Chapter 20: The Reason/Zaira

"So you want to know what happened right?" "Yes and what will happen before I help you. I don't want to regret helping you but before you do I want to bring Zaira and have her decide what she thinks." "Fair enough. Here you go. Push this when you are ready." "OK then." Uncle smoked me back home.

I shook my head and started to breathe again. Then I walked back to the castle and everyone was shocked. "Where is Zaira? I have business with her." Then Zaira was brought out. "The kids are with their mom." "Ok good. Follow me." She followed me back to the cave. I pushed what he told me and warned her to hold her breath. Then he brought us in.

"Cough Cough" We both coughed and started breathing again. Once we calmed down we saw uncle. "Uncle I need her to meet him. Before you tell us." Then he came up since the eyes changed color. "How you doing Zaira?" "Zian. You of all people huh?" said Zaira. "Hmph. You were the one that hurt my brother. Your lucky you are still alive. I was waiting for the day I was able to torture you. As for you Damien. Don't get me started. Why should I help you with anything?" "Hear me out. Please." "Fine I want to hear both sides you first Damian." "Ok so we already talked about what happened at the Golhart's that was years ago though I understand what I did wrong. I won't do it again. As for what happened…I went to their house like you told me. I was going to ask them if I can work for them but come to find out the man was still alive! He wasn't in good condition at the time. So I asked if I could still help out while he is still hurt. So what they had me do is tend to him until he was better. So once he was well enough to move around, his brother here got mad and accidently possessed me." "Haha ok ok that's good. 1 thing though, no one can accidently possess you." Said Zaira. Then he noticed Zian's reaction and shrugged. "Well that's it from my side. Zian your side." Then the eyes change color.

"As you know my name is Zian. As for what happened he was right. My father and mother had him watch over my brother until he was well enough to get around. Your right. I didn't accidently possess him. I wanted him to regret what he did to my brother so I possessed him. I tried to make him regret it but he was too strong and I gave up. That's when I realized I didn't know how to break the possession. Its my bad my brother wasn't dead but he was hurt well enough he could if he didn't get help in time." "Hey it was a battle Zian." "Yeah but still. He is my brother." Zaira put her hand up. "I understand both of you. I will help you. But if you ever use your powers again like that I will make sure you don't use them again. Once I take them I will destroy them. Do you understand Damian? That's for you as well Zian." "Yes maam." I heard them say in unison. "What did you do to them to make them afraid of you?" "You don't want to know. Trust me." said Zaira. "Ok are you ready? Damian and Zian?" "As ready as we ever will be." Said Damian. "Ok I need you to get somewhere comfortable to lay down." So they made of place of pillows where they were and got comfortable. "Ok. I will need you Narvi. You might need to hold them down. This will be painful."

They laid down and closed their eyes. "I got the head you will have t hold down his hands." "Yes Zaira." "Ok I'm starting now boys." They nodded. She placed her hand on his head. She said some random enchantment then her hands turned a light purple. Then the moving started and he was screaming in pain. I was holding him down. He already told his people not to enter if they hear anything.

Finally in about an hour things calmed down. We were worried for awhile then we finally saw them separate. "Woah that was crazy." Said Zian. "Yeah sure was." Said Damian then they looked at each other and started laughing. "How do you both feel?" "Uh a little headache but we will be fine. Thank you Zaira. If there is anything we can do to repay you let us know." Said Zian. "Just be careful with your powers is the only way you can repay me." "Yes maam." They both said.

"Are you ok Narvian?" said uncle. "Yeah you are really strong. I don't know if it was both of you or just you uncle." "Oh my bad did I hurt you?" "No but I had to use a lot of strength. I need to rest a bit." Zaira and uncle helped me down. I was so weak to lay down myself. I closed my eyes immediately once I was down.

I don't know how long it was but I was slowly waking up. "Hmm." I groaned. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Zaira sitting beside me. "How are you feeling now?" "Loads better. I needed that nap. How long was I out for?" "At least a day." "Woah that long. I gotta get home." "Woah easy. You just woke up. Why don't you eat something first?" That was a que for my stomach to start growling. "Well I guess my stomach needs food. Fine we need to leave after dinner. I'll have uncle poof us back home."

