Chapter 19: Change of Vision/Dragged in

Just when I got in the castle, I was told to go into the room. My wife was about to give birth. So, I ran in and held her hand. "You ok Talia?" "I'm fine. Just the same pain as when I had the boys. Then I heard someone say she had to push. "Ok push now. Then she pushed 4 times and the first one came out. Kaia and another few pushes, her sister Gaia came out. Then I saw her face look so weak. "Its ok. Your done now. You can rest. I will take care of the little ones." "I want to see them first." "Ok sure." I took the babies and showed her. "My beautiful baby girls." She kissed each one then let Narvi take the little ones so she could sleep.

I had the little ones still in the room and waited until Talia was rested. In a few hours she woke up. "Its ok to bring the boys in now to meet their sisters." "Ok I will get them." I laid the babies down and saw they were waiting by the door already. "Oh hey boys. Ok your sisters are waiting for you. Come on in." The maid let them in.

The boys sat down and waited to hold their sisters. I brought the oldest first. "This is the older twin Kaia. You want to hold her Aiden?" "Yeah." So I helped him hold her. Ace got up close too so he can see her. "Baby." Said Ace. "Yeah it's your baby sister Ace." I saw him poke her cheek. Touch her nose. "Easy Ace we don't want to hurt her." "Ok." Then after awhile he took Kaia to Talia then Ace got to hold Gaia. Then Aiden went up close to see her. After awhile we gave Gaia to Talia as well and she had both babies. "Want me to hold one of them?" "Sure take one." "Ok I'll take Gaia." I got Gaia from her.

A few years past and the boys were 5 now and girls 3. We waited a few days before we moved over to the castle so Talia could heal a few days before traveling.

We decided that when Aiden was about 7 or 8, we would let him train to be King. We hope he gets out of that tsundere attitude soon. It may never happen. Sigh.

Right now, the kids are having fun playing in the yard with each other and Talia watching them. I just got there to check on everyone.

"Hey my little girls and boys! Are you all having fun?!" The girls ran over to me and jumped up. "Woah easy girls." Said Talia. "Its fine. I'm all good." "Dad why are these girls such a pain?" said Aiden. "I think they are turning Ace here the same way." "Haha ok kiddo. They are still young. You were such a pain at this age as well. Mostly Ace but you weren't any different." He hid his head like a grown man.

"Ok kids time to come inside the castle." So I had Gaia and Talia had Kaia we carried them in and the boys followed us obediently. "Ok kids go fine the maids mommy and I have some grown up stuff to talk about ok?" "Bye Bye daddy." Said Gaia and Kaia. "Bye girls be good. You boys too. Love you all." "Love you too Dad." Said the boys and girls. "Sigh. I can't believe the only one who doesn't have my tail is Aiden. The girls and Ace have a tail too." "Haha yeah that tail can be a pain in the but I'm sure." "Yeah it is. Anyway lets go find Ash."

We found Ash and I waited till he was done with the other people before we bugged him. They just finished up and we walked up. "Hey Ash." "Oh here you are. So you need to see me about something?" "Sort of. Its about the vision I saw in the fountain about the girls being taken away. I have a feeling it has changed." "So what are you going to do about it?" "Well I wanted to ask you something. Is there another way other than the fountain that can see what may come to pass like maybe a lake or something?" "Hmm. I have heard of something. Hang on." Then he got up and looked in his book cases behind him. "Ah there you are." He put the book down and dust went everywhere and we all coughed. "Ok lets see. Aha here we are. Then he turned to a certain page. I turned my eyes wide when I knew what I was looking at. "Uh Ash? Are you sure that is the only way? Please tell me its not." "I'm afraid so." "If that's the case I just want to wait it out then. There is no way in hell I am going back there." "You have actually been to this thing?" "Uh yeah. Trust me no one is to go back there understand? That means you boys and your sisters no one. I repeat no one of my family goes there or I will disown them got it!" I was so mad I was hyperventilating and Ash noticed some sparks. "Woah kid breathe. Take a deep breath and go for a walk." Then I to noticed my hands sparking. So, I took a few deep breaths and slammed the palace doors.

