Chapter 16: The battle

"I know he does. I guess I will have to help him sooner than I wanted to. Well, I guess let's get back to J and see if he wants to join the battle as well." "Oh, he will. He is always looking for a fight. Let's hurry. Get on my back." So, I did and he ran.

We finally got out and we saw J. "Ah the beast finally comes out of the cave." Said Storm. "So, Narvi? Do you know what happened to my father?" "I can't tell you. But yes, I do. Trust me you don't want to know." "I have ways of finding out." "Sigh you never change. Do you Storm?" "Nope Never." Then I spoke up. "Storm. Do you want to help us in the battle at the palace where the Goldhart's are?" "I heard about it from Narvian." "It's Narvi, Storm." "Yeah whatever. I guess I could help. Don't worry I won't ask you for anything in return. I need to vent out my feelings. No better way." "Wait what about Zaira?" "Oh her. She is already there." Said Storm. "Hmm ok. Also, Attor is joining as well Storm." "Oh, so this is the beasts name. Nice to finally know your name." "Whatever we better hurry."

"I have a quicker way." Said Storm. "Everyone needs to hang on tight to me. I have an idea Attor can you take two on your back?" "I can try. Hop on." So both of us did and Storm said, "OK Narvi hang on tight. Attor try to stay on your feet." He nodded. "Ok here we go. Hold your breath." WE held our breath and we teleported.

When I opened my eyes, I saw we were on the battle. I finally breathed. I panted awhile then looked to make sure everyone was here too. "Everyone ok?" I asked. "Yeah, we're fine." Said Attor. "Two is definitely the limit I can take." "Sorry about that Attor." I said. "No, its fine. let's go find Zaira and Ash." We decided to run and fight as we were running to find Ash. "Does anyone know where Ash and Zaira are?" I said while fighting. "Yeah, he is 10 minutes up." Said one of the allies. "Ok thanks." "You two go. I'll be fine." said Storm. "Don't get killed ok Storm?" "Me? Die? Not easy to kill me." "Be careful." He nodded then I got on Attor and we ran 10 min up while fighting.

Finally, I saw Ash. He was badly wounded and still fighting. "Ash! Sorry I took so long. You need to get away from the battle field. I saw you taken away. I wasn't sure if you had died or not." "No! I have to fight. I need to get this battle done!" "The battle looks about done! Let Zaira heal you?" I saw Zaira look at me and nodded. "Fine! Let me finish this few first." I nodded. After he finished them off Zaira finished hers off and sent him to the infirmary.

We fought as we watched them go. Then I saw one of the enemies creep up on Attor. "Attor! LOOK OUT!" I jumped behind him and got a scratch but killed the guy. "Thanks Narvi. Are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine. I thought I was a goner." "Good thing it was only a scratch." Said Attor. Then the battle was almost done. The bad guys lost. I was so exhausted. I fell to my knees. I couldn't move. I heard Attor say something but I couldn't look up. The last thing I remember I felt a sharp pain in my back. Then everything turned black.

"Narvi! Narvi! Wake up! Please!" After Attor killed the man that stabbed Narvi he ran over to him. "Hang on kid! I'll get you help! Please hang on!" Attor got to the infirmary and Zaira saw Narvi. Ash got up to see what was going on. "Shit! Kid!" "Ash! Get back to bed! He will be fine. I will be able to help him." "Fine. You better help him." Then he went back to bed and Zaira went to look at Narvi.

"Is he responsive?" "No he's not." "Ok I might need your help so stay here." "Yes maam." "What exactly happened to him?" "He was exhausted. He fell to his knees. I was going over to him but then one of the enemies found Narvi and I was trying to tell him to watch out and he was stabbed. I killed the man then ran over to him." "I see. I should be able to help him. But I might need you to hold him down. The healing can be painful." "Right. ok."