Finally breakfast was done and I asked Damian if he can poof me back home. "Yeah sure. After that I'll be taking Zian home as well." "Ok thanks uncle. Oh before that here." I gave back the necklace to him. "No keep it. You can call me if you need me." "Ok thanks uncle. Zian. Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "You too Narvi." Then we got ready and held our breaths and we finally got home. "Ok well see you again Narvi and Zaira." "Yeah sure uncle." Then he disappeared and we headed to the castle.

We finally got back to the castle and Talia was talking to my brother so we waited. It was about 10 min. when they were done to finally notice us. "Narvi! Oh your back! I'm so glad. Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?!" "Oh don't be such a worrywart I'm fine. Everything is taken care of. No one hurt me." "Oh good." Then I saw the kids come out. "Hey kids. Daddy's back." The girls and Ace ran over to me. "Did you kids get taller when I was gone?" I joked. "We eat out vegables." Said Ace. "Good boy. Did you girls eat yours too?" "Yeah daddy." "Good. Aiden have you been eating them?" "Yes dad I have been." "Good." "Well I think its about time we go back home. We can leave tomorrow. Daddy is a little tired." "You sure you are ok? Are you sure a days rest is enough?" "Oh I just need a few winks. Uncle was really strong. I'm still slightly sore." "Ok then sleep well."

Once I got in my room and laid down I talked to Silver. "Hey Silver?" "Yeah Narvi?" he was talking in his sword form. "How old were you when you died? How did you die if you don't mind me asking?" "Can I come out?" "Yeah go ahead." I heard him come out and looked at him.

"So you want to know how I died and how old I was huh?" "Yeah because you look no older than I was at 18." "Well ok then. Well your right I was only 20 years old when I was killed. Uh well I died in a war to be exact. We were fighting on a battlefield. I let my guard down for a second. Then I saw my brother mouth something and I couldn't hear it. It was too late by the time I was going to hear him. I was stabbed. I got stabbed in the stomach and my brother caught me. Our close friend was fighting off the others while he held me. I don't remember exactly what my last words were. I do remember however that there was a face I saw right before I died that looked a little out of place. If I saw the face again I would know." "Hmm I see. Was it a man or a woman?" "It was a man. He had a worried face." "Hmm can you describe him?" "Yeah I can almost remember everything except my last words that day. He had a hood on but I saw his facial features. He looked clean shaven, he had dark green eyes. I think he was a demon of some sort." "Hmm a demon huh?" "If you were alive how old would you be?" "Oh Gosh if I didn't die I would be dead now." "Oh damn. Your that old?" "Yeah I'm sure they have books about it. Get some rest first then before we leave tomorrow I'll check in the library." Then he went back to sword form and I went to sleep.

When I got up, I didn't realize it was morning. I did a big yawn and I saw Talia was already up. "Hmm. Talia you still here?" "Yes be right out." When she came out I gave her a hug. She hugged me back. "Are you ok Narvi?" "Yeah I just want to get home back to my duties. Before we go though, I need to go to the library." "Sure ok I will get the kids ready." "Ok thanks." Then I headed down.

"Ok so Silver do you remember what the battle was called?" "Hang on mind if I come out to help you look?" "Sure you have my permission." Then he came out and we both looked. "It was called Battle of White Mountain." Then I paused for a moment. "Are you sure it was that battle you were killed in?" "Yeah why?" "What exactly is your true form Silver? Before you died what were you?" "Oh that's easy I was a 4 Tailed fox why? I was also green and blue mix I was gorgeous." "I have a feeling I know who the man was. Although I have never met him myself since that was years ago I might know someone who could be related to him. We have to go home first. Oh also where was this war?" "Oh it was the near the white mountains at the Goldhart's old castle." "Just as I thought. We will have to go home for hopeful answers." Then I put the book away.

I went back up then went to the room to get ready to leave. Once I got my stuff together I saw my wife and kids waiting. "Ok Everyone. We're leaving. Brother take care of that rowdy son of yours." "Haha yeah I'll do my best. Hey they made a date for my Coronation. They are having it the same day as my birthday." "Of course I'll be there. I'm always there for your birthday. What time is the Coronation?" "Don't know yet I'll send an invite over to you." "Ok cool." "Well kiddo's lets go." Zaira came back with us. This time I jumped myself and the kids were either on Talia's form or Zaira's cloud.

