Chapter 8: Dream Coming True

I was in the middle of training and…"Woah that was a close one Ran." I said to my sparring partner. He was a 20-year-old guy. "Yeah, nice block Narvi." Finally, training was ending for the night. I was one of the ones that stayed out to protect them. I talked Ash into it but he didn't want me to at first. I leaned against the wall needing a cigarette. Yeah, I smoke. "Hey Ash. Gotta smoke?" "Kid you shouldn't be smoking hell neither should I here you go kid." "Thanks." He lit the cigarette for me and I puffed it. "So, uh any more of that dream so we know which day it will happen?" said Ash. "Uh not really. Wait." My head was starting to hurt. I took out the cigarette and crushed it. "Shit. This hurts." "Hey kid you, ok? Hey Kid!" shouted Ash.

I heard the voice in my head. "The time has come. It will happen tomorrow. You will meet me then. Remember don't give in. The future you saw can always change it is not written in stone." Then once she left the headache stopped. When I opened my eyes, I was laying down with Ash looking at me. "Damn that was weird." I said. "Hey you ok now kid?" "Y-Yeah I think so." "What the hell happened to you?" "I heard the voice again. She said the time has come. The battle will start tomorrow night." I didn't tell him about what she said about not giving in. "OK let's warn the people." I had Ash do it cause I was still a little weak.

Finally, after a while I got my strength back and while everyone was asleep I decided to train on my own. I found a tree and started hitting and punching it. I guess I didn't know my own strength because I knocked a tree down. "Woops." Then I stopped when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and was relieved when I saw Ash. "Oh, its only you. What do you want?" "Oh nothing. I assumed you would be training in secret the night before a battle." "Ha yeah you know me too well. Even though you've known me for a short time." "Well, I was young once too." "SO, you're admitting your old." "Haha, I guess I am. I had no idea I had a son. Until the queen told me. I never imagined she'd end up a queen." "Yeah, that's true. You'd never expect a fling or an ex to end up that way." I said lost in thought. Then I cleared my throat and said. "Anyway, so yeah I was training a night before the battle. I need to be strong so I don't give in to the spell. I need to be mentally and physically strong." "I know a way you can train for the mind control." "Really how?" "Did you forget my friend who put up a barrier?" "What about her?" "Oh, you'll see she will explain herself." He brought her over and left back to protect the others. "So, your name is Sarah. Nice to meet you I'm Narvi." "Like wise Narvi. So, Ash told me a lot about you. So, you will be controlled by the mind then?" "Yes, that is what will happen." "Well ok then. I am young as well. Ash took me in to his village when I was one of the survivors of my village being wiped out. So, he was more like a father or brother if you will. Also, what he saved me from was a village where witches lived. So, when I turned 16 my powers started. Luckily there was some witches who could help me out that lived in his village." "I see I'm sorry. How old were you when he saved you?" "I was around 5 years old."

"That was around the time my tragedy happened when I was that age." "Yes, Ash told me about it. I am 21 now. He was a young soul himself only 14 when he found me. They were also looking for survivors. They were able to find some and others were there too who most likely took the others as well." "I see it was the same as you know with mine but I was the reason for mine." "Yes, I also heard the elves took you and your father in and that you were kidnapped." "Yeah, well so you know a lot. So is one of your powers mind control?" "Uh yes. In the village I was the strongest witch there. Everyone was surprised as well as me." "Ok then, shall we?"

She used her power and I was prepared for it. Or so I thought. Once she had control of my mind, she told me to go after Ash. I was trying to fight with all my might. Once I saw Ash that is when I heard her say I want you to kill him!" Ash heard what was going on and knew what she was doing. I saw his face. Then I tried stopping myself I tried to cut myself to break free of the curse. I had a knife and tried to slice my arm. "NO! I WILL NOT HURT ANYONE!" I yelled. Then finally I got the knife closer and cut my arm. Then the spell was broken and I fell to the ground. "Shit Kid!" "He's alright just exhausted from fighting it off." "Yeah, I'm fine. Damn she is strong." "Haha yeah I've been at the other end of it myself." Then I saw Sarah blush in embarrassment. "Hey I was coming into my powers, ok?"

