Chapter 7: Untitled

I was just on the ground recovering when I heard someone's footsteps. I tried to get up to see who it was but then the voice said, "Relax its just me." Then I relaxed. "What are you doing here idiot?" "Nothing much just keeping a look out on my little brother." "Ah jeeze. I'm not little anymore. I can look after myself." I saw my brother looked shocked at me. "What?" "Your horns." "Oh yeah dad said it would happen and it did. How do they look?" "Hmm. Let's see how do I describe it?" "Is it that bad?" "Haha I'm joking they look pretty good." "Really?" "Yeah see for yourself." He brought me a mirror and I looked inside it. "Wow it is pretty awesome." "Ok let's get you back to mom and dad." "No. I-I'm not ready to go back yet." "Why what are trying to hide?" "Hide? Hide what?" "Ah ha you are hiding something. OK tell big brother what you are hiding." I always wore fireproof clothes and no knowing why. I pulled my long sleeves down and my brother caught me and pulled it up. I flinched. "So this is what you are hiding. Is this because of your power?" "I'm assuming so." "Ok lets go back dad can explain it." "Fine. Lets go then." I got up by myself. Then we started walking home. I was kind of wobbly so my brother asked if I was ok. "Yeah, I'm fine just slightly dizzy and a slight headache." "Ok just let me know if anything goes wrong with you, ok?" "Yeah, I will." It was 3:00 in the morning. I snuck back in my room and Arson snuck in my room door as well. "OK get some sleep now, ok?" "Yeah, Yeah."

Later that day I didn't get much sleep. I woke up around 7:30. SO I only got 4 hours or so of sleep. I got dressed with some trouble but managed. Just as I finished dressing there was a knock at my door. "Time for breakfast." It was dad. "Yeah dad. Be right out." Then a few seconds later my body was so heavy It was hard even walking to the table. "Hey son you, ok?" "Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't sleep until 330." "Well when you are done get some sleep. By the way nice horns." "Oh yeah I wanted to show the King where is he?" "Oh, your dad will be right back. Oh, speak of the devil." Said dad.

"Hello your Majesty." I greeted. "No need son. Oh well, well. Nice horns. Same ones as your mother." "Yeah, I know right. By the way where is she?" "Oh, she should just be getting up now. I'll go check on her."

A few minutes later mom came down and saw me. "Hey mom." "Hey Narvi. Oh, so you got my horns after all. My handsome young man." "Mom I'm not a kid anymore." "I know I just never had a chance to do it." "Fine." after she ruffled my hair and got horns touched out of her system, I started eating and we talked. Then I went back to my room to sleep some more.

Finally, I got the sleep I needed. I woke up cleaned up and headed out. "Hey so when do we head back home?" "Oh the elder said he was going to do his rounds in about an hour. Do you want to go?" "Hell yes." "Watch your mouth young man." Said dad. "Sorry dad." "I guess you haven't learned better." "Oh, after we get home, I want to talk to you about something important." "Yes of course Narvi." Said mom. So, I left with my brother to the Elders place.

Finally, the time came and we went from house to house. Until it was break time. Then after the break we did the other half. "Wow that is a lot of people. I am exhausted. I'm glad no one blames me for what happened." "Yeah, that's great." Said Arson. "Hey old man. If I don't become king. Do you mind if I live here?" "No of course not. We would be happy too." "Oh good." Then we went back home and told us we were leaving the next day. Luckily dad brought the carriage.

The next day came and we said goodbye and got in the carriage and left. A few hours later we were home. Just as I got out, I felt a pain in my side. "Ow!" I looked and it was a scratch but it must have been poisoned cause I felt dizzy and dropped to the ground. "Narvi!" "Ar..son. Cough cough." I coughed out blood. "Shit. Narvi I'm going to cut the wound so the poison can leave right?" My eyes were getting heavy. "Dad mom get some help fast!" Arson carried me inside with fear. Then finally my eyes closed I didn't respond. "Narvi. NO! Narvi!" They got to the royal hospital that was attached to the castle. His breath was getting shallower. "Hang in there little brother. We will get you help. You will be ok. Somebody help!" Doctors rushed over and saw it was prince Narvi. "Oh no! What happened?" "He has been hit by a poison dart. I don't know what poison." "Ok we know what to do. Please stay outside." Arson went out and waited.

Ryker came running since the king and queen were busy at the moment. "How is Narvi now?!" "I don't know. He has been in there for about an hour now and no news." "He'll be ok. He's a strong boy." "Yeah, I know. Thanks Ryker." "No problem. You can call me dad as well if you'd like." "Maybe I will after Narvi gets better." "Ok that's fine too."

