“Pack your bags, princess,” Tiny bellowed as he came to collect Angela from The Den of Freaks. “Boss’s orders, you’re going home.”
Angela was shocked by this new information. She couldn’t believe Germaine was just going to let her go after all this time. There must be a catch. She realized there was always a catch with him.
Stunned, she stood up and followed Tiny to her room. None of the things in it really belonged to her – they were all things Diego bought for her. The thought made her stomach turn.
“I don’t need any of it,” she said after a moment surveying the room.
“Suit yourself,” Tiny answered. “Either way, your ride won’t be here for a few minutes.”
She turned and looked at him, confused. “My ride? You aren’t taking me?”
Tiny just laughed at her. “Trust me, if it were up to me, I’d never have to see you again. I think that’s Prince Charming pulling up in his chariot now.”
Angela poked her head out of the door to see Diego’s car pulling up in front of the room.