Chapter 15 Owner of This Place?

This time, the punishment for the demons did not last long.

Because Fit thought she was right.

He couldn't be like this phantom demon, forgetting the pain when the scar was healed.

In the last world, too much mercy was cruelty to oneself.

While the demon was gasping on the ground to relieve the pain, Fit found an SUV around.

But unfortunately, the amount of oil was not enough.

But it was not difficult for him.

There were also many cars around, as long as they found the same gas type and then poured them out.

It was a piece of cake for Fit, who had 13 points of strength.

After filling up the SUV with two more barrels of oil in stock, Fit sat on the driver's seat.

He wanted to refit the car, but after thinking for a while, he thought it was unnecessary to waste time here.

After all, Bessie had a range of attack. As long as the zombies didn't block her, she could easily wipe them out.

"Well, Bessie, let's go. Come on in."

"Yes, master."

The demon trembled and sat on the passenger seat.

The SUV was started with music on, heading for the community quickly.

Bessie was very honest on the way. The pain of being punished had not completely disappeared, so she did not flirt with Fit.

After a long silence, Bessie seemed to think of something all of a sudden.

She took out an egg-sized brain core to Fit and said.

"Master, this is my previous harvest. I have purified the virus within..."

Fit took a look and was surprised, "It's so big? Did you get it from a level-2 zombie?"

"Yes, from that Gis."

"Gis? You made him a zombie?"

Fit smiled, "You're really good at maximize your benefits, Bessie."

He didn't expect that after a level 2 evolved man became a zombie, he would directly reach the level 2 of zombies.

In this way, he could make use of it if the situation allowed when he met the enemy of the evolved man in the future.

After all, the brain of the level 1 zombie would not help much.

If he wanted to become stronger quickly, he had to devour the brain core of the zombie at the higher level.

"Tell me, what did you do?"

Fit lowered the music and asked Bessie.

"I seduced him and forced him to rape a female zombie."

Bessie said with a smug smile.

As a phantom demon, she hadn't felt the strength of her master with her body since she was summoned. She was almost driven mad.

Therefore, she changed a way to vent her desire.


Thinking of that scene, Fit felt a tingle in his scalp.

"Bessie... You are really a devil."

"Yes, master. I am a demon, a... phantom demon."

When they arrived at the community, it was already noon.

It took a lot of time to clean up the zombies that blocked the way.

There weren't many people in the community where Fit's parents lived. It was a small community with about two thousand people.

After entering the community, Fit opened the window and slowed down.

He felt something was wrong.

Because there were too few zombies wandering outside!

As if... Someone had cleaned it up?

Of course, it was also possible that when the black rain came, everyone stayed at home without going out.

Fit also hoped so, but the probability was too small

When Fit came to his house, he finally understood the reason.

The door was half open and the curtains were all drawn.

The house was filled with hot music, as if there was a party.

Outside the house, there were piles of zombie corpses.

There were at least hundreds of them.

Obviously, those zombies were all attracted by the sound and then were killed.


"Did dad or mom evolve?"

Fit thought.

After all, even if ordinary people had the guts to do so, they did not have the strength to kill so many zombies.

"But it's too arrogant to play music all the time."

Fit smiled and felt relaxed.

He planned to have a talk with his father about how to keep a low profile when he saw his father.

But after entering the house, Fit was stunned. The smile on his face gradually disappeared and became gloomy.

Obviously, the house had been renovated.

A dozen people gathered in the small living room!

Among them, there were men and women, but most of them were women.

And most of them were naked!

There were even two pairs of men and women making love on the sofa to vent their desires.

Besides, there was a big bed in the center.

On the bed, a fat middle-aged man was pressing on a struggling woman and tearing her clothes.

Noticing that someone came in, they immediately stopped and took out their rifles or shotguns, aiming at Fit.

The woman on the bed took advantage of this opportunity to push the fat middle-aged man away, covered her bare body and ran out of the bed.

But looking around at the people holding guns, she didn't dare to continue to escape.

Instead, he looked at Fit and shouted,

"Help me! Beg you! That devil! Bastard! He is going to rape me! Please..."

As she spoke, she knelt down and cried bitterly.

"Rape you? To be honest, I want to."

Fit said coldly after glancing at her beautiful body.

But it was just a thought.

There was a bottom line for Fit.

If there was no enmity, he was unwilling to force others.

But this woman was far more stupid than Edith. She was so stupid to ask him for help when all the guns were pointed at him!

The woman was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

Fit raised his hands slowly and ignored the woman. He shouted at the fat middle-aged man who slowly walked down from the bed.

"Sorry to interrupt you."

"If you don't welcome me, I can leave right away."

He played the trick of showing his weakness again, trying to figure out what had happened here.

"No, no, no. of course you are welcome!"

The middle-aged man turned off the music and walked over. "I'm Charles, the owner of this place."

"The owner of this place?"

Fit's eyes narrowed and he had an impulse to kill him directly.

But he didn't know whether his parents were safe or not, so he suppressed this impulse and activated the eye of perception.

Name: Charles unknown

Race: humans

Profession: an evolved man

Level: 2

Strength: 15

Spirit: 13

Agility: 10

Physique: 15

Energy: 120/120

Talent and ability: earth bomb skill, earth armor

He was an evolved woman with high attack and defense abilities, but he had a low speed.

"Hello, Charles, I'm Fit. I came here to have a look when I heard the music. Maybe we can have a talk?"