please! Get out of here be safe! I love you." Then she dies right there. I listen to what she says but before I could run far I was taken. I still stayed asleep even though I had that dream again. Usually I would wake up after but I didn't. I finally got further into my dream. This time I see strange clothes hands and feet but not faces. They seemed kind. They were trying to have me do something but I don't remember what it was. Then I woke up from sleeping for a few hours.

I tidied up then went out. "Hello guards. Thanks for guarding my door. I have to meet with the King and Queen now." They bowed lightly I bowed back. Then I went to find the King and Queen.

I found them and told them what I wanted to do then we brought Ash and Arson as well. After that we all went to the office of the king.

"Ok so I called this meeting because you all noticed I have been acting weird lately. Its because I have been having nightmares of my parents. The ones who raised me until I was 5 years old. Arson told me he noticed me acting strangely and so did Ash as well." Then I noticed the Queen look over at Ash. She looked at him for awhile then looked back at me. "So when we went out to see the creatures I was excited at first, but then I saw what I thought were an elf and an imp. They looked familiar. I don't know why but I have to find out. I turned pale after seeing them and it brought memories back. I need to go back as soon as possible." "I see. Thank you for telling us Narvi. You can go ahead. But I want Ash and your brother to go as well.." "Yeah that is the plan dad." "But before you do your mother wants to talk to Ash and Arson alone if you don't mind?" "Yeah sure I will head out first. They can follow me after." "Just be careful. There are some creatures you don't want to meet up with." Then I waved at my father and left.

I finally got to the town where there creatures were and headed towards the forest. I was in the middle of it when I heard a branch break and jumped at first. Then I saw my stupid brother and Ash. "About time you guys. Jeeze. So Ash do you know where the Imps and elves live?" "Uh no need look." I saw and elf and imp standing in front of us greeting us. "Hello visitors. Welcome to the forest. Please follow us." Said the Elf. Those were the two I saw before. "Um excuse me. Do you mind if I have a word with you two?" "Its not up to us but the master. If its ok with him then yes." Said the Imp. "Do Elves and Imps live together?" "No we do not. But we are allies. We have our own village." "Oh I see. Thank you." "Of course."

"Here we are. Let me inform the master then you can go in." About 4 minutes later she came out and said, "He's waiting for you." "Thank you." Said Arson. "No problem."

Then a handsome/beautiful man turned towards us. "Hello there. My name is Tarak. You must be Arson and Narvian. You must be Ash." "Yes sir. Good to see you again." "Like wise. So what brings you here?" "Hello sir. We are here because I want to know what happened years ago when I was just a little boy. My parents names were Davina and Ryker." "Oh I see you were their boy. I'm so sorry child. I wasn't there when it happened but I will tell you what happened when you came here if you want to know." "Wait I came here?" "Yes child you did. Would you like everyone here to hear what happened?" "No. Um can you guys stand outside for a bit?" I said. "Yeah sure." "Hold on a moment I will get those two to show you around for a bit while I talk to Narvian here. "Yes sir." "Aria and Fawn. Come in please." They both came in and said, "Yes master." "Would you show these two around?" "Yes master." So they left and he told me what happened that day.