Chapter 10

With the Jays we basically went on adventure after adventure. It's either fighting partying or training with them. I love it. We do go to the elves once in a while. Master was happy to see me again. I told him about mom being alive. He was happy. He said he would write a letter to the village. It had already been 2 years now since I joined. My brother is almost done with his training to be king as well. I am not quite the leader yet but soon enough I will be.

One part of my vision came true already. Talia ended up my girlfriend. She has helped me since the beginning. She showed me around etc. She is actually beautiful with her midnight blue dark hair and different color eyes. Right one is Blue the left is gold. She was the witch that possessed me or tried to. Then I came back out of my thoughts when I heard her voice. "Narvi are you ok?" "Huh sorry what did you say?" "I asked if you were ok." "Yeah, sorry I'm just out of it today. Can we finish this meeting another time. I don't think I feel well right now." "Yes of course. When should we reschedule the meeting?" said the elder. "Let's say 2 days from now should be alright." "OK cool." So that is what they did.

I said, "Talia I'm going to lay down a bit." "Ok sure. Are you sure you'll be, ok?" "Yeah, I think so. Go hang out with your friends I need some rest." She put her hand on my head and said, "Well you don't have a fever so I will do as you say." "Ok thanks." I went to my room not knowing anyone was following me.

I hear footsteps and saw Ash. Yeah, everyone excepted him. "Oh, Hey Ash." "Hey kid you don't look so good." "Yeah, I was fine a minute ago just lightheaded now I feel worse." "What's going on Kid?" "I think it's more mental than Physical sickness. When I was in the meeting something triggered when I first met Talia and what she almost did to me and one of my friends. How she ended up being my girlfriend in the end." "Kid I ask myself some weird questions myself like how my old friend turned to be queen and I have a kid. Stuff like that." "Yeah, yours is more shocking."

"Well ok whatever kid. You just need to relax and stop thinking. You really will end up really sick. I'll stay here until you fall asleep." I closed my eyes in peace knowing he would be there for me. Once Narvi was asleep he left the room.

"How is he Ash?" "Not so good. He looks pretty pale. He should be fine with a little rest." "What happened?" "It's mental not physical." "Oh, I see. What if sleep doesn't help?" "Well, the only way would be taking him to the elves. They would know what to do." "Yeah, lets send word just in case." "Good Idea." So, they sent a letter and one of the Jays transformed to a Jay and took the letter to master. The Jays were not regular birds they were big enough for people to ride them. Also, they were different colors.

About an hour later Ash and Talia went to check on Narvi. They knocked on the door and no answer. Then they decided to go in and found Narvi on the ground. "Narvi! Hey Narvi! We have to get him to the elves fast!" I think you are right. I'll take you both but first let's let everyone know." Once he did that, he turned into his Falcon form and had Talia hold on to Narvi so he wouldn't fall. "Damn that boy is getting heavy I can handle it there and back if needed so don't worry." So, they flew off for the elves.

Hours later they made it to the elves. They were waiting for him at the entrance of the forest. Ash turned back human and rushed over. "How is the kid?" "He is still unconscious. I hope the elves can help. "Hello master I'm sure you heard not long ago Here he is." "Oh, my dear boy." The master said. He touched Narvi's head. "We need to take him to a calming healer and fast. This really is mental."

They rushed him over and laid him down. Master yelled for help and they knew immediately what they needed. "I'm here Master." "Oh, thank goodness Galene I need you." "Yes master." She touched Narvi's head and knew immediately what to do. She lifted him up into her lap and hugged him. "She hasn't had to do this for a while. It's been years since she had one this bad." "Is he going to be ok?" "Let's hope so let's go out and walk around. Let him rest." "I'll stay here outside the tent." Said Talia. "OK sure." Then they left and Talia stayed.

After about an hour Galene came out. "Oh, hello Talia. Glad someone stayed. His mind is somewhat relaxed now. I don't know when he will wake up but its relaxed enough you would be able to go in. Also, he has been saying your name in his sleep so you might want to go in." "Thank you." She went in and sat next to Narvi. "Talia it's not your fault. Don't cry." Narvi said in his sleep. "I'm here Narvi. Its Talia." "Talia. Don't leave me too." He said in his sleep. "I won't leave you. Never." A couple of hours later Narvi was waking up in time for Ash and Master to come back.