Zaira put her hand on the wound and started healing. Narvi was screaming in pain. Attor was holding him down. "Hang in there kid. You can do it." said Attor. About an hour later she was finally done. "Good thing he heals fast. Otherwise, I don't think he would be able to survive. What is this wound?" "Oh, he saved me and got that wound." "Hmm. How long ago was this?" "Pretty much when you guys left. Why?" "It should have healed by now. I will have to keep an eye on it." "I just hope I am wrong about what it could be. If there are any changes let me know. I have to check on other patience." Attor nodded.

"Hello Storm. How you feeling?" "I'm fine. At least I didn't die. How is he?" "Well, I did what I could but he has a scratch that didn't heal yet. I have to watch that. I just hope it's not what I think it is." "If you're thinking of that legendary weapon, it's impossible it was destroyed." "Or was it?" "What do you mean?" "Let's just wait and see."

A few hours later Narvian had signs of waking up. "Hmm." Then he moved a little but still not responsive. Attor had Zaira come check on him. "How is he?" "Narvian can you hear me?" No response. She did see him moving though. She felt his forehead. "Shit. He has a high fever. No wonder he is moving around. If there are any more signs let me know. I'm getting the medicine." "Of course." Then in a few minutes she came back with a syringe and gave him some medicine. "I'll be back in an hour let me know if he wakes up or any more symptoms, ok?" "Yes, Zaira thanks." Then she left for the other patients.

About 1 day later Narvian was really waking up. "Hmm. Cough cough. Ow." He was slowly opening his eyes. "Ow so bright. Did someone turn on the lights?" "It's good you can joke after you just woke up Narvian." "Oh, hey Attor. Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Everyone else is too." "That's good to know." Narvian sat up but groaned in pain. "Ah much better. SO, I guess I survived the stab huh?" "Yeah, you are lucky. Any later and you would have died." "Well anyway I heard things when I was out. Is the scratch gone?" "Yeah, it was nothing to worry about." "Oh, that's good. So when can I leave?" That's when Zaira walked in. "Oh, Narvi your awake. That's good. So how are you feeling?" "Well, I tried to sit up but I was still a little sore. When can I leave?" "You can leave when you aren't groaning in pain to sit up. Give it a day or two." "Sigh fine. how is everyone else?" "Oh, Storm had minor injuries and Ash is doing good as well. I don't know how to keep him in his bed resting. Sigh." "Yeah, he is the type that can't stay in bed. I can be that way too when I'm not in pain. Ow. Hey what happened to the man who stabbed me Attor?" "Oh, I killed him. I stabbed him with his own sword after I took it out of you." "I see. Well sucked to be him. I wish I knew how everyone was back home." "Oh, I have word. They are doing fine. The boys are missing you. Especially Aiden." "I figured as much. Hey since you can't keep Ash in bed can he come see me? Storm as well?" "Yeah, let me go get them." Said Zaira.

In a few minutes she came back with both of them. "Hey everyone. Sorry if I scared you. I'm alive and kicking still." "Yeah, you did kid. When Attor came in with you all bloody we thought you weren't going to make it." "Yeah, well I thought I was a goner too. I guess the goddess showed mercy on me." "Haha we're all glad she did." Then we talk and talked until I was tired. Then I slept peacefully for a while.

Finally, it was time for me to leave and Ash was well enough as well. "Are you coming with us Zaira?" "Yeah, who else is going to patch you up." "Haha yeah sorry about that. We will try our best not to get hurt." "Ok everyone that's coming let's go!" So, we all headed toward the castle.

On our way there, Ash and Attor were catching up. "So Attor. What have you been up to these days?" "Wondering what happened to you and protecting things. The goddess gave me jobs to do to kill time, I guess. Glad you're alive and well. What the hell happened to you man?" "Oh, this and that. I can't remember all I did. Oh, by the way his half-brother is my son. I found out a year or two ago. His name is Arson." "Oh wow. His mother?" "Oh, she married the King and had Narvi." "Oh so you both are her blood child." "Yeah, well I turned that title down and had Arson rule. They are expecting a child as well."

