Chapter 17: The Sword

"Stay with me Narvi. Stay awake. I need you awake to do this ok?" "I…don't know if I can. I'm so weak." "I know you will be ok. He will be back soon." Then not long after Attor came back with the sword. "No way. So, it's true. It's really the legendary sword. Only the one the sword chooses can use its power to heal. Let's hope he is the chosen one or else he will." Then she swallowed hard. "Die. Narvi stay with us. Do you want to try it? I'll help you hold it but your hand has to be on it. you will have to stab yourself again. It won't kill you if you are the chosen one. Do you want to take the chance." "If not…I… will… Die right?" "Yes, either way you could die." "Let's take the chance then. Give me the sword." So, I took the sword, Zaira and Attor helped me. I stabbed it right in my stomach. "Argh" Then I got weaker and closed my eyes.

"No! Narvi!" "He's ok. At least he is for now." Said Zaira. "Let's get him to his bed." So, they took him to his room to rest. Now let's see what is going on in Narvi's head.

(Narvi's head)

"Great. Don't tell me I'm dead." "It's ok kid you aren't dead." Said a man's voice. "Whose there?" "Oh, right I'm not used to showing myself. Give me a minute." Then he forced himself to show his figure. "There we go. Sorry about that. Yeah, uh I'm the soul of the sword. I have chosen you as the next wielder. You're lucky kid any longer and you wouldn't have made it. Lucky your friend Attor saved the sword." "Wait does everyone know him?" "Haha pretty much. He was made to protect things. He will get a message from the goddess soon for a lifetime protection of you and your family. Mostly you. She will also send some more." "I see. So, what now? Do I decide to live or die? How does this work?" "Well, you aren't dead yet or in the middle of it. I brought you here to tell you that I've chosen you. You will know what to do once you get your strength back and pick the sword up. Oh, and another thing you will be a little surprised the sword isn't only a sword. It can turn into something else. Yes, it's an animal you will soon see when you pick the sword up the creature will introduce itself. Now that is all I am here to tell you. Be careful don't get yourself killed." "Wait a minute. Is there a history of the sword?" "Let me tell you something kid. I'll be the one to pop out but I won't be my normal self. Like I said I will introduce myself. See you soon." Then there was a bright light for a few seconds then all went black.

(Back in reality.)

'Hmm. What? Where? Oh yeah, I was chosen. I was dying and the sword saved me.' I said to myself. I looked around and saw Attor laying on the floor next to my bed. "Attor? Hey Attor!" Then he woke up in surprise. "Hey kid. Good to see you alive. I'll be right back I'm getting Zaira." "Yeah sure." Then I laid back down in relief.

Not long after Zaira came in. "Hey good to see you alive. Good job for staying with us. I know it must have been hard." "Yeah, I guess I'm stronger than I thought." "How do you feel? Does anything hurt?" "No nothing hurts. Just a little weak. I was told when I got my strength back to pick the sword up since I was chosen. Yeah, I know the spirit of the sword talked to me in my head." "Oh, so that's why you were asleep." "Yeah, I thought I was a goner." "Us too." said Attor. "Zaira when will I get my strength back?" "Well, the wound is gone for good as long as you don't get stabbed my anyone else with it. give it two more days and you should be strong enough to wield it." "OK thanks. Attor the spirit of the sword said he knew you." "Oh, is that so? Did he say who he was?" "He said he would introduce himself once I picked his sword form up." "Hmm I see want me to be there?" "Yes please. It would be too creepy to do it alone. In fact, I would love to have Ash and his parents here too." "Ok we can arrange that." "Oh, speaking of visitors. Come in." Then Ash and his parents came in.

"Your majesties." I tried to bow. "Don't bow, your injured." Said the king. "Oh thanks. I'm not injured anymore just weak. I guess I was chosen for the legendary sword." Then Attor showed them the sword. "He was chosen and it saved him. Once he gets his strength back the spirit will reveal himself." "We thought it was destroyed." Said the queen. "Yeah, we all did." Said Ash. "Hey can you all do me a favor? I want all of you to be there when I get my strength back in 2 or 3 days and meet this spirit. If you don't mind." "Of course, we will Narvi. You took good care of our son so far." "Haha, I think it's the other way around. But this time I'm glad he was ok."

Two days later I was fine. I waited in the training room for everyone. It was ok that others were there to see him too I didn't care. About 10 minutes later everyone showed up together. "Ok is everyone ready?" "Go ahead Narvi." Said Attor. Then I cautiously picked up the sword and said, "Spirit reveal yourself." Once the sword shined, I put it on the ground. Then a strange half human half fox like Ash popped out only he was an emerald green color with a mix of a bright blue. Then Attor spoke first. "Ah no wonder Narvi said I knew you. So, you were the spirit all these years but turned into different creatures every time huh?" "Yeah, I don't know why they chose me as the spirit but I am. Anyway, sorry about that my name is Silver. My name doesn't change but my body does depending on the wielder. So, kid if there is anything you need to know or you need me for, anything just say spirit reveal yourself and I will pop out. There are times when I can turn back to sword form by myself but most of the time, I need your permission to go back. Like when I first pop out. I like this form better. I hate the sword form. It feels weird after all this time." "So, Silver. How many wielders came before me?" "Uh let's see I think about 10 give or take. I've been around for years kid. Do you even know how old Attor really is?" "I've never asked. But how long do creatures like him and Ash live for?" "Well Ashes species can live for thousands of years and so can Attor's species if they don't get killed." "Wow that's crazy. Ok I'm curious about my demon species do you know how long we can live? How long has the longest of my kind lived?" "Hmm lets see. Turn around kid." So, I did. "Ok I see what you are now. Very rare indeed. Not your kind specifically but you are a rare type of what you are. That is one of the reasons I chose you. Your eyes turn green at times and you zone out a lot, don't you? I'm sure your father did as well?" "Yes, sir he did." "Wait he did? Seriously? I know one other person who can do that. When you get back home, I want to meet him if I could?" "Sure, you can meet my whole family." "Ok good. Well, it's good to meet you all but I'm a little tired." "Oh, ok uh how do I send you back?" "Oh, don't worry about that just give me permission I can do the rest." "Ok I give my permission for you to turn back." Then he went poof back into his sword form.

