Chapter 14 Passion with Mianna

"Well, I'll tell Alena when we get back."

Mianna smiled and didn't care.

Then she began to take off her clothes.

Her body was so sexy that Fit's breath became faster and faster.

The book in his hand was not attractive at all. He closed it and put it aside.

As a matter of fact, from the end of the world till now, he had only vented his lust in Edith's mouth once. He hadn't done love well for a long time.

"Don't worry, honey. It's just nightfall. We still have a lot of time."

"No, Mianna. You have said that many times since this afternoon."

Fit he sat up and said, "My penis can't wait any longer."

Mianna hesitated for a while and said, "Wait a minute. There seems to be some water in stock in the hotel. Let me clean first."

"I don't care, honey. You don't look slovenly..."

Speaking of this, Fit thought for a while and got out of bed. "Okay, but I think we can bathe together."

Then he picked up Mianna and took her to the bathroom.

Mianna called out in surprise. Then she hugged him back with a big smile on her face.

Once in the bathroom, after the shower was turned on, the two of them couldn't wait to kiss each other. At the same time, they touched and pinched the other person's body continuously.

Then Mianna squatted down and wanted to kiss his balls, but was stopped by Fit.

Now his lust was surging and he didn't need to be teased with.

Fit touched Mianna's lower body and found that it was wet. It seemed that there was enough foreplay.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Mianna put her hands on the wall and raised her buttocks.

With two soft breaths at the same time, Fit finally entered Mianna's body.

"Oh, don't move, honey. Let me get used to it."

Mianna turned her head and said softly.

Fit smiled, stopped, leaned over and kissed her again. At the same time, he put his hands in front of Mianna and pinched her chest.

A moment later, Mianna gasped and twisted her buttocks.

"Okay, honey. Thank you for your understanding. You are so gentle."

She was a little moved. In this case, Fit could still take care of her feelings and restrain himself, which made her favorable impression on Fit soar again!

"Dear Mianna, you should know that my tenderness depends on people."

Fit smiled, "You're the first girl I've treated so gently so far."

Mianna didn't say anything, but her action became more passionate, and her groan was no longer suppressed. She madly responded to Fit's love for her.

"Do you like me? Dear Mianna." Fit asked.

"Of course! You are strong. I like strong men. "Mianna said in a daze.

"Very strong? Which aspect do you mean? "

Fit moved his body quickly.

"Oh, in all aspects!"

After two rounds, Mianna felt a little tired.

Then the two of them moved their battlefield to the bed.

When he entered Mianna's body again, Fit suddenly snickered when he heard her high groan.

"By the way, dear, where do you arrange Mrs. Souter? Where do she and the little guy rest. "

As far as Fit knew, the sound insulation effect of this hotel was only average.

And according to Mianna's voice just now, as long as they were on the same floor, they could definitely hear.

As expected, as soon as Fit finished his words, he felt that Mianna's body became tighter.

"Right, right next door..."

Mianna lowered her voice with shyness.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter, dear. Mrs. Souter is experienced, and she will understand."

Fit laughed, "And, maybe she will take this opportunity to give the little Roddy a sex education class."

"Oh, but I don't want to be a material, even if it's just sound..."

Mianna was still very shy.

But as Fit moved, she gradually began to let go of herself and shouted for asking more.

On the second morning, Fit and Mianna knocked on the door of Mrs. Souter's room together.

When the door was opened, they saw Janet with dark circles under her eyes.

"Good morning, Fit and Mianna."

"Good morning, Mrs. Souter."

Fit still had his face unchanged, but Mianna looked a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter? By the way, thank you for your food. It's rare for Roddy to have a good sleep after eating."

Yes, but only the little Roddy had a good sleep.

As for Mrs. Souter, she must have been helping the little Roddy with the sound insulation work the whole night, and had to endure the harassment of Mianna's groan.

Fit laughed in his heart.

"I'm going back to the survivors' base. Do you want to go with me?"

Mianna said with an embarrassed smile.

"We are willing to go back with you."

Janet said happily. She hoped that the little Roddy could have a stable life.

"That's great. The base is short of hands now."

Mianna said. "But we have enough food storage there. You need to do some simple work to obtain it."

"If that can help me and Roddy get a stable life, then there will be no problem. Thank you, Mianna."

After some preparation, Mianna, Janet and Roddy came to the car.

"Fit, we will meet again, won't we?"

Mianna was reluctant to part with him.

"Of course, I will take my family to the base to find you."

Fit smiled and said, "Ha ha, as one of the founders of the base, you should take good care of us."

"Of course."

Mianna smiled and kissed Fit.

A moment later, she entered the car and drove away.

Fit stand still and watch the car drive away.

Behind him, the figure of the phantom demon emerged from the shadow.

"Master, you have become more merciful recently. This is not a good sign."

"Of course I know, Bessie. But being with Mianna really makes me happy and relaxed."

Fit she smiled and said, "She is not only good in bed, but also good-tempered. I just don't want her to see my cruel side."

"I will be better in bed than her, master..."

The phantom demon leaned over and clung to him.

"This can be verified later."

Fit rubbed Bessie's head, "Now that Mianna has left, do you know what it means?"


The phantom demon raised its head and looked at Fit with a trace of fear in its eyes.

"You are right, Bessie."

Fit smiled with red light in his eyes, "You have to pay the price for questioning your master just now."

"No, no, master, I just... Ah!"

The power of the contract came into force, and the demon rolled painfully.

"As a pet, you just need to be loyal and obedient."