Chapter 11

Talia walked home with me to the castle. Hello your majesties. "Hello Narvi I heard you were sick feeling better?" "Yes, Father and brother I am fine. This is my fiancé, Talia. I have been dating her for a couple of years. Just recently got engaged." Then my dad and brother got down. My brother grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Ahh, you don't have to do that." "I hope you don't mind." "No, it's all good." "Dad she is a Jay. As you know Jays have unique features in the human body. Her yes and hair kind of give her away. Would it be ok to go to the training room so she can show you, her form? Oh, also where is mom?" "Oh, she's out today on business. She should be back in a few days." "Oh ok." Then we went to the training room.

"Ok ready Talia?" She nodded. Then I told everyone to back up and they did. She was so big that a human or a few can ride her. That's how all the Jays are. "Wow beautiful. Can I pet her?" I looked at her and she nodded. "Sure. Maybe later we can even ride her if you'd like with me. Dad can come too." "OK honey you can change back." Then she changed back. "I have a lot of questions." Said my brother. "Let's let her rest first we just got here." "Yeah, ok sure. Maybe tomorrow then. Oh, and when did you decided the wedding?" "Oh, let Talia tell you. I'm not the planning type on weddings." "Haha yeah I figured." "Its best if I go over it with the queen." Said Talia. "Oh, ok sure. That's best." "SO, I just got word she would be back tomorrow instead of a few days. She should be back around noon." "OK we will stay until we talk to mom. Talia and I are going to head over to my room to rest. See you in an hour or so." "Yeah, see you bro." So, we went to my room to rest.

A couple hours later. we were done resting and went to find my brother. "Hey Arson there you are. Are you busy?" "No not really why what's up?" "Want to Hang out with us?" "Yeah sure." SO, we hug it out with Talia and got to know her better. "SO, what have you two been doing these days? I heard you were sick what happened?" "Uh I was poisoned. I had just gotten home too someone gave me a snack and you know how I normally get tired after I eat so I didn't think much of it. Then I started feeling sick and then I passed out. I remember when I was out, I saw the goddess. I was told that I was between life and death that I had to make a decision. That's when she called my uncle. Apparently, he was told to watch and not intervein he had the same choice and he regretted not going back. He too had someone he was going to marry but had baggage he didn't think she would like. Then that kind of helped me make my choice. My life just started I want to have a few kinds in the future and live as long as I can." "Wow that's crazy. Glad you came back bro." "Yeah thanks, me too."

The next day mom came. We talked, then after a while we had to get back. "Ok bye everyone see you again soon." "I have something to tell you Narvi. I hope you won't be upset. Let's wait to get back to the cave in our room to tell you though." "OK sure."

We got home then went straight to our room. "OK what is it Talia are you ok?" "Yeah, I will be. I think." "What is it?" "Well, I haven't been feeling well these past few days. I've been feeling tired and vomiting. I think I might be pregnant." "What? Are you serious?" "I don't know. That's why I need to see the doctor to be sure. I just wanted you to be there with me when I found out for sure." "Yes of course I will. Want me to go get him?" "Yes, I will stay here." "OK be right back." I kissed her on the forehead then left the room. "Ash! Ash! Where is the doc?" "Oh, he's eating right now why is everything ok?" "Yeah, I'll go find him thanks." I found him eating at one of the middle tables." I told the doc what was going on and luckily, he was done and was going to throw his stuff away. "Ok let me go get my stuff so I can check to make sure." "Thanks Doc I will be in my room with her." "OK see you soon." Then I rushed back to my room. "Hey how you feeling?" "I'll be ok." "You look pale." "It's normal. So is he coming?" "Yeah, he should be here shortly." Sure, enough there was a knock on the door. "Hello Doctor." "Hello Narvi and Talia. Talia, I need you to lay down on the bed and lift up your shirt. I will be putting some cold gel on your tummy." She nodded. I held her hand and waited. He took out his portable ultrasound. He moved the machine around and stopped. "Aha there they are. See these two things? Hang on let me zoom in. there these are your babies." "What? Twins?!" We both said. "Yes, Twins congratulations. Looks like you are 1 month along. You have 7 or 8 months to go. So, let's see its June now so about January or February you should have two bundles of joy." "Thank you doctor. Uh what should we know to do should she be resting?" "Oh yes." Then he told us about a lot of things and I nodded. "Ok thanks doc." Then He left and I said, "Hey Talia when do you want to tell people?" "Uh maybe tomorrow get everyone together and announce it I guess." "Ok sounds good. I'll make an apt with Ash saying I have news but that's all." "It's ok if you tell him just make sure he doesn't tell anyone else." "Ok lay down I'll cover you up." She did just that and said, "I love you, Narvi." "I love you too Talia now rest." She nodded then she fell right to sleep. I ran to find Ash.

"Ash! There you are. Uh can I talk to you alone please." "Yeah, sure kid is everything ok?" "Yeah, more than ok." "Ok no one should disturb us here what's up?" "Uh I need to make an assembly to gather everyone around. I have something to tell everyone. She said I can tell you if you don't tell anyone else." "Yeah, sure I promise what is it?" Then I told him. He had wide eyes and congratulated me quietly. "Ok yeah I will send invitations to the town saying assembly meeting." "Ok thanks Ash you're a life saver. Talia's in the bed sleeping she's exhausted." "Yeah, I'll bet."

The Next Day around noon everyone was there curious on what is going on. We finally got there and I helped Talia up. "Thanks Narvi and Ash." "OK sit there Talia I tell the news." She nodded. "Hello Ladies and gentleman!" Everyone quieted down. "Sorry for this last-minute gathering but it will have to be brought out sometime. I have some big news! Sometime in January or February we will be having twin babies! Talia is pregnant with Twins!" There was a lot of whispering. "Quiet down please I'm not finished." Then it quieted down. "I would like it if Talia could get a little help until they are born. If anyone could help that would be appreciated. Now if anyone has questions or comments, please now is the time."

