Chapter 9: The Jays

I woke up not realizing I even fell asleep. "Shit its already night. By the looks of it it's close to the time I was born. Wait. My birthday. That woman. Can it be connected?" "I decided to try to head back to the others but a feeling stopped me." "Dammit I can't." I decided to shave my horns down. Or should I say file. Now they are short and I put a hoodie on. It was in the cold days right now.

I Finally ended up jumping elsewhere. I tried to go as far away as possible but remembered they will come back for me. I couldn't go far. Once I realized I didn't know where I was, I knew I have gone too far. I just knew how to get back. Once I hopped to where I recognized I stopped by a cave to rest. I never did stop training weather I was wounded or not. So, I decided I was going to stay there until the day came, they decided to show themselves again. Or so that was the plan.

I had stayed there a few days and realized I had no food or water. Then I decided to go to the nearest village. I had money on me actually quite a bit. So, I went to the village to get some supplies to last me a couple of months. After I got what I needed I headed back to my cave. I have already fully healed finally thanks to my demon blood. "Wait. If they knew what happened in the village, how did they know I was back here? Oh no mom dad everyone!" I started Jumping as fast as I could to go home to make sure everyone was ok.

When I got to the village mom and dad were on the ground. I looked at them and realized they were just knocked out. I was relieved. I looked around for the others. I shouted. "Hey I'm here! Leave everyone alone!" Then I heard a Voice. "NO Kid Don't!" said Ash. It was Ash. "Trust me! I will be ok! I Know what I am doing." "Fine but come back to us alive got it?!" "Yes. I can't promise not to be hurt but I can say they don't want to kill me but not promises for that." "OK just don't get killed got it?" "Yeah. If I go with you guys, can you promise not to hurt anyone here or the castle." "Yes, we promise now let's go." Said the woman. So, I went with them.

I got to where ever they were staying and said, "Who are you guys anyway? Did you come here because of my birthday?" "Well, our plan was your 18th but things got kind of in the way." Said the man. "SO, who are you people?" "Oh, that's right your parents or should I say Davina and Ryker haven't told you about us." "I guess she wanted to keep me safe for whatever it is you want to do to me." "I see so she really must not know what we want to do. She was just listening to rumors. Oh dear." "What rumor?" "Well back then when you were just found you were just a baby. We were there as well and were about to get you but they got to you first. There was a rumor that said we wanted to kill you before your changes occurred and that isn't true at all. As you see we can tell you have made your changes already and we don't want to hurt you." "Yeah, about that why did one of your men almost kill me then? He used the poison deadly to my kind." "Yes, well that much wouldn't kill you it was a low dose. Enough to knock you out, I guess. Your damn mother got in the way and saved your dumb ass. Now you have finally come." "Ok so if you don't want to hurt me or kill me what exactly is it you want from me and who the hell are you people for the last time."

"Oh, excuse me. I am Talia and this is my stupid brother Jay." "Ok and what are you called if you have a group name or something?" "We are called the Jays. Jay always thinks because his name is Jay, he is in charge of everything but he isn't. So, is there anything that signifies your group by any chance?" "Actually, there are some similarities but not so much. Come you will find out. I've called a meeting everyone should be here now." I followed them to a room where there was a stage and I stood there smoking a cigarette. "This is ok right?" "Yeah, sure no rules about smoking." "OK cool." I went on stage with them and Jay started talking. "Ladies and gentleman. Our prince has returned. Our prince Narvian." "Woah wait a minute. You knew I was a prince then?" "Yes we were there when you were announced. So was Davina and Ryker. You were kidnapped when you were a baby." "Yeah I know that much. The king told me. They dropped the basket and that is when mom found me." "Yes that's right. We found you first but didn't know she hid you were a prince. If we would have known we would have taken you away a long time ago." "Wait a minute. I may be the crown prince but I didn't decide to become King. I just got used to the fact of being called a prince. I was going to tell father or the king that I wasn't going to be king. My brother Arson is better leader than me." "Oh, we never said anything about you being king but we agree with you. Your brother would be best. We can send word not a problem for that." "So why exactly am I here then?" "Oh well we aren't the ones to tell you that. But first let's get to know our people." "NO problem." Then I went down and said "Hey everyone. What's up." "Ha looks like you weren't properly educated." "Nah I was only there for 5 years and you heard about the fire, right? that was me. I've blamed myself and I still do a little even if I was just a boy. Then the elves took me and my father in but I didn't stay long and got kidnapped again. After that I was kidnapped, I was there until I was 18 years old I met Arson there. He didn't talk at first. We were taken to a couple we thought were going to be evil but they were a lovely couple. But then they ended up dying. That's when Ash found me and took us in. I was told I was a prince so when Ash fell asleep, we escaped to the castle. I have a feeling he already knew." "Oh, so that is what happened to you all these years." Said Talia. "Yeah, so when can I find out why I am here?" "Right now." "Hello young man." Said an old man. "Hello sir. Can you tell me why I am here?" "Yes, please follow me."

