Chapter 4: The Truth about that Night

"So, you want to know what happened that day huh?" "Yes, I am 18 now I think I am old enough to know." "I see. You are that old now. Well, I'm glad you are ok. When we noticed you were gone, we looked all over the village and couldn't find you. We could only go so far then we had to stop because of other's territory." "I see. Thank you for trying at least." "Ok so that day when you came here, we were told something bad happened. You were really freaked out and we had to calm you down first before we did anything. It took hours to calm to you down. Finally, you did. Once you were asleep, we decided to put a memory spell on you. We took just that memory away from that night. That is probably why you still remember them. It seems like the spell is weakening now since you are getting older. Would you like me to take the spell off?" "Yes, sir please." "Oh, you can call me Master or Tarak." "Ok Tarak. I would like to take the spell off please." "Are you sure? You might not like what you see. It might be traumatizing." "I'll be fine. Plus, I have my brother and Ash to help me out." "Ok then. I will be right back." I nodded in acknowledgement.

A few minutes later he came back with the two my brother and Ash. "Ok so we put a spell on him when he first came here to protect him from remembering what happened. Now that its weakening he wants to take it down. We brought you two in here to do that. As for Ash and Arson, I brought you in here in case he can't handle it." "Yes Master." said Ash. Arson nodded in Acknowledgement. "OK go ahead you two." I laid down on a futon and they laid their hands on my head and told me to close my eyes so I did.

"Don't worry the spell won't hurt. But the memories might. So, keep that in mind, ok?" I nodded with my eyes closed. Then I waited. It only took 10 minutes to take the spell off of me. My eyes remained closed which was normal.

I wasn't doing too well. It was like a repeat of my memory only I can remember everything now. I was the one who caused the fire in the village. My mother told me it wasn't my fault and to grow up happy and healthy not to use my powers for personal gain or evil. Then she told me she and dad loved me and that is when I started to run. Then my memories skipped to the profile I remember seeing. It was the Master and those two. They were such kind people just trying to calm me down. Then eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was calm like nothing happened. I was staying at the elf village. After that one night it was dark. I don't know what happened after that.

When I woke up it was already the next day. "How are you feeling? Are you feeling ok Narvi?" said Arson. "I-I Need some time alone. Master is there a place here that is peaceful I can go alone too?" "Yes, there is follow me." They all followed us to a beautiful waterfall with a round patch of land that was grass. Big enough to kneel or lay on for 2 people. "Ok let's leave him alone for a while. Take as much time as you need Narvian." "Thank you Master." Then they left and I was alone.

I looked up at the sky. "Mom, Dad, I know we are demons but I just hope you are up there happy. I'm sorry for what I have done. Mom told me it wasn't my fault but I just found out after years what happened. Heck, I didn't even know I had powers until now. Now I have remembered everything. Dad I just wish I got to hear your voice one last time before you were gone. If I could hear your Voice one last time, I would at least not feel so empty." I was about done when I heard some noise. I turned around and backed away. I was scared because this man looks exactly like my father. "No stay away." He stopped for a minute. "I'm sorry I scared you son." Said the man. "Who are you? What do you want from me? Why take the form of my father?" "Woah breathe. I am your father just calm down. Take a deep breath." I was freaking out to the point where I was about to pass out then I saw my brother and Ash. Then I calmed down and collapsed from being weak. Ash and my brother came rushing over to me. "I-I'm ok Ash and brother. I just fell from freaking out too much. Is this true?" I said weakly. "Is he really my father?" "We don't know. We came in here when we were told you were about done. It must have been masters doing." Said Ash. "I-I need to talk to master. Let me relax for a bit." I closed my eyes and rested for about a half hour then we headed over to Master's place with a little help from Ash and Arson since I was still a bit wobbly. The man claiming to be my father said that he would stay there until they came back. We acknowledged him and headed out.

We knocked on the Masters door and he told us to come in. "Master is it true? Is it really my father?" "Are you ok?" He ran over to me. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Can you answer my question please?" "Yes, it's true. It's really him. He told me not to tell you about what happened to him. He wants to tell you what happened himself." "I-I see. Mom? Did my mom make it out?" "I'm sorry Narvian. She didn't." "Ok I guess I should go see him then." Ash and my brother followed me as far as the entrance then I took a deep breath and they wished me good luck. "Thanks, I'll need it."

I went in slowly and said, "Dad." Very weakly. "Narvi." He held out his hands and ran into them. "Dad! I am so sorry. It's all my fault!" "Don't worry about it son. Its ok. You were just a child then." After I calmed down, I asked him what happened that day. "So, you want to know what I remember right?" "Yes please." "Well let's see. We were all playing in the house as normal. Then you started acting strangely. Then all of a sudden you got mad and started a fire out of your hands. I tried to calm you down but I couldn't. Your mom took the blow. I must have passed out from the smoke. Then you were running around the village in anger. Then finally when you calmed down you must have come in to see your mother one last time. So, I was told on that part anyway. As for myself. I thought I was a goner as well like your mother. You must have just run off cause not long after I woke up enough to see if your mom was ok but she was already gone. Then I passed out again on top of her. I felt my eyes getting black. After that I didn't remember what happened. Then Master told me he took me in and helped me. He tried what he could for your mother but she was gone. How come you didn't come see me when I was brought there?" "Oh, I must have been unconscious. But when I woke up, I was told you were taken." "I see. Does everyone act the same way I did when they get their powers?" "Actually no. Acting strangely yes the anger no. so I guess anger triggers your power so be very careful, ok?" "Dad. I found my birth parents. They are the King and Queen. There is no need for a DNA test. I look exactly like my father and apparently mother too." "I see. I'm glad son." "Um dad. I wanted to know would you like to come live at the palace with us? They said that I could choose whether I want to be king or not but they would Do a trial. If not Arson my half-brother would take over." "I would love to meet them first then I will decide, ok? As for being king I will support your decision." "Thank you, father. I missed you so much." I gave him another hug. "I missed you too kiddo. So, what did your mother say to you?" Then I told him what she told me before I ran off. "I see. She is right. We both love you and no matter what, use your powers only to defend and protect never do it for evil or personal gain ok?" "Yes, father I promise I will try." "Ok good. As for the kid next to Ash your half-brother. I can see he looks like Ash." "Yeah, he's, his father. He just recently found out." "Oh, that must be shocking." "Yeah, it was. Ok dad come on. Let's go." So, we walked out to see Ash and Arson waiting for us.