I was out walking and a saw a messenger bird heading back. I called it down. Luckily I always had something with me. I wrote a little something to my brother. "Take this to Crown prince Arson." The bird nodded like he understood. I went pretty far out now. My head was starting to hurt. "What the hell? I haven't had this kind of headache since. Shit its happening again." I heard a woman call my voice. It sounded familiar but my head hurt so bad I couldn't make it out. I was blacking out fast. Last thing I remembered was I felt someone catch me.

I don't know how long I'd been asleep. I was slowly waking up when I heard that woman's voice again. "Who is there?" "Its me Narvi. How are you feeling now?" "Oh Zaira. What brings you to the neck of the woods?" "Well I got a call you almost blew a fuse." "Oh yeah that. Sigh. I just saw a picture of that thing. The only thing besides the fountain that can make you see what can come to pass. Is it really still there? I thought it was destroyed." Then I saw my sword glow. "Oh Silver you're here." "Yeah sorry to pop out right now. I have the answer you might be looking for. I for one should know I'm the oldest one here. Heck I was with the one who built it. It was supposed to be destroyed along with me that day. Sigh there is something you should know. It's the only way to kill me. The reason its still there is to either put me in the water and I will dissolve or bang me against it. that's the only way to kill me. Its not to say that my sword form can't chip or break but it can't break beyond fixing unless its from there. The peaceful way would be the water. If ever you get to the point where I can't save you and you choose to let me move on that would be the most peaceful. Also the fountain will also dissolve with me. So you don't have to worry about destroying it." "I see that's good to know. About going there, can anybody just go? Do you have to have the person with the sword that would be allowed to go in?" "That's the tricky thing. It has to be a descendant of the chosen one or the chosen one himself that they will allow to go in." "S-so when someone who isn't a descendant or the chosen one what happens to the person?" "Ah I see why your so scared. Something must have happened to you?" "Yeah I'm traumatized because of it now. I don't want to talk about it." "Well then you know what it could do. Do you remember where it is?" "Y-yeah when I was kidnapped I can't remember how old I was but they took me. they were saying something about a prince maybe being a chosen one. I thought they were talking about the Golhart prince but I guess they meant me." "Wait was that you with the quiet boy?" "Y-yeah it was. The quiet man was Arson." "I knew he looked familiar. Well it shouldn't happen anymore. You should be safe." "Still I warned my wife and kids never to go there. Plus I already made my decision. If there comes a time you can' t save me, then…." "I know you don't have to say it. I'll say it. You want to help me move on. Lets say it that way." "Yeah. I'm sorry. I just can't see you this sad all the time. Hey how does it work anyway? Do I give you permission to go in the water and you float up or something?" "Well yeah that is an option. I'd prefer you do it yourself though. So we can talk to eachother for my last moments if possible." "I'll do my best Silver. Lets hope its not too soon though. My kids are still young." "Are you calmer now Narvi?" "Hm. Yeah now that I think abou it."

"Why did I have that headache in the first place? The last time I felt this bad of a headache I was with you Zaira." "Yes that is why I was worried. Did you see anything when you were out of it?" "Hmm. Let me think. Now that I think of it, it showed me what I wanted. I heard a mans voice saying he can only show me once in my head. Then I saw what I finally wanted. Instead of the girls he is taking me now. My uncle the shadow is going to take me." I tried sitting up but I winced in pain. "I need to back to find my wife and kids." "Easy. Take it easy now." Said Silver. "Ok silver thanks you can go back and rest." Then he went back to his sword form.

I tried taking a step but I almost fell and was a little wobbly. Zaira helped me back to the castle. When I got there, I saw worried faces. "I'm all good everyone really." Zaira agreed. "Ash I need to talk to you for a minute. Talia come as well. Zaira you got the kids?" "Yeah sure." We went into his office and I told him what happened in the forest and what I saw. "Hmm. I see. Now its you instead of your kids right?" "Yes. The place I was seeing looks like someplace at my father and brother castle." I drew the picture. "Yeah I know that place. Now that I am drawing it. It's the place that my boys found running around when visiting my brother and we found them." "I see its that cave. Oh speaking of your brother, here." I saw it was a letter from my brother and opened it. "Sigh oh brother. He wants to see me. You want to come Talia?" "Yeah sure. Hopefully it won't be long Ash I know you have king duties here." "Yeah sure kid."