"Ok we are here everyone! Let's all stay together until we know what is going to happen! My father should still be King for now." said Ash. Then we got to the gate and they noticed me and Ash. "They have been expecting you all. Go on in." So, we went through the gate and went up the stairs to the entrance to the castle.

Once we got inside the castle, we saw Ash's dad on the throne. "Hello your Majesty." Said Ash bowing and we all followed suit. "Rise all of you." "Father if I may speak?" "Please go ahead." "What is going on with the King thing? Please tell me it's not who I think it is?" "I'm afraid so son. Your younger brother. That is unless you are to come back and take the throne." "Yes, father that is what I was told. Uh Narvian tell the king what happened." "Yes. Please your Majesty is there a way we can talk privately?" "Yes, let's go to my office." So, we all walked there.

Once we sat down the king spoke. "Well, Narvian. Good to see you again. I take it you got your memory back?" "Yes, your Majesty. I apologize for forgetting about who I am to your son. Well anyway as to what I was to tell you. Uh…" Then I told him what the goddess told me. "I see. So, he is going to take back the throne and your family will be coming as well?" "Yes, your majesty. As for these 2 I don't know their plans." "If I may your majesty." Said Attor. "Sure, go ahead Attor." "Thank you, sir, for remembering me. Uh I was hoping I can live here as well. I'd like to train with the warriors. I may be an animal but I am a good fighter and I can fight in the air." "Hmm I see. Well, I don't see why not but whoever becomes the next king should make that choice. I'm sure if Ash was king, he would be ok with it." "Yeah sure. I have no problem." "Until then Attor you can stay here and check out the warriors and practice. As for battles you should wait until the next king." "Yes, your majesty. Thank you." "Zaira, are you planning to stay here too?" "No, your majesty I have to go back home. I will stay here for now until we know what is going on, then I will go back with Narvi. Then walk with them here. I will head home. After I make sure they get safely here." "Ok well I'll have the elders know you are back." "Actually, father may I go and tell them myself and let them know what my plan is?" "Yes, what about the heir issue?" "Uh well I talked to Narvian and he said he would be willing to let one of his twin boys on the throne but wanted to wait until they were grown up. They are only 2 years old." "Hmm. Well, I think once you get used to what is needed as king, we should train one of them when they are young so they know what Is to be done. Maybe bring them with you as you're doing work." "Yeah, that is a good idea." Said Narvian. "I'll talk to my wife when I see her again." "Ok well Ash go ahead if you are going. They should be still in a meeting about what to do. As for the others you can go to your rooms and rest." Then he called a butler and he showed us to our rooms.

Just as I was about to lay on my bed there was a knock on my door. I went over to open it and it was Ash. "Hey Ash what's up?" "Sorry to interrupt your down time. I have some news. Uh well it won't be decided today but they are looking to me to be king now. I made some pretty good points apparently. They said in about a week they should have an answer." "Hmm what did they say about the heir thing? Did they mention it?" "Nah not yet. I suppose they will if I do become king." "Hmm I see. Ow. What the hell?" I looked toward the scratch I thought was healed from the battle. "What is this? I thought the scratch healed." Then I heard Ash curse. "Shit. Its spreading. Let's find Zaira fast." "Yeah please. This hurts bad." Then he had me follow him and we found Zaira.

"Zaira! We need your help and fast! It's the scratch!" Then Zaira started rushing over to see what was going on. "Oh no. Its spreading. Where is Attor? I need to know where the sword is now." Then she looked back at me. I was feeling weaker

"Zaira. If I don't make it, tell my family I love them." "You will be fine. Just hang in there, ok?" "I don't know how much longer I can. I feel so weak." Then I got so bad that Ash had to hold me up. "I got him Ash. Go find Attor now!" "Yes ma'am."

Attor came running to see what was going on. "What's wrong with Narvi?" "Where is the sword that scratched him? Also, that stabbed him?" I kept it.

"Why? Is that what caused all this?" "Yeah, it is. Where is it?" "Follow me."