"Ash. Arson. This is my father Ryker." "Nice you see you again Ryker." "Likewise, Ash." "Ok Ash lets go talk to Master and tell him dad will be coming with us." "Ok sure."

We went in without knocking like he told us. "Master." I said. "Oh you are all back. How did it go?" "It went fine. Thank you for doing what you could for mom even though it didn't work. Also thank you for saving me and my dad." "Oh, you are welcome." Then I thought of the others at the village. "What about the others? Are the people at the village, ok? If I went back, would they blame me?" "Relax child. I'm sure most of them are ok. Some did not make it but others did survive." "Did you stay until it was over? Did you stay until the fire was out?" "Yes, dear boy. We had our water elves put the fires out. We even helped them rebuild. They are back in the village now." "I-I see. Thank you Master. Also, father will be coming with us if you don't mind?" "No go right ahead. Ryker you are welcome here anytime." "Thank you Master. I appreciate it." "Ok I will have Aria and Fawn Escort you out of the forest. I hope to see you soon." "Thank you, sir." "You are welcome." Then we headed out.

It was a quiet walk to the exit of the forest. "Well here we are." Said Fawn. "Thank you both for everything. Also thank your Master again. It was because of me all this happened. I'm sorry." "No, it's like they said. You were just a child and didn't know better. Now you are all grown up. I hope you get to see your village again and not be disowned by them." "Thank you, Aria. Thank you, Fawn." I said. Then we all left and headed for home to the palace.

On the way home my father was talking to Ash. "So, Ash. There has been something I have been meaning to ask you. What village are you from?" "Oh that. Well, it wasn't far from yours cause when I saw the fire, I did what I could to help out. I lived in neighboring village." "Oh, you mean Colton village?" "Yes, that village." "Oh well then. That is a nice village. Thank you for helping out." "No problem."

Then we got to the palace and went through the gates. Then went to see my father. We walked in and we all bowed. "Rise my friends and sons." Said father. "Father if I may speak?" "Yes, go ahead. This is my father who I thought died. His name is Ryker." "Hello your majesty." He shook my father Ryker's hand and Ryker was shocked. "Father, do you think you two can have some tea or something and talk. I asked him if he could stay here but he said he wanted to talk to you and get to know you." "Yes, we can arrange it tomorrow. You must be tired from your journey. Narvi go and show your father the way to an empty room." "Yes dad." "Come dad let me show you to the one next to mine." "Thank you, your majesty." Then he bowed. Dad bowed back. Then my brother and I showed him the way. Ash went off to do whatever.

I was being strangely quiet. On the way out of the village and back. I only talked when it was necessary. Even now. Here is your room dad. Mine is just right here if you need anything." "Ok thank son." Then he went in and I closed the door for him. Then I went in mine and laid on my bed.

The reason I was quiet is I was thinking a lot. I wanted to go back to the village. Then I started coughing. "Cough cough cough aw man don't tell me I'm getting sick now? Jeeze." I just closed my eyes hoping I would feel better after I woke up.

There was a knock at Narvi's door. He didn't hear it because he was sleeping. The person knocking came in to see if Narvi was ok. "Narvi are you ok?" said Arson. "Cough cough cough." He started coughing again. "Oh no. Narvi are you getting sick again?" Arson put his hand on Narvi's forehead and went to get a doctor.

In minutes the doctor came in to check his temperature and do an exam. "Well right now he is passed out not sleeping. Has he been stressed out lately or acting strangely?" "Well, he was quiet coming home other than that nothing." "I see. If anything changes come get me. He has a slight fever. I will give him a shot then if anything changes come get me, ok? He will wake up I just don't know when. Also, when he wakes up let me know." "Yes sir. Thank you." "Narvi. I will be back. I'm getting your father." Arson knocked on Ryker's door and when Ryker opened it Arson told him what was going on with Narvi. "Ok thank you." He followed me back to Narvi's room.

"When I was raising Narvi, he got sick a lot. We had to have a lot of visits to the doctor." "Did the doctor know why he was sick so much or what he had?" asked Arson. "It was just random cold and flu symptoms or stomach aches. Normally stuff that will eventually go away. Although he had them more than a normal child did. We didn't know why. I found Narvi in a basket somewhere when I was out picking up mushrooms. He was so cute. He didn't have his horns yet. In fact, we don't get our horns until we come of age. Which is 16. I don't know why we called him Narvian or Narvi we just thought it was nice name. We didn't think it was his real name." "Sir I hate to put you on the spot but Narvi has been through A lot. I hope what you are telling him is the truth and you don't hide anything from him. I have been with him since he was 5 when he was kidnapped. I knew when they threw him in with us kids, he was my brother. Well, half-brother. I am one year older than he is." "I see. I can assure you I am telling him what I know and I am not lying to him. can you tell me a little what he has gone through?"