I followed the old man to a room with a fountain. It was beautiful." Before I left with the old man, I put my cigarette out. "Yes, it is." "So, sir why am I here?" "Ah yes. I brought you here to tell you that. But instead show you. I don't even know. Look into the fountain. It will show you why you are here. Only you will be able to see no one else can." "Yes sir."

I looked into the fountain and just saw myself until it changed. It shocked me at first. Then I watched it again. It showed me as leader of the Jays. Wait is that? "No! No way! It can't be! It can't!" I saw an old friend of mine there as well and I had a girlfriend I'm assuming because we were all mushy. I couldn't watch anymore so I looked away. "Sir is the waterfall truthful?" "Yes, I am afraid it will be what comes to pass if you do not become King." "Well right now I'd prefer to be king seeing what I know. Uh can I have time to think about it?" "Yes, let me show you to your room."

I got to the room and looked at it. "Ah a bed. Thanks, old man. Tell everyone not to worry but, I need to be left alone for a day or two only come in with food or whatever." "Yes, young man. You will eventually finish the what the fountain wants you to do." "Yes, sir thanks." He left and I was on my own.

"Oh mom, dad, everyone. What am I to do?" I found some chalk and decided to draw something random. I drew a picture of all the men and me standing up in front of all of them. 'Ha yeah like that will happen.' I thought. "Sigh what should I do? Hey you listening up there? I mean I know I'm a demon but I can't help what I was born as can you help me out here? Send someone to tell me what I should do." Then I looked back away saying "Of course you won't." Or so I thought. There was a knock on my door. "Who is it?" "Its me Talia." 'Really? Her?' I asked in my head. "Come in." Oh, I forgot to tell you it had already been a day when all this happened.

"What brings you here Talia?" "Worried about you. You haven't gone out of the room since you went in. Are you ok?" "Sight yeah I'm fine. I just don't know what I am supposed to do. You got a smoke somewhere?" "Yeah, here you go." "Thanks." She even lit it for me. "So, what shall I do?" I told her about the vision I saw and what I drew on the wall. How I don't want to finish seeing what happens in the fountain. "I see. Well either way you need to go back home and let the others know you are ok." "Yeah, that is the plan. So, what do you think?" "Well, I would finish seeing what the fountain has to tell you and if you'd like I could go with you." "Well, I can try once more. Even if I don't like it and you need a breather there is a bench there I guess." "OK let me finish this smoke then we can go, ok?" "Sure." So, we talked about random stuff until I was done with my smoke.

"OK let's go. Oh, and before we do. Put these on." I looked at them and it's a jay's uniform. "Cool I certainly will." It was black pants they got to choose the shirts but she chose red and a black leather jacket with a Jay bird on it. Once I got changed, she looked at me and blushed. "What do I look that good? I mean I know I'm handsome to begin with." "Haha your too full of yourself but yeah you look good." "OK let's go." So, we left back to the fountain and saw the old man.

"So, you have come to finish listening to the fountain?" "Yes sir. I would like Talia to stay here if you don't mind?" "Not at all I will give you two time alone." "Thank you, sir." I bowed for respect then I said, "Here goes nothing." I looked into the fountain again. It showed the same thing. This time I knew who the girl was it was Talia. "No way!" I was about to walk away again when Talia stopped me. "It's ok I'm here Narvi." I was sweating in nervousness. Then I looked again. I saw that we could accomplish anything with them. Then it should showed me what could happen if I became King. It showed me getting married and having kids. Having to work and care for a country. How happy everyone is but how tiring it could be. Then finally it was done. "Narvi? Are you ok?" said Talia worried. "Yeah, I finally finished." "So, what did it show you?" "I need a breather first. This is a lot to take in. Do you mind if I go home for a bit?" "Go ahead as promised we left everyone alone." "Thanks, let everyone know I will be back. I will stay with them for a few days if that's ok." "Yes of course. You came here what the old man wanted you to see now you can do whatever." "OK well thanks. I will be back. That much I can say. Let everyone know I'm sorry I had to leave so soon." "Don't worry they will understand." So, I left back home.

