Chapter 21: Coronation

Time has passed and it was the day of the coronation. It was around noon when the coronation started. We are already at the castle. We got there 2 days before it started. Now all of us are getting ready to go. I hate wearing a tux. It gets too hot. I usually take the coat off and roll up the sleeves. Luckily my boys don't mind them.

My wife was dressed in a beautiful blue dress. My oldest daughter wore a pretty green dress with a pink tie on the back as well as sleeves. The younger twin is wearing the same dress except it was pink with a blue ribbon in back and sleeves. The girls' hair was down. My wife's hair was up. My hair however was short as well as my boys. Now we are headed towards the ball room.

I had my sons escort their sisters while I escorted my wife. Once we were announced we walked in. Then we went to find my brother.

"Hello brother. Happy birthday. Also congrats even though it hasn't happened yet." "Haha thanks. Hey kids you being good for mom and dad?" "You have no idea how much work they give them." Said Aiden. "Haha I'm sure. OK go find your cousin and play with him while the grown ups talk." "Ok uncle Arson. Happy birthday." "Then the rest of the kids said it as well. "Thank you kids." They each gave him a hug and ran off to find their cousin.

"How do you feel Arson? You feel like a king yet?" "Haha very funny little brother. But no. I'm not King yet. Also I don't feel any older yet." "Haha you know me too well." "By the way your girls look gorgeous as does your wife." "Yeah thanks. My boys are pretty handsome right?" "Oh yeah Ace looks good in his wine red tux and Aiden in his navy blue tux. But what's with your tux?" "What's wrong with it?" "Haha I'm joking. Your looking good too." "You don't look so bad yourself in your fancy princely outfit." "Yeah they made me wear it. I told them I wanted to wear a tux but it wasn't formal enough for the star." "So when does everything Start?" "Well in a few minutes we can do the birthday stuff then coronation. After that I do my first dance." "Hmm I see. Well ok then I'll go mingle with the other people. Has your father showed up yet?" "Yeah he's the one not wearing a tux." "Haha ok thanks." My wife and I headed over to Ash.

"Hello Ash." "Oh Hello. Narvi how is everything?" "Good I guess." "Woah Talia. You look gorgeous today." "Well thank you kind sir." She joked. "So I thought you would bring silver here." "I will he will be ready in a bit then I will excuse myself here and bring him over."

Awhile later I excused myself and gave silver permission to come out for the Ball. "Woah. Finally." "Ok lets go." So we walked back into the party. Silver was introduced as a friend. Then I brought him over to my brother and had him mingle around like a normal person.

It was finally time for the birthday portion of it. They put a 2 and a 5 candle on so they didn't have to put that many on. The cake was the palace colors. Blue and Silver. The cake was white with Silver and Blue streamers on it. Since there was so much desert there it was a normal birthday cake like about 4 different sizes stacked up. After we sang happy birthday and did gifts, it was time for the coronation part.

"Ladies and Gentleman." Then everyone quieted down. "We welcome you today for Crown prince Arson's coronation. Prince Arson Arton Drangonblood. Will you swear to govern and protect the people and creatures of Astria and abide by the laws of the creatures in their territory and the law of the kingdom?" "I solemnly swear to do so." "Very well. I now want to introduce your new king Arson Arton Dragonblood." "Long live the King!" Everyone said. "Now lets let the King and his Queen have their first dance." They got to the middle of the floor, and when the song started they started dancing. After awhile everyone surrounded them. I dance with my beautiful wife and the kids dance with each other. We taught them how do dance like we do. Silver found a beautiful lady to dance with as well.

Finally things were dying down and I had to go outside for some fresh air. Once I sat down I saw Silver coming out as well. "Oh hello Silver. Having fun?" "Yeah I can't remember that last time I had this much fun and how tiring it could be." "Haha yeah. I just hate wearing these things. I'd rather wear these though than the prince outfit he's wearing. Those are heavier which makes them hotter. That's another reason I refused to be king. Also my job as a protector isn't so bad. There is no uniform you have to wear or anything. I just pretty much have to be by his side all the time unless I have business. Then Attor takes over." "Yep I noticed. Hey Narvi?" "Yeah?" "Are you sure you want me to move on if I can't heal you?" "Sigh. I told you before Silver. I can't keep seeing you this way. No one should be this lonely. You need to be with your family. Heck you can see that man again." "Haha yeah. I definitely wouldn't be bored especially with my brother. I miss my family and friends. Sigh. I just hope you die of old age Narvi and not from battle. Yes I want to see my family but not if you have to loose your life for it too soon." "yeah I know. But no one knows what the future brings. Also on the way home I'm thinking of stopping by the Jays cave and say hello to everyone." "Yeah sounds good. Ok well I'm heading back in. Don't be out here too long Narvi." "Yeah I know see you later." I stayed out here until I was feeling cold then smacked my legs and headed in.

Not long after I went in, I sensed something. I looked at Silver and he sensed the same thing. It was just us that did. I told my wife I had to go. I'll see her after the ball. "Is everything ok?" "I hope so. Take care of the kids." "Sure." Then Silver and I left.

Ash was watching them run off and knew something was up. He excused himself and followed them. They didn't know they were being followed.

"Where do you sense it Silver?!" "This way! Its not far now!" I was running following him then I tripped and fell. "I'm good keep going. I'll catch up!" Then he Ran and I finally got up and followed him. 'Damn! I must have hurt my leg. I can't think about that right now. I have to catch up with Silver.' Finally I caught up.

"Here we are Narvi." Said Silver. Then we heard something behind us and were relieved it was just Ash. "What are you doing here?" I whispered. "I saw you running and thought you might be in trouble so I followed you. Are you ok?" "I'll live. I'm fine for now." "Where is it?" "There!" Yelled. Before I can make a move I felt pain in my back. Then I looked at Silver and collapsed. "No! Narvi! Ash stay with him. Take the arrow out and make sure it isn't poisoned." "Sure." Then Silver went after the man in the tree behind where Narvi was hit.