"Haha don't worry. Your secret is safe with me still I promised Sarah." "Yeah I know. But still." "OK now take a breather Sarah. You know Kid, you won't always have a knife or weapon in the battle. I learned that the hard way. Anyway, you have to have a plan B Kid." "Yeah, I figured that out when I was being controlled by Sarah." "Well good for you Kid." "OK now I'm ready again." "Kid are you sure?" "Yeah, I won't be able to rest for the battle so now is a good time." "Good point Sarah do your thing." "Ok Hmm. What shall I have you do? Oh, I know." Once she got ahold of me again, she wanted me to kick down the tree and she wanted me to try to avoid it.

I usually hurt myself so my mind is on my wound instead of being controlled. So before I could get halfway I bit my arm and broke the mind control. "Ok good kid. Well, you know how to get back is from pain. When one of our allies are close to you ask them to hurt you when you are mind controlled." "Yes sir." "Ok kid get some rest." "I'll do my best. I am a light sleeper." "Ok kid."

The next morning, I woke up and it was bright outside. "Shit I over slept." I ran over to join the training. Except I was told to go see Sarah for my mind control. "Hey Sarah. So is it time to do more mind control?" "Actually yes. Today we are going to try something different. Star come here." "Yes sarah." "Oh hey star." "Hello Narvi." "What is this all about?" "You didn't know but I was hiding my identity. Not only was I human but I was also a witch. Now I have a use. There were witches in the village and you didn't even know." "Yeah well I was a kid how would I know?" "Ok so does that mean your powers combined are going to control me?" "Yes, good job little Narvi." Said Star. She patted my head. "Hey I'm not a kid anymore, ok?" She is 25 years old now. She is 7 years older than I am. She was a babysitter to me with her mom's help. "Yeah, ok kid." "OK get ready Narvi." "OK hit me." I Said. "Be careful what you wish for kid." Said Star.

They both got control of me and it was harder to control. They wanted me to go after the tree again. I stopped midway straining to hurt myself to stop it. I forced my arm up to my mouth and barely got it to bite and bit it then dropped on the ground. "Damn that was harder than I thought." I coughed a little then blood came out. "Shit. This isn't good." I said. "I'm ok stay there." I got up barely standing and wobbled back over to them.

Night came around and by the time we got to the village, the village was on fire. Then I had a flash back of the night I almost burned down the village. "Shit why am I having a flashback now." Then I was fighting with a woman I don't recognize. 'She must be the woman who is going to control me' I thought. So, when I was fighting her, I was expecting it. She had minions with her so the others are fighting them. I was still waiting for the woman to show up that talked to me. "Oh, I see you are a fast healer." Said the one who I am fighting. She cut me in the side. "Yeah, I am not as weak as you think." "Oh well let's see then." 'Here it comes.' I thought. I was right. 'Shit this is harder than the two of them combined. I can't move. I have only one option. I ended up breaking my arm. Since she was too strong for me to lift it. I screamed for a little bit then I went after her again. This time I weakened her. I was about to kill her when someone stopped my hand. Then before I knew what happened I was stabbed. "Shit! Its poisoned." Then I collapsed. And I saw him run off with the woman. Along with the others following. 'Luckily no one on our side was killed. I might be the only casualty.' I thought.