After hours we finally made it back. "Ok Talia I have to find Ash." "Yeah sure ok." Then I left to go work.

"Hey Ash I'm back." "Oh about time you showed up." "Yeah anyway do we have a copy of the book on the White mountain battle?" "Yeah we do. Is something up?" "I don't know yet. But I might have to go somewhere if I can't find anything." "Ok sure here. I was actually reading it. I remember when my grandpa told us a story passed down from generations from that battle." "Wait don't tell me you are the person that is a descendant from that battle?" "Actually I'm not the only one. Here let me give you the address. There you go." "Thanks Ash. Has Everything been going ok here?" "Yeah sure has. Attor has been keeping me safe when your gone." "Hey Attor." "Welcome back Narvi." "Yeah well I have to leave again. Luckily its not far." "Oh well be safe out there. Can you at least take the kid with you? He is driving me nuts." "Come on Storm. Just be good here ok?" "I'll do my best Narvi." Then we took the book and headed to the address on the paper.

"Ok so here it is. Silver I summon you." Then he showed up. "Ok lets hope for the best." I knocked on the door and a young woman answered. "Hello there young ones. How can I help you?" "Uh we are here to see the descendant of the white mountain battle." "Oh come in you are the ones we got word about."

We got to the living room and I saw Silver's shocked face. "Its you! You're the face I saw right before I died! You were the hooded man! How did you stay so young?" "Woah Silver relax." I said. "Calm down." "Sorry about that. I got to excited." "Haha its ok. That kid was always like that when he was alive. Good to see you again Silver. I know you have questions. Before that I have something for you. Your brother gave me this on his deathbed. He died of old age if you wanted to know." He took the letter and opened it. Something fell out of it. He picked it up and was shocked. Then he read the letter. I heard him chuckle. "You know me so well brother." Silver had tears in his eyes. "Anyway. Sorry about that. So uh I'm sure you know why we are here?" I said. "Yes you want to know what happened the day you died right? Why you saw me?" We all nodded. "Well ok then. Well first think I should tell you is that I am not as young as I look. I actually had a spell put on me so I couldn't move on. I told you brother that I would pass the letter back on to you if I ever saw you again. After we leave here today I will finally get to see my family. Ok so that day I saw you get stabbed. I was hoping to make it in time but it was too late. I'm sure you saw my worried and sad face." "Yeah I did. Was it because of me?" "Well you don't remember me since the last time I saw you, you were just about 5 years old. Yes I am a demon. I have something else to give you when we are done here. So what do you want to know that day?" "Were you there for my last words? Why you were there." "Right. Well that day I was supposed to stop you from getting hurt was my mission but failed. Your last words were…."I'm sorry that was the last day I thought I was going to see you. Excuse me." "No its fine take your time." Then he took a deep breath and continued. "Your last words were to your brother you said you loved him and to promise to die of old age. Right before you died he promised you. He told me this. I wasn't close enough." "Can…Can I keep this book?" "Yes. Here your brother wanted to give you this book." "Ok thanks. I hope when the spell is broken you can meet up with your family. Thank you for everything." "Oh right. I had something to give you before I left. Here. Now I can move on." Then his body gradually turned to dust.

"Poor guy. I know how he feels. I miss my family too." "Ok Silver. Now shall we go back?" "Yeah can I walk back in my form now?" "Yeah that's ok?" It was a quiet walk back.

"We're back Ash. Yes we got our answers thanks. That man was able to move on." Then silver decided to share the picture with us. "This was me. That silly guy next to me was my big brother." Then he introduced all the men there and saw the man that gave him the photo there. "What? I don't remember him being there? Maybe that is why he gave it to me." "Well now you have a memory, right?" "Yeah, I do." Then I told Silver to rest and he turned back into sword form and brought his book and picture with him. The letter was in the book.

"Oh yeah Ash. Can you make a day to go over to my brothers castle?" I told him that on Arson's birthday is his Coronation. "Oh yeah sure. I'll make time."