Chapter-35 United States of America Washington, D.C.-Boston

Andalas parked the car at the parking area with less car. The rest area was spacious, and the parking lot could accommodate hundreds of vehicles at once.

From the rearview mirror when turning earlier, Andalas saw that the station wagons followed them in. Andalas signaled to Akiko. The two of them got out of the car wearing wide coats and MP5 in their hands. Meanwhile Cecilia stayed in the car. Before leaving, Akiko handed a Glock to Cecilia.

Andalas and Akiko snuck in between large trucks. They were watching the two black station wagons parked near the exit of the rest area. There was no visible movement from the people in the car. Andalas grabbed Akiko's arm. Signaling with the corners of his eyes to split up. Akiko nodded.

The two of them got closer to the station wagons. Their engines were still running. Andalas was on standby. The car door opened. A woman came out and her children followed. At almost the same time, several people who seemed to be a family came out from the second car. Andalas was shocked. Did he have the wrong cars? Or he was just wrong since the beginning?

From his hiding place, Andalas waited for a moment. His gut feeling told him that something was wrong.

From the first car he saw a mother and her 2 young daughters got off. From the second car, a middle-aged man, an old lady, and 1 teenage got off. But Andalas could sense that something was off with them. They seemed hesitant when they were about to cross the parking lot to head for a fast food chain.

Andalas was right. Suddenly the sound of bullets hit the wall of the container truck where he was squatting. It barely missed his head. From the first car, four men wore black tactical suits with masks shooting at his position aggressively. From the second car, three men dressed in the same outfits opened fire at a trailer truck loaded with grain. Maybe Akiko was hiding there.

Andalas still had time to watch the first people who got off the station wagon were running for cover. Bastard! They were holding civilians as hostages and covers.

The gunfire stopped momentarily. Maybe they were reloading their guns. Andalas used the opportunity. His MP5 shot several bullets probably killing one person and injuring another. But one person stood up and shot back. From the other side, the sound of MP5 shooting was heard. Akiko managed to shoot two people at once.

The two of them fell on the side of the car, either dead or injured. Four more to go!

A series of shots from M-16 rifles were heard again from the direction of the black station wagon. Andalas rolled his body under the container truck. He saw two pairs of black boots running toward him.

Andalas aimed his gun and shot four times, and two men were down with their ankles blown off. Two more!

Akiko did the same thing. Andalas saw the tough doctor lying under the grain truck and firing her gun several times. There was a loud scream of pain followed by Akiko shouting. "Done!"

Andalas and Akiko were about to run toward their attackers who were all collapsed on the concrete floor. But they stopped when they heard a single explosion from the distance. Bang!

Andalas and Akiko ran back fast. The sound was coming from their car! Cecilia!

When they got to the car, they saw Cecilia standing limply leaning against the open car door. A dead body laid under her feet. Thank God!

Cecilia was trembling. Akiko hugged her and asked if she was okay. Cecilia nodded. She felt weak and was about to collapse. Akiko swiftly grabbed her and led her to sit in the car.

Cecilia was still gasping for air while holding her chest. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"H..he's still so young…!" Cecilia fainted.

Andalas turned over the dead body. Cecilia was right. The attacker was still a child. Maybe a teenager. Andalas frowned.

It was not the Executor's style. Andalas examined the innocent face. Hmm, Central Asian ethnicity! Andalas understood. No wonder they did not seem well-trained.

They were from a different faction! Andalas took the teen's photo. After that, he hoped in the car and signaled to Akiko that they should continue. The Ford Station Wagon sped away. While driving Andalas continued to struggle with his thoughts.

Not far from the rest area, Andalas pulled over and asked Akiko to replace him. Cecilia was still unconscious.

Akiko immediately stepped on the gas. Meanwhile, Andalas opened his smartphone and tablet. They were driving in silence. Akiko kept her eyes on road and on the lookout for any tail.

Cecilia had regained consciousness, but it was obvious from the look on her face that the doctor was still in shock.

Cecilia never shot anything in her life let alone a person. And She killed a teenager that day.

"They weren't the Executor's orders. I thought they were. They're too amateurs. I've got information from The Consultant's network. Our attackers were a bunch of terrorists from Central Asia."

Cecilia gasped. What!

So, more people wanted them dead.