We decided to wait till the babies were born before we got married then send the invites out after that. We decided to have a summer wedding.

It was getting closer to time Talia was going to have our boys. Yep, we found out we were having two boys. I had a mission that day and hope to be home when she has to go in or be there before they are born. I went on a mission with the best warriors. "Ok I'll try to be back in time for our boys to be born ok. Love you Talia. I kissed her and her belly. See you later boys." Then I left with the others.

On the mission we were a guard for someone. Since he was really important, they needed 4 guards. It went smoothly on the way there. Guarding the man on the way back there was some fighting but we managed. We had to do this for only a few days. Then we can go home.

Finally, the last day. Hopefully this last day I can go home to my fiancé and future babies. As expected, no one attacked during the work on the way back more fighting this time it wasn't as easy. I had a couple men get away with him. I stayed with another man to fight them off. I was hit. "Argh. Damn that hurt!" then I finally killed the man that hurt me. Looks like we got them all. I was so tired from the pain that I was falling and the man saw me and caught me before I passed out.

"Shit he's not doing too well. Let's get him help!" They yelled. "I know where to go." Said our client. So, they rushed him to a medical facility.

"Hey doc! I need you fast!" said the client. The doc recognized the voice and ran over. "What seems to be the problem master?" "It's not me. It's a friend." "Yes, sir right away. Lay him here quick." "What happened to him?" "He was guarding me and everything went smoothly like before on the way back this time we weren't prepared. The others just got scratches he got the worst of it." "I see well I recognize these wounds. Luckily, he will survive since you brought him here. Any later and I'm afraid he wouldn't make it. I'll take him to the operating room." They took him in and did what they could. Then once they were done, they came out. "Well, he's going to be fine. He needs to say for a day or two." "We will have to wait until he wakes up." "Thank you, doc. Can we go see him?" "Yes, just be quiet so he doesn't wake up." So, they went in at his side.

"Hey man. You gotta wake up soon. Your wife is going to have those babies soon." Said one of the men. "Wait you're telling me he already has babies on the way?" "Yeah, she can have them at any time." said the man." "Well If I would have known that, I wouldn't have called him. I apologize. Come on Narvi you gotta wake up to see your kids."

That night there was signs of waking up. "Uh ow. What the hell happened to me?" "Hey Narvi your awake!" He bumped the other guy to wake him up. "Hey man I'll get the doc." The doc came and checked on him. "Well, you still look like you can use some rest how are you feeling?" "Well other than a little pain ok. Can I go home?" "Well as long as you take it easy when you get there then yes." "Thanks doc." Then they left. Narvi and the others got home ok.

"Hey man you don't look so good. You, ok?" "I'll live. Where is Talia?" "She's laying down in the room you should join her." "Ok thanks." Then I patted my old friend on his shoulder and left.

"Hey honey." I said in a strained tone. "Honey your back. What happened to you?" "Oh, you know mission stuff I'll live. I have to take it easy for a few days. How are you feeling?" "Tired. I can't wait till these little ones are born." Just when she was about to say something else a liquid ran down her leg. "Uh honey. It's time for the babies. My water just broke." "OK uh let me have someone get the doc and rush you. I'll be right by your side." She nodded I ran and yelled for the doc. The doc came rushing and Ash came with him to help out. "Talia's water broke!" They finally got somewhere private I was right next to her the whole time.

The first baby was Ace. The second was Aiden. They weren't identical. The first baby looked more like me the second looked like Talia. Once the babies were wrapped, she held the babies. "How you feeling honey?" "I'm ok just tired." "That's good." "Here want to hold one of them?" "Yeah sure." She handed me Aiden and she held Ace. "Hey there little guy. I'm your dad." I put my finger down and he grabbed it. "Wow he has strength at this age. He's going to be stronger than me, I'm sure." Then we switched after a bit. "Hey Ace. I'm your daddy." Then he held my finger and the same amount of strength. "Wow these kids are both going to be stronger than me. sigh. I won't be your strong man anymore." "Oh, honey you will always be my strong man. We will just have extra help when they get older." "Very funny Talia. So, we should see my parents soon. My brother as well." "Ok once the doc said I'm ok to travel we can. I'm sure mom and dad can watch the kids while we get married and have our honeymoon." "Yeah, your right. Oh right. I'll get Ash he wanted to see the babies." I put the babies in their beds and went to find Ash. I groaned in pain from rushing but I found Ash. "Hey Ash. Want to come see my sons?" "Yeah, lets go."

"I'm coming in honey." "Oh, hey Ash. This is Aiden and Ace. You can hold Ace if you want." "Sure, why not." I took Ace from Talia and gave him to Ash. "Hey little guy. Woah you look just like your dad. Hey I'm your uncle Ash." Then the baby grabbed his finger. "Woah there buddy strong grip you got there." "Yeah, they both have the same grip and Aiden has the same grip. He looks like Talia." "Oh, so fraternal twins huh?" "Ok here's your daddy back." "Can I hold Aiden now?" "Yes, Here you go." "Hey there Aiden. I'm your uncle Ash nice you meet ya." He grabbed Ash's finger and same strength. Then the baby laughed. "Hey you think that's funny little guy." Then we all saw Ash smile. "Ok here's your mommy back. Well, you got some strong kids. Congrats. You know we all are here to watch the kids while you both heal. So, both of you get some rest." "Ow. Damn that hurt." "Now look what you did Narvi. You reopened the wound a bit. Let's get the doc to clean you up." "I'll see you later honey." "Yeah, just take it easy now." Then we left to see the doc.