The traveler

It was a normal night in Georgia when I had the jump. After a long day of work in the mall I had this strong headache and all of a sudden I was in a dark room, dimly light with candles. A man dressed in black robes was standing in front of me.

--Who are you? I said to him.

--Welcome, you are in the town of Termapos. Said the man.

--I was shocked but I manage to let out a few words.

--Why, where is this?

The man looked confused, with both his hands crossed he asked me.

-- Are you Diamonos the… the god of war?

--No, no, I'm Henry. I said to him as I stood up from the ground. A red pentagram was carved into the floor beneath me.

--Oh my gods, said the man. I was supposed to summon Diamonos the god of war, we need his help.

--Am sorry but am not a god. I said to him am just a normal guy from Georgia, I was sleeping and I woke up here it would be nice if you could send me back.

The man put a hand in his chin and said.

--I see, we are having a little problem with raids and taxes to our King, could you be able to help with that?

--No, I replied I need to get back home I can't be here I have things to do, I have a job and a family they are gonna be worried about me. So please can you send me back to Georgia?

--I cannot send you back at this moment, I used the last red ruibe that I had to summon you. It will take me a couple of months to acquire another one. Said the man.

I was starting to freak out.

--Months, no, no, I need to work tomorrow I have a shift at 1 pm I can't miss it.

--I am very sorry but I can't do nothing else for you. Said the man.

After some time I was a little calmed and he explained to me that Termapos was a little village and how they were having problems with raiders and the King was demanding payment for late taxes. He managed to convince me to help with what I knew about warfare and math but I was stuck there, no way of getting out, it was a nightmare for me.

The mans name was Theor, He was the towns sheriff and law maker, people looked up to him to lead them but lately he was having bad luck because of other villages taking his supplies and money. I am not a farmer or a fighter but I knew a few things about ancient warfare, I had seen a couple of videos and historical recreation of famous battles.