"Got you! Now do I need to do this the hard way or the easy way." "Oh you think you got me? Did you forget the one in the other tree?" Silver heart the arrow come toward him but used the man as a shield and killed him instead. "Well too bad for him. That sort of helps my situation. I'll go over there then." So he ran over to the tree where they saw something and he jumped up. "Hello there young man." "Ha who are you?" "You don't need to know who I am. Just know if you or another one of you shoots another arrow don't expect to survive. That arrow that you shot killed your man. I used him as a shield. So what I would suggest is you sucurry on where you came from and don't come back if you mean harm to the royals. Got that?" "Yes sir." Then he jumped down and ran off. After he knew the guy was gone, Silver ran over to where Narvi is.

"How is he?" "It was poisoned after all. It must be slow moving poison since he's still alive." Said Ash. "Did you find out the type of poison it was?" "Here see for yourself on the arrow." Said Ash. Silver looked at the arrow and was shocked. they used the same type of arrows around the time he was alive. "I recognize these arrows. I'm surprised they still have them. I think I might know who's behind it. I just hope I am wrong. Let me see if I can help him." Ash moved away to let Silver Check him out. "Narvi can you hear me!" "Cough cough! Yeah I can hear you?" "OK good. Use me. I want to see if I can help you." "OK go back to sword form. I will try. Ash I need you to touch in my back where it is. I need to know where I need to stab." "Sure kid." Ash helped me up and touched where my wound was and I stabbed myself through all the way to my back. Then I took it out and passed out. "You ok kid?" Ash waited until something happened. "He should be ok Ash." Said Silver still in his sword form. "Take him back to the castle." "Yes sir." Ash picked Silver up and put him on Narvi and carried him in. There were worried faces. "What happened to my brother?" "He will be fine. Don't worry. I will tell you later. In face when Narvi wakes up I will have him bring Silver out to explain. Right now he needs rest." "Ok take care of him Ash." "Yeah sure." Then he carried him to his room where Talia was waiting for him.

"Oh my gosh! What happened to Narvi?" "He will be fine. Like I told the others. When he wakes up I'll have him get Silver to tell everyone what happened. I just stayed by his side while Silver took care of things." "Sigh. Ok thanks Ash." "No problem. Night Talia." "Yeah night." Then everyone went to sleep until the next day.

Finally the next day came and Narvi was still out. People were starting to worry if he would ever wake. That is when Silver popped out. "These are the types of circumstances I can come out by myself. He will be fine don't worry. Let me check him out." Then he touched Narvi's head. "Yep just as I thought he is fine. By the looks of us another day or 2 he will wake. As for what happened." Then he told everyone what happened that night.

"When you do find out for sure let us know." "I will but first Narvi has to wake up so we can check it out. Until then I can't really help you." Then he disappeared back to sword form.

2 days later Narvi woke up. "Woah I thought I was going to die after stabbing myself." "Slow down Narvi. You were poisoned and just woke up." Said Ash. "Ahh my head. Wait where is Silver? Is he ok?" "Yes he is fine don't worry. He was waiting for you to wake up for you to call him." "Oh ok. Silver I summon you." I said in a strained tone. Then silver came out and saw me in pain. "You ok Narvi?" "Yeah I think so. Just a headache." "Well you were poisoned. Even if I healed you, you should rest a bit. Your headache is probably due to the poison. I healed what I could but it got to your head before I got to you. So rest up. It should be out of your head in a day or two." "Are you ok Silver? That scared the hell out of me. I thought I was going to die when I stabbed myself with you." "Haha many think that their first time. Anyway get some painkillers then sleep for about a day you should be fine. I'm fine just so you know. Any later and it would have been to late. It was a strong poison." "Thanks Silver. I'll be ok." Then he disappeared and I fell asleep the until the next day when I was fine.

I got up and got washed up. Then I called Silver up. "Hey Silver. Do you know who those people were?" "I have a hunch I just hope I am wrong. Those arrows though. They were used when I was alive. That was years ago. But if my hunch is right we have to be careful." "Ok so when do we go looking for who it might be?" "Uh lets give it a few days then we will go looking. Until then I'm sure your kids and everyone are worried why don't you spend time with them." "Yeah I probably should thanks man." Then he disappeared again and I went down.

"Hey brother." "Damn! Brother are you ok!" He came over and hugged me. "Yeah I'll live. Where is my wife and kids?" "Oh they should be back soon. Ash is with them." "OK cool. I should head back home soon. Before we do I'll have Silver tell you what happened. All I know is I was hit by a poisonous Arrow in the back. Before I blacked out I saw Ash." "Your lucky that Silver saved you." "Yeah I thought I was going to die because I had to stab myself with him." "Yeah that would be scary. OH speak of the devil. Here they come."

I saw my wife and kids and ran over to them. "Narvi!" Talia crashed into me but I caught myself. "I'm ok Talia. I'm alive and well now." "You scared the hell out of us Narvi." "Yeah sorry Ash. It will most likely happen again." "Yeah don't we know." Said Talia. "Hey kiddos!" The kids all rand over and gave me a hug. One of the times Aiden acted his age. "I'm ok kiddos. Sorry to worry you. Daddy's jobs are dangerous." "Daddy I miss you." Said Kaia and Gaia. "I missed you both too. I missed you boys too." Then I stood up and went back to Talia. "So Talia. We should leave in a few days. Once we get home I have to leave again. Ash you may need to come with us." "Uh yeah ok sure. I'll try to get as much work down as I can. How long before we leave?" "I don't know I'll have to talk with silver.