Finally, half an hour later a doctor came out to see us. "We almost lost him but he is ok. He just barely made it. The type of poison he had, if he didn't get the help he needed when he did, he would have died in the next few minutes." "Oh, thank goodness. Can we go see him?" "Yes, he is still unconscious. There is no telling when he will wake up." "Ok thank you doctor." They followed the doctors to Narvi's room.

They saw Narvi with is thick eyelashes laying down. He was more of a pretty boy demon. Then finally he was waking up. "Ow." I held my side. I slowly opened my eyes. "Hey how are you, Narvi?" "I'll live." "I'm going to get the doctor." "Yeah ok." "Do you remember what happened?" "I just remember getting out of the carriage and a sudden pain came. That's all I remember." "Well, that is what happened. You were hit by a poisoned dart." "Wait what? Ow. Poisoned dart? Is it the same people as last time?" "I don't know. You almost died dude." "What really?" Then a few minutes later a doctor came in to check on me. "Hello your highness." "Oh please don't." "Ok then is prince, ok?" "Yeah, that's fine." "Ok Prince Narvi." "I'm fine. Just a little pain." "Oh good." Then the doctor took off the bandage to look at the wound. "It's healing pretty good. Let's wait a couple more days just to be safe." "Yeah ok. Ow." "Easy Narvi." Said Arson. Then I fell asleep again.

The next 2 days I went home with some slight pain. They gave me some medicine to put on it and take by mouth. My brother helped me put on the medicine on the wound. I took the medicine by mouth by myself. I had to stay in my bed until my wound it better. "This sucks." Then there was a knock and I told them to come in. "Hello Prince Narvi. I have your lunch here." "Uh thanks." After the butler left, I just put my food down. I decided to draw random stuff. I eventually fell asleep.

There was a knock at Narvi's door but there was no answer. The person came in which was his dad. His dad noticed he didn't eat his lunch but he saw the drawing. "Oh, aww he drew all of us. I miss her. Sigh." He felt Narvi's forehead and he didn't have a fever. Then checked his breathing, he was ok. Then he sat down next to Narvi on a chair while Narvi was sleeping on his bed.

The next morning Narvi woke up and realized it was the next day. "Woah its already the next day. The only time I sleep this late is when I am dying." I said to myself. I got dressed since I'm feeling loads better. Before I can leave my room, my brother walked in. "I'm feeling better now. I was going to head out." "Let me see your wound. I need to put medicine on it." I lifted my shirt so he could put it on and wrap it. "It's healing pretty good. Did it hurt when I put the medicine on it?" "Just a tad bit tender I'll live." "Ok then if you're going to go down take it easy, ok?" "Yes dad." "Hey I'm your brother dummy." "Haha OK ok. Let's go." So, we walked down to see dad and mom. "Your majesties." We bowed. "Rise my children." We rose and the king said, "How are you doing son?" "I'm doing much better now. Few more days of medicine." "Well, that's good to hear."

We were off doing our own thing and I moved to fast and hurt my wound a bit. "Ow. MMM" I said in a strained tone. "You ok Narvi?" "Yeah, I'll live. Just moved too quickly." "Easy now. Should you get some rest?" "Ha me rest? Come on I'm a demon. Shouldn't demons be mean scary and strong?" "Haha, you know it's just a stereo type." "Yeah, I know. Really, I'm fine. The pain is already gone." "OK then take it easy, ok?" "Yeah, I will."

I went back with messing with my brother then I heard a voice. "Come to me." It said. I shook my head trying to get it out of my head. My brother noticed me acting strange. "Hey Narvi you, ok?" "Yeah, some weird voice in my head is saying come to me. It sounds like a woman's voice. It's really strange." I said in a daze saying that. "What is strange about the voice?" "It sounds familiar. I don't know why." "OK let's head back. Maybe someone at the castle can help." "Wait. I think I might need to go back to the village." "Narvi?" "I need Ash. Where is your father?" "He should be at the castle why?" "Good. Let's go back. I need to talk with him." "Narvi you are acting strange." "Yeah, I know. I can't control it." So, we walked back to the house I was staying at.