After a while I came back to the village. Everyone was shocked I was back. I went inside the house and didn't see anyone. It was starting to scare me. "Mom? Dad? Arson? Ash?" I said. Then all of a sudden "Surprise!" was shouted. "What the hell?" "Well people told us you were back and we already had this ready for your birthday but you left." "Yeah, thanks everyone. I guess I can tell you Tomorrow. I did say I'd stay a few days." "Ok sure." So, I had a good time with my parents and friends. Even the King and Queen came. "I'm sorry I haven't been back at the castle your majesties." I said. "Oh, don't worry about it son. We have gotten your letter its. Fine." "Oh yeah I forgot about that." "So will brother become King now since I don't plan too?" "Unless something comes up and you change your mind then yes, he will be trained too." "Ok good." "SO, we all had a good time that night.

The next morning after everyone was alive and awake, I had everyone gather around to tell them what had happened to me. what choice I should make. Then Ash spoke. "Well, you saw what happened right? You had more fun with these Jays then you did as King, right?" "Well Kind of yeah." "Well then that is what I would suggest. OK a vote. Who thinks he should stay with the Jays?" Then everyone raised their hand. "Wait what about the Elves? Are the Jays and Elves Allies?" "Well sort of. It's a long story but they get along. I would say more rivals than enemies." Said Ash. "OK so do they go into Elf territory sometimes?" "Yeah, they do. There is also a reason they are called Jays. When you go back ask them to show you." "Yes, I will. Also do they know you?" "Yes, I sort of used to be one." "What?!" All of us said at the same time. "Yeah. I used to be one of them in my younger days." "I thought so. I saw you in the vision the fountain gave me. I thought I was seeing things." "Wait so that is the reason you asked?" "Yeah, you looked the same as you do now. Must mean they welcome you back. Wanna come back with me when I go back?" "Uh Yeah sure. When you going back?" "Well, I told them a few days to figure things out." "OK so about 2 days?" "Yeah, lets go with that."

So, 2 days later we were all packed and ready to go. "Uh ok Jay we are going to stop at a point where no one can see us it will be embarrassing." "Uh ok." So when we stopped when we couldn't see the village again I said, "OK so here is a good place to stop. See I can carry a heavy man so I can carry you. It would be faster if I could jump." "Wait you can jump?" "Yeah, you will find out. So, get on." "Haha are you sure kid?" "Yeah, why not?" "Ok suit yourself." Ash got on and he felt light compared to the heavy man. "OK let's go. Hang on tight." So, I jumped and I heard Ash say "Yee Haw." "OK I'm not a horse."

Then we got there in no time. "OK stay here for a minute." "Yeah sure." First thing that happened when I got in was everyone surrounding me. "OK everyone I have a surprise for you so please just calm down everyone." Talia came over and said, "So what's the surprise?" "Have everyone in the stage room, and make them close their eyes." "Ok sure." So, she left and guided everyone there.

"Ok let's go. Everyone is waiting." I said to Ash. So we walked into the room and stood on stage. I spoke first. "Now keep your eyes closed for a minute. I want you all to see if you recognize this person's voice before you open them. If I ask and no one can then I will let you know. Then you can open your eyes ok? Raise your hand if you think you know who this is. OK go ahead." "Hello everyone!" So far no one raised their hand. "Don't give anything away or any hints. Just talk normally." "OK sure. Hello everyone how ya doing." Then a lot of people raised their hand. Ok you in the front. Since only one was there. "It's Ash, right?" said a man. "Yes, it is. Everyone open your eyes." They all opened them and saw Ash. "Woah it really is him!" said a girl. Then everyone started talking at once. "Ok everyone relax please calm down. As of right now he doesn't have any plans of returning. He just wanted to see some old friends again. As for the future who knows. I also have an announcement to make. If everyone is ok with it, I have decided to stay with the Jays and refuse to become King." That's when it got crazy again. "Please settle down." Then Ash said "Quiet everyone!" That's when it got quiet. "Thanks Ash. Anyways if anyone has any questions or rejections of me or Ash staying let me know please. Also, questions and comments are ok too."

"Ok since there isn't any right now you can ask them any time, we aren't busy. That will be all." Then we got down and I said, "So what are your plans now Ash?" "Well now it looks like I will have to come back. Have to make sure you don't get killed." "Haha I'm sure everyone will welcome you. Also, I have a surprise for you Ash. Talia, do you, have it?" "Yeah, right here." I threw the outfit at him. "Welcome to the Jays Ash." "Aww you shouldn't have." Ash Joked. "Well, you should send word you're staying here." I said. "Oh, I have a feeling they already know. Don't worry about it." And that is how I joined the Jays.