As my vision was getting blurry, I saw Ash and the others running towards me. I was coughing out blood. "I've been poisoned. I…can't…Heal. Its deadly….to….my kind. I don't know how…. they knew. Cough." I spit up some more blood. "Easy kid don't talk. Just shake your head. Do you know what the poison is?" I shook my head no. Then not long after my eyes got blurry. "Shit. We need to get help and fast." Then all of a sudden, a woman came and was upset she was too late. "Darn it. I'm too late." She walked over to Ash and his friends. "My name is Davina. I am the woman who raised this boy for 5 long years. I am his mother." "Wait we were told you were dead. How?" said one of the men. "Let's not worry about that. We need to worry about Narvian now." Said Ash. "Can you help him?" Said Ash. "Yes, I can but I'm afraid he probably won't wake up for a month or two. Oh dear it means he will probably wake up closer to his birthday." They saw her pick him up and lay a hand where his wound was. After Ash found him, he took the sword out and put pressure on the wound. After she put the hand on the wound it was starting to heal and purple liquid came out of it. "Is that the poison?" "Yes, it is. It is deadly to his kind. This isn't good. He will be fine. I might know who is responsible. He should be fine now get him to a safe place. I will be back in a few hours. This isn't over but it won't happen any time soon so let me do this and have them enjoy time while they can." She waved her hand and all the houses were restored. "Thank you, Miss.," "Call me Davina. I will be back." Then she left and after Ash picked him up he laid Narvi down in Star's house. He had one of the men stay with him while he told the other's its ok to come home for now. Then they all got out and lined up and headed back for home.

A month in a half later Narvi was finally waking up. "Hmm. Ow. What? Where am I?" "Hey welcome back to the land of the living Narvian." Said Ash. "Yeah, did that lady ever show up?" "Yeah, oh speak of the devil here she is." "Mom? No, you can't be. You died." "Your right. I did. I will explain but not right now. Let's check you out." While she was looking me over Ash said, "Oh I forgot Ryker will be here soon with your brother. We got word. They are about here." "Uh mom are you ready to see dad?" "Uh I guess I will have to be. By the way honey. Happy birthday." "What?! I've been out for a month and a half. Shit. How did I heal?" "I saved you. I can only do it this once though. I will explain it later. Let's let dad come here first." "Oh, speaking of dad. Mom my birth parents are the king and queen. Also, the boy with dad is my half-brother, Arson. We share same mom. He is Ash's son." "Oh wow." "Yeah, I was 16 at the time." "Well then. He must be handsome." "Haha thanks Davina." "OK you two stop flirting." Said dad. "DAD!" I got up to quickly and almost fell over from dizziness. "Easy son. You just woke up." Said mom. "Son?" Said dad and he looked up. "Davina?" "Yes, it's me Ryker. Except I am not the same woman." "Yeah, mom didn't tell me either." "Can you all excuse us for a min except for Ash and Arson." Then everyone left and it was just us.

"OK so you want to know what happened right?" "Yes please." "Well let's see. I did die if you were wondering. I guess you can say I was reborn. I did keep my old name and all that. I also am still your wife. If that much is clear. SO, I have all my old memories. I now have the ability to heal. And other stuff. I was reborn as a witch. The only reason I said I couldn't save him again was not forever just for the poison. If he is poisoned again, I won't be able to save him. As for the poison Ash I believe as you saw what the poison was." "Yes, I do. Now that I have seen it." "Ok so you know what to do then once he is poisoned right?" "Yes, I do. I am not only a human but I have special blood that can cure special poisons. Since I didn't know the poison, I couldn't do anything since there are some poisons it will not cure. It will slow it down but not cure." "Oh, I see. Well, it's good to know you can cure me then when it happens again. I'll try not to." "Yeah please." "So, if you are really my mother and you still have your memories can you prove it?" "Son she is your mother." "Is she really? OK then Mom or woman who says she is follow me." So, she followed me and I said "Ok if you are who you say, what is something only my mom knows that she wouldn't tell anyone." "Oh, that's easy." Then she told me something embarrassing. "Ok, OK I believe you now. Sorry for doubting you."

Then we came out. "Ok so she really is my mother." "I told you son." "Ok now back to seriousness. The battle isn't over. As long as those ones are alive Narvian is in trouble." "Wait they were here for me? Again, people are hurt because of me. Dammit! Mom everyone please stay away from me. I can't have anyone else dying or getting hurt because of it." Then I tried running off but my brother grabbed my arm. "Arson let me go. Don't make me use my power on you." Then he let go shocked and not only him but the others as well.

Since I can jump, I jumped around until I couldn't see anyone anymore. Then I stopped because I was still weak and now in pain. "Shit. At least I am somewhere to rest. Hopefully no one will find me here."