"Ok that was one of the weirdest things or the coolest things I have ever seen. Maybe both." Everyone laughed and we had a good time. After the good time we went back to the king's office to learn on how things are going.

"Ok well it looks like I will be king sooner than I thought. I will have guards to protect me, Narvi. You should go home soon and bring them back here what do you think?" "I would feel safe if at least Attor stayed with you until I get back. Zaira will be with me." "Yeah sure. Be careful out there." "Oh, I will leave tomorrow." The next day I said goodbye and left to see my family. I brought silver with me.

"Ok let's go Zaira." So, I waved goodbye to everyone and left with Silver on my waist and Zaira walking with me on my right. "So Zaira on the way I'd like to stop by the cave since it's on the way. Can we?" "Yes of course. You can rest there before you head over." "Ok thanks a bunch."

It was a long walk but we made it. "Hey everyone." I yelled. Then everyone ganged up on me and saw a woman with me. "Oh everyone this is Zaira. She saved me many times from the brink of death. Then they all thanked her. "OK everyone let us breathe a bit." Once we weren't so crowded, I told them about silver and they wanted to see him so I said the magic words to let him out. "What already?" I heard him yawn and he was turning. "I want you to meet some friends of mine. This is where I ended up living after I met the king and queen after a while." "Oh, nice to meet you all I am Narvi's sword. Silver." "Oh, that's a pretty cool name." said one of the guys. "Thanks, uh…" "Oh call me Jax." "Ok Jax. That's actually a cooler name than silver. Nice and short." Then when everyone was done I told him he can go back for a few hours so he can rest.

"Ok everyone I'm going to rest a bit too. See you guys all later." "See you later Narvi." Said one of his buddies. I went to my room and put my sword in a closet for now and rested. I actually was having a dream about my wife having our kids when I am not there. Once the kids were born, I woke up. "Oh no. I have to get home fast. I hope it's a dream." I ran out of my room and found Zaira.

"Zaira, we need to go now. I have a bad feeling" "Ok sure." "Sorry, everyone I wanted to rest but my family needs me." "We understand Narvi. Tell those kids and the wife hi for us." "I will see you guys later." Then Zaira and I left for home.

"I forget how long is it from here to the castle?" "It takes a day or 1 day and a half. Depending on the speed." "Dammit! Can you think of a spell to make us go faster?" "Yeah, good idea. Let me conjure up a cloud and we can ride it there. We can get there in half a day at the most." "Perfect." So, she did that and we both got on and she said a spell and off we went.

Finally, half a day later I was exhausted but I needed to see my wife and kids. "Hey guards. Can I come in?" "Yes, Narvi good to see you back. Go on in." So, I walked with Zaira through and then we went inside. Father was on the throne. "Greetings your majesty." I said. As well as Zaira. "Rise both of you. Good to see you in one-piece Narvian. You look tired." "Yes, father but I'll be fine where are my wife and kids?" The kids are with your mother. Talia is in her room sleeping. She is pretty big now. Could be due any day." "Sigh so it was a dream. Good." "You ok son?" "Yes, father I'm fine. where is brother?" "Taking care of his pregnant wife as well." "Ok well I better see mine and rest with her. I don't know how much longer I can stand." Zaira helped me to my room where my wife was.

Once the door opened, I saw her open her eyes. "Narvi? Is that you?" "Yes, I'm back. I'm going to rest with you." "Of course, come lay down. You look awful." "Yeah, I know just sleepy don't worry." I put my sword under my bed and laid down with her and slept for quite a few hours.

When I woke up it was already dinner time. My wife looked like she had been up for a while now. "How long have you been up Talia?" "Oh, about an hour or so ago. How do you feel babe." "I feel much better. I have something so show everyone. Luckily this room Is huge. I'll be right back I'll get the kids, brother, father, and mother." "Ok see you soon Narvi."

In about 20 minutes I got everyone gathered in our room. "Ok everyone this is going to be awesome. I want you to meet someone." Then I took out my sword and I saw dad's eyes in shock. It looked like he knew the sword. I said the words to bring him out. Then the sword lit up and out he came. "Oh, big crowd. Oh, there is the man I wanted to see. Good to see you again old man." "You too Silver please protect my son. Better than you protected my father." "I will sir." "Daddy!" Both kids ran up to me. "Oh, hello kids. This is silver he is daddy's friend." "Hi." Said Ace. "Hello there uh…" "Oh my bad this is Ace and this tsunder one is Aiden." "I see. Don't worry Aiden I'm not a bad guy once you get to know me. When I was a little boy like you, I was the same way. If Attor was here he could tell you." "Hello you must be the wife?" "Yes, my name is Talia. Silver, was it? Nice to meet you sir." "Oh, thanks just call me silver nice to meet you too. This your wife old man." "Yes, this is the queen and my stepson and Narvi's half-brother Arson." "Ah so this is Arson. I've heard a lot about you from the goddess. Well nice to meet everyone officially. I promise with the best of my ability I will protect this boy. The only way my spirit will be gone from this world is if the sword breaks to the point, it can't be fixed. If it breaks and it can be fixed, I will still be fine if you have all the pieces." "Wow that is interesting." "Uh silver." Said Father. "I thought the sword was broken?"