"Hmm. Ha.. Ha.. Where? Where am I? Huh why is Talia lying next to me?" He tried to move his hand not to wake her but a tiny movement woke her up. "Narvi your awake!" She hugged me tight. "Ow! Ok ok but what happened? Where am I?" "You are in the infirmary with the elves. You had to go to a calming elf. Your mental health wasn't so good." "Ah I see so that is what happened. So how long do I have to stay here?" "Well here in general you can leave. As for leaving the elves at least 2 weeks to get your mental health in check." Said Master. "I see. We can't leave them for long. Ash can you go and check on things please? What are you going to do Talia?" "I will stay here." "Ok that's fine. Thanks Ash." "If anything happens to this idiot let me know, ok?" "Yes of course." Said master. "Ok so what should we do for the next two weeks then sir?" I asked. "Well first let's go to my office. It's still just as calming as before." "Ok Master." So, we went to his office.

"Ok now let's all sit down and tell me what happened here? When did you start feeling sick?" "Well, I was in a meeting with the Jays and something they said triggered old memories which weren't happy ones. They were ones like the first-time seeing Talia when she controlled me. And uh the incident when I was 5 years old was brought back as well." "I guess those would do it. What comment or question brought it up. Do you know?" "I actually don't remember." "I think I do." Said Talia. "It was more than one question or comment. One brought up the other. The comment when they mention the year when Narvi was a 5-year-old and this happened kind of thing and then when I came to the village this happened." "Yeah, that would do it. Why did they have to bring it up in the meeting?" "They didn't they could have waited until he was out to do it. I don't think they knew what they were saying because they apologized to him." "Hey I told them it was fine. I know they didn't do it on purpose. I don't know why my mentality is still this weak." I mean come on I am almost 20 years old. I know what happened with Talia was two years ago but that one doesn't bug me. It's more the one when I was younger." "Well let me tell you a little something Narvi and Talia. When I was a young lad…" "Wait you were a young lad?" "Oh, you jokester. OK let me finish when I was a young lad, I had the same problem. My mind didn't get stronger until my mid 20's or early 30's." "Oh I see so it might take me about 5 or 10 years then?" "Yes, but as you get older you will notice your mind strengthening and not reacting much to certain memories. Now I would suggest you two walk in the forest a bit and relax." "Thank you for your help, Master." "Sure, no problem."

"Ah its always so calm here. No wonder the elves look younger than they are. They always have a calm mind and healthy bodies. Maybe I should live here. What do you think Talia?" "Well, I think for now let's stay where we are with the jays. Then if there comes a time something happens that you have to retire like health wise or physical, we can live here will that work?" "Yeah, that sounds good." "Hey I just thought of something. I know its aways away but I want to have my kids here. Once I recover, we can come back home." "Yeah, that would be perfect. It will be less painful. I'm sure." "As for when. Come with me." I dragged her to the place I first saw dad after the fire. I brought her to the little piece of land that people usually think or pray at. Talia. I've known you for 2 years now. Our first meeting wasn't very romantic to say but as we got to know each other I've fallen more in love with you every day. Talia Emory Carter. Will you marry me?" She had a shocked face at first then she came back to earth. "Yes, Narvian Arson Dragonblood. I will marry you." We kissed and I picked her up and twirled her around. "Yes! Thank you, babe. I love you so much." "I love you too Narvi." "So when will we get married?" "Let's talk about it when we get back to the Jays. We can mention it to master. I was thinking of having it in the elf territory." "Yeah, good idea. We should have our honey moon here too it's just so calming and we might even get pregnant with our first child here." "Yeah, lets go and talk to him now."

"Hello Master. We have come here to talk to you in private." "Yes, please this way." When we got to the nearest place, I told him what happened. "Congratulations. We would be happy to let you have your wedding here when you decide." Thank you, sir."

Two weeks went by fast. We said goodbye and thanked everyone. I had Talia hop on my back and we jumped back home.

"Hello everyone. I am back and better than ever! We also have some news! Talia and I are engaged!" Then a lot of cheers and whistles were heard. One was from Ash. "Congrats kid. Now let's talk about the wedding!" "Oh hush." Said a middle-aged women. They just got engaged this stuff takes time. I have an idea if we want to rush it though how about 6 months after Narvian's birthday?" "Um sure? What do you think Narvi?" "Oh anything you want Talia is good for me on the wedding." "OK then that sounds good. When do we need to get the invitations?" WE will send them 4 months before the wedding now we need to find an exact date." "Well it will be in January so I don't know hey hon when in January do you want to have the wedding?" "Oh let's see. What about the day after mom's birthday?" "Ok that sounds perfect. Ok so a day after Davine's birthday. Her birthday is the 11, so the 12 will be perfect." "Hey isn't that your birthday jenny?" "Yes, so it will be a special birthday for me if I am invited." "Oh of course the whole crew is invited we will send one to the elder for the whole crew. We will be having it at the elf territory we already asked the Master and he said he would let the elder know as well."

