Chapter 57 Frankfurt, 50° 7′ 0″ N, 8° 41′ 0″ E Frankfurt Am Main Airport

Andalas stared at the closed cockpit door. He was wondering why the flight attendant who had rushed in earlier didn't come out at all after some times. It was a violation of aviation regulation.

No one was allowed to enter the cockpit except the pilot and co-pilot. His brain was torn between worrying that something would happen or that this was just an unusual event happened on a flight with no reason to be anxious about.

The plane began to hit German airspace. Soon they would land for transit and refuel. Passengers wouldn't get off. The plane would only stop for no more than 45 minutes. Refueling and picking up passengers who were waiting at Frankfurt Airport.

Andalas's anxiety eased the moment the plane touched the ground. As soon as the doors opened to allow passengers from Frankfurt to board the plane while refueling, a man in a pilot's uniform passed his seat and entered the cockpit. At the same time, the flight attendant who had been inside walked out from the cockpit.

Andalas grabbed Akiko's arm.

"Didn't you see anything weird? The substitute pilot was in, but the previous pilot didn't get out and get off the plane."

Akiko just smiled broadly.

Both happy and annoyed with Andalas' attitude. It was good that this guard had always been careful, but it was also annoying because he was very alert and paranoid. Not a fun guy!

They should have enjoyed the trip by talking or watching a movie together. Instead, he paced back and forth, and spoke to only express his suspicions.

"Come on, don't be such a killjoy. How could you enjoy life when you were always suspicious of everything?"

Andalas wanted to refute but canceled it. His mind was still dwelling on the weird stuffs that happened. The possibility of the pilot being replaced was only when he was sick. And usually, the sick pilot would be evacuated immediately. But this was not the case. The replacement came but the previous pilot remained inside.

The transit completed. The plane took off leaving Frankfurt Airport. Andalas tried to ignore his confusion by going to sleep. He saw Captain Shinji Akira and First mate Yoshido talking quietly. Cecilia focused on the X-One screen, and Akiko replayed her favorite cowboy movie. Andalas began to close his eyes.

Right when he was about to doze off, Andalas felt the plane making a sharp bank. Reducing altitude to turn left. The maneuver took a while. It felt like the plane was turning around. Something went through Andalas's mind.

He reached for Akiko's X-One which was being used to watch a movie. Akiko moved her hand to defend, but Andalas was faster. The X-One changed hands. Akiko glared to protest. But Andalas put his index finger gently on Akiko's lips. Telling her to shut up.

Akiko didn't say anything. Not because she was obeying orders but enjoying the gentle touch.

Andalas did not pay attention. His focus was on the monitor screen after typing a few commands.

"Look! This plane is not headed for Geneva. Or even Switzerland. The pilot is flying it to Russia!" Andalas whispered in Akiko's ear, not wanting to cause unnecessary scene until he was absolutely sure.

Akiko was a bit distracted. Andalas's warm breath on her ear lulled her.

Andalas glared. The woman next to him didn't care at all. He pressed Akiko's hand to beg for attention. Akiko closed her eyes. Andalas lost his mind.

"Akiko!" This time Andalas whispered a little louder while touching Akiko's cheek with the corner of his lips.

Sure enough. Akiko felt like she was being stung by a bee. But instead of focusing, the woman hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. Andalas scratched his ear while rolling his eyes. Weird woman!

Andalas typed a message to Cecilia's X-One.

Check where this plane is heading via satellite from your X-One. I suspect it's flying to the wrong direction.

Cecilia replied.

One second.

Andalas was about to stand up. Another option was to confirm with the suspicious flight attendant. But Akiko's arms gripped him even tighter. Andalas didn't have the heart to let go his arm. He decided not to go to the rear cabin.

Cecilia's replied.

Yup confirmed! It is headed for Eastern Europe! What do we do?!

That was what concerned Andalas. Cecilia panicked easily.

Tell Cathy to track this plane.

Andalas saw Cecilia looking at him and nodding. Even though her face was starting to show panic, Cecilia smiled faintly as she saw Akiko sleeping comfortably on Andalas's shoulder.

Andalas was confused. He should have acted quickly by checking with the flight attendant. But he didn't have the heart to wake up Akiko who was in deep sleep. In his heart, Andalas was amused. A weird Yakuza woman. Violent but romantic! Andalas felt the warmth of Akiko's breath on his arm.

A peanut shell landed on Andalas's nose when he was dozing off. Cecilia glared at him while pointing at the X-One. Andalas woke up groggily.

Cathy said the plane didn't change course at all. It's heading to Russia!

Where exactly in Russia? Ask her to give the exact coordinates.

Cecilia waved her hand asking him to wait. The immediate answer from Cathy made his eyes widen.

Grozny Airport!

Andalas no longer hesitated to wake Akiko up by pinching her nose.