Chapter 12: More Questions than Answers

“Go!” Miles shouted, joined by Asher as to cover the retreat of Caden and Edith. Caden rushed forward, pushing Edith out of the room.

Night was falling quickly, and there was no getting away. Caden looked back. He shouted in a strange language before Miles and Asher disappeared into the shadows.

“You have to trust me,” Caden said breathlessly, charging at Edith in a full run.

She barely nodded before he raised his arms and wrapped them around her. Edith gasped at the sudden darkness and the sensation of falling. In the next instant, Caden stepped back and the setting sun could be seen again.

They were standing in the graveyard, beside a crumbling mausoleum. She could see the iron gate of the graveyard swinging open in the gentle breeze.

“We aren’t safe yet; we must get to the street,” Caden whispered hastily, grabbing Edith’s hand and pulling her down the path.