When we were all having a good time suddenly my body didn't feel real well. "Arrg. My head. Ha…Ha…Ash! Help me. Please….Ha…Ha…" "Kid! Kid! Hang on you will be ok! Hang on kid." Then Narvi couldn't hear anymore his consciousness left him.

(Inside Narvi's head)

"Where? Where is this?" I said confused. "Relax dear boy." I heard a girl's voice say. "Who are you? Where are you?" "Oh, excuse me. sometimes I forget." Then she showed herself. "Hello Narvian." "Who are you?" "I am the one who brought your mother back. I am the Goddess that brought your mother's back. My name is Serena." "OK so what happened to me? Did I die or something? I remember having a headache and then I was panting. I asked for Ash's help." "Well, you aren't dead yet Narvian. You are in between life and death." "What do you mean? How can I be in between life and death? How was I hurt?" "Well, I don't really know. I think you must have been poisoned somehow or hurt in training? Maybe you felt sleepy after eating or drinking something?" "Oh damn! I just thought maybe I was full and wanted to lay down. After eating a lot, I usually get tired." "Maybe that person knew and you wouldn't suspect anything. Let me tell you something. It will be up to you weather you want to move on or not. The poison will be cured but it's not guaranteed to be in time." "What happens if I move on? Where will I go?" "Even I don't know myself. It's different for all the people I work with." "What shall I do? I mean I have a girlfriend I love and now I was about to marry her. Do you think I should? I mean according to the fountain…" Before I could finish, she spoke. "The fountain. That brings me back. Well, the fountain tells the future of what could happen. It's not guaranteed. Just like the future is not so I can't really help you on your decision. I'm sorry." "Oh, its fine. Sigh. IS there anyone who could help me?" "Yes, in fact hold on. Let me call him." Then I saw her close her eyes and a man appeared out of nowhere. I was shocked at first then calmed down.

"Hello Narvian." Said the man. "Hello. You look familiar." "Oh yeah? Probably because I am your uncle. Or should I say was. I was in the same situation you were. I had no one to help me. You're lucky you got me though. I sort of regret it but I can't go back. I had a love too. I was going to marry her. I loved her so much but then for some reason I decided to move on. I had a lot of baggage I didn't think she would like." "Oh well that helps. If you are my uncle whose brother, are you?" "I was your mothers' brother. How is your mother by the way?" "Mom is doing great. She died in the fire but was brought back." "Serena were you the one?" "Yes, on the orders of the boss." "I see. She still with Ryker?" "Yes, she loves dad with all her heart. Did you know she wasn't my birth mother but she is my mother all the best. She raised me." "Yes I knew that when she brought you in. I was there. I saw everything happen to the time you were taken to the time she picked you up. I didn't do anything I just had to keep an eye on you king's orders were to look out for you. So, when you were taken back from the elves. Yes, I followed. I tried to follow but as you can see the kidnappers killed me." "So, you knew who I was all this time?" "Yeah, but it sucks I had to die so soon. Well kiddo what do you want to do?" "I think…. I think I want to go back. I want to live quite a few years and have kids of my own someday." "Good thinking Kid." "Well, serena see you later." Then he saluted her in joking and poofed. "Woah that was cool." "Ok Narvian are you sure you want this? Once you go back there is no changing." "Yes, I'm sure and thanks for everything serena."

Once we were done talking and I thanked her it went all black again. Then I heard someone calling my name.




"Hmm. Ha…Cough cough." I didn't feel so good at the moment. I slowly opened my eyes trying to keep them open but I was so tired. "Hey Ash." I said weakly. "Kid how you feeling?" "Like I got Kicked in the head by a full-grown man." I joked. "Haha ok kiddo." He felt my forehead and said, "You have a fever right now. Once it goes back to normal you can go home. You might have to stay another day or two to be safe." "Ok where is Talia?" "She's outside I'll go get her." "Yeah."

Talia came in. "Oh, my Goddess. Narvi your awake!" "Easy Talia I still don't feel so good." "Yeah, I know Ash told me. I'll be here just go back to sleep." "Yeah." Then I went to sleep and woke up the next day and was able to go home.