"Dad, I heard a voice." "What sort of voice?" "A woman's voice. It sounded familiar. I don't know why. It said come to me. I need to go back to my old village. Something might be happening over there." "OK Oh well speak of the devil. Ash Narvi needs to speak with you." "Oh hey kid. What's wrong? You don't look to good." "He said he had to go back to the old village because he heard a familiar woman voice but don't know who it was." "I see. When do you want to leave kid?" "Now. We need to leave now." "Ok relax. Lets go then." "Arson you stay here. I'm afraid whatever this is isn't going to be pretty. I want to keep you safe." "I'll let you do this one thing alone. But promise me you will come back alive." "Haha I can do that but I can't promise to be in one piece." "Fair enough now go. The sooner you leave the sooner you can come back to us." Then Ash and I left.

We were far enough we can't see the castle anymore. Then I started telling him what I heard. After I was done he was silent for a bit. "Well what makes you think it's the old village that is calling you?" "I just have a strong feeling." "Ok kid just don't go demon or something on me ok?" "Haha no promises there." Then we walked some more until it was night time. The next day we would be there.

In the middle of the night Narvi wasn't sleeping so good. He was groaning and talking in his sleep. "Hey Kid. You ok? Kid." "NO. Don't do it. Please! I don't want you to die!" "Kid! Wake up!" Then he shook Narvi a little on he woke up with a start. "What? What happened?" "You were having a nightmare. Want to talk about it?" "It was a nightmare? It felt so real. We were back in the village. Then I met a strange lady. She had me under her control. Then something happened I can't remember what. I do remember an old friend who was struck by whatever I did and I told him not to die. Then you woke me up." "Shit if this is the case. We should leave now." Said Ash. "No we can't right now. Something kept pulling me away right now. By morning I should be able to go." "Jeeze what the hell is going on with you kid?" "I wish I knew." I leaned up against the cave wall. In exhaustion. "Ok kid try to get some more sleep ok? We will figure it out tomorrow." "I'll try." Then I closed my eyes. He finally went to sleep until the next morning.

I woke up seeing Ash up not knowing if he got any sleep or not. "Hey did you get any sleep?" "Nah I'm good. Don't you know humans don't sleep? Nah I'm kidding I'm fine. I can go a day or 2 without sleep. Ready to go?" "Yeah lets go." So we walked for hours again then finally made it to the village. We went straight to the elder's to tell him what I saw and heard.

"I see. What shall we do to prevent this? when will this happen?" "I don't know exactly. I just know sometime at night. I would suggest we get the people to a safe place out of the village." I said. "Ok. Ash do you know where we can take the people to be safe?" "Yeah let me run to my village. You know the cave with the windows?" "Yes I do." "Ok take them there. It looks bigger than it is. Start taking them there. I have a friend who can protect them." "OK please keep them safe." "Yes we will do what we can." Said Ash. Then the Elder made an announcement to line up. I would guide them to where they would be going. Then finally after an hour or so everyone was lined up and we headed to the cave.

While I was guiding them I heard the voice again. "Come to me Narvian. You will be the savior of us all. Protect the people. Don't give in to the spell. We will meet soon." "Who are you?" "You will know during the battle. You might be shocked at first but it will all be ok. Don't give in." Then the voice was gone. We finally made it to the cave. "Ok everyone get in the cave. I will be outside to protect you all until Ash gets back ok?" Once they were all in a man came toward me. I recognized him as one of the blacksmiths. "You ok kid?" "Haha everyone keeps calling me kid. I may still be a teenager but I am not a kid anymore. I can do adult stuff except for drink. How I wish to take a sip." "You will soon enough. Trust me if you ask Ash he will give you some." "Haha I know right? Maybe I will to celebrate our victory." "Yeah good idea. So are you ok?" "Yeah I still have a wound healing its just a little tender." "Oh well easy then. Also are you going into battle alone?" "No. I'll have Ash. I can't let anyone else get killed because of me." "Oh Narvi. Your still on about that? Its our choice weather we want to battle or not. Its our life." "Yes but if I do become controlled I will hurt you all and blame myself for it." "Don't worry none of us will blame you just like we don't blame you for all those years ago." I looked at the people. "Fine. Raise your hands if you are going to join the battle." "Almost all the younger men in their teens and 20's raised their hands. "Fine. When Ash gets here, I will let him know. All the ones who want to go to battle all line up in front so when Ash gets here, he will know." So, they did as they were told and Ash just came up.

"Ash I have something to tell you." Then I told him what was going on and he nodded. "Ok so how old are the teenagers?" "17- and 18-Year-olds." "Fine that's fine then. All of you wanting to battle follow me to train. The others stay here. Sarah, you know what to do." "Yes Ash." So, I went to Ash with the others to train.