Zaira went with us so she rode with the boys on their mom and I jumped with the two girls. "If you need rest Narvi I can take them on my cloud?" "No thanks Zaira I'm fine. I'll let you know." When we got there it was late.

All the 4 kids ended up on Zaira's clouds after all asleep. Once we got there we had the kids put to bed. Then I went out to join everyone. "Hey brother what did you want to talk to me about?" "Come with me. Talia you too." "Okaay." We followed him to his office and we talked. I did first. I told him what I told Ash and he was shocked. "Are you serious?" "Yeah why?" "Well I wanted to talk to you about ways you can save your girls but now that its you…" "I'll be fine brother. I have silver he won't let me die trust me." "Sigh. Ok so when does this happen? The girls are the right ages right?" "Yeah they are. I'm not sure but it does seem like sometime in the afternoon." "Is there signs of what day it could be?" "Hmm let me think. Here its better if I draw it out." I got some paper and pencil and draw what I saw. It took about 4 pieces of paper to draw what I saw. We all looked at the paper to see if we can find out when it might happen.

Then I heard someone say "There!" I looked around and it was my brother. "Right here. Look what's happening in the background." I looked around the picture and saw what he was looking at. "Oh I didn't see that. That's right! that's when all the species come and celebrate! Hmm. When is it this year?" "Is actually not that far. After your birthday Narvi." "Hmm I see. Ok well we have a little bit of time though. I do see that the kids are there though. We have to explain to the kids that I'm doing business. Aiden might know what's going on, but the other ones won't. He's to smart for his own good. Sigh." "Its ok Narvi they will be fine." "I know Talia."

It was finally the day that my vision was to happen. We celebrated my birthday like nothing was going to happen like always. Then a day or two later which is today is the festival where different species gather.

Talia, kids, brother, father, and mother were all there to see it happen. Zaira was there as well. I hugged each one of them and my boys then I picked up each girl and hugged him. I explained to the younger ones that someone was going to pick up daddy for work so they didn't worry. I told Aiden to keep what I said so they didn't worry. "Dad I'll be the man of house like last time. I protect mom and sisters and Ace." "Haha I know you will Aiden. Oh man. I just hope he ends up a Jay like you Talia. He would be a good leader but he is going to be king soon so he won't be able to take after I used to." "Who knows Ace still has a chance so do the girls." "Yeah that's true. Ok then." Time ticked by and finally we all saw a black shadow. I made sure silver was with me and I went poof with the shadow.

When I finally was able to breathe again I looked around at my surroundings. "Ouch that hurt! Could you land me down a little more gentle?" "Come on be a man nephew." "Haha very funny uncle. You are my uncle correct?" "Yeah I'm your uncle. Sorry to scare the kiddo's." "Oh its fine I told them someone was picking me up for work and had my son Aiden keep telling them that. He's to smart for his own good." "Hmm. I see." "So what do you want with me? is it the same reason the last time? To get your other powers back?" "Uh yeah." He said embarrassingly rubbing the back of his head. "What exactly can I do? Also are you still possessed?" "Yeah I am. Uh hang on." Then I saw his eyes change color.

"Hello Narvian." "Hmm. I see its you. Why did you possess my uncle? Did you kill anyone?" "Hmm. Not recently no." I looked at him annoyed. "I'm kidding. Not since you brought me to my senses that time ok?" "You better be." "So do you want to eventually come out of my uncle?" "Yes please." "Ok I have to do that first before I can help him. I have to tell you its not going to be pleasant. I-I have to get Zaira to separate you." "Damn! That girl is brutal. Ok I will take you back. Here take this. It will let me know when you are ready and we will poof you back in here." "Ok then. But before I do, Sigh. What happened back there uncle?" Then it turned back to my uncle.