Chapter 16 The Concept of Charles

"Of course!"

With a smile, Charles waved at the people around her and asked them to put down their guns.

"Let's go to another place."

Then Charles walked towards the second floor.

Fit then followed.

On the second floor, Fit looked around the familiar layout, and his anger began to rise again.

Charles he randomly picked a bedroom and walked in.

Coincidentally, this was the room Fit used to live in.

Worried about her parents, Fit couldn't help but ask.

"Charles, I'm curious. What were you doing just now? A party? "


Charles nodded and sat on the bed, "It's so depressing outside. You need to vent your desire, don't you?"

This is my bed!

Bearing the urge to kick the fat pig away, Fit nodded and said, "You are right."

"But why did you choose to stay here? I think there are many bigger houses nearby."

"Because there is a lot of food here."

Charles smiled, "When we arrived here, the owner of the house was already gone. The car was driven away, so they should have left here. But I don't know why they left a lot of food."

"I see..."

Hearing this, Fit was finally relieved.

After seeing Charles occupy this place, he had imagined several possibilities.

When the black rain came, his parents were not at home, turned into zombies, and then were killed by Charles who broke into here.

Fortunately, the final result was not in his guess.

Moreover, they could drive away, which meant that they didn't become zombies. It was a good result.

"It seems that you don't have any questions to ask. Then it's my turn."

Charles stood up and looked at him, "Fit, you... Are you an evolved man?"

"How do you know?" Fit pretended to be surprised.

"Ha ha, don't be nervous. I can guess it from your expression when facing the gun."

Charles smiled complacently, seeming to be very satisfied with his reasoning ability.

"Well, you're right. I'm indeed an evolved man. It seems that... You are the same?"

Knowing that his parents were fine, Fit now was in a good mood and was ready to play with him.

"Of course!"

Charles said confidently, "Besides, I'm a level 2! A strong one among all level 2 evolved men!"

"What a coincidence! In fact, I'm also a level 2."

Fit said calmly, "but I seldom fight with others. I don't know how powerful I am among all level 2 evolved men."

"I can help you test it. Now I have a question to ask you, Fit."

Charles stared at Fit.

"What question?"

"What do you think of the world now?" Charles asked seriously.

"The present world? What else can I do?"

Fit shrugged, "The end of the world is chaotic."

"So, do you want to change it?"


After careful consideration, Fit shook his head and said, "I think it's difficult to make any change only by one person."

"You are right, so we need to organize people! Join us! Fit, let's change the world together!"

Charles's eyes became fervent.


Fit thought that he might have misheard.

"I'm going to build a survivors' base. No, the survivors' kingdom. I'll be the king!"

Charles raised his voice and looked more enthusiastic.

"The king?"

Fit couldn't help laughing, "I'm sorry, Charles. Are you really... Crazy about this idea?"

"And it's already the end of the world. What's the point of being a king?"

"The end of the world? No, no, no! This is the beginning of a new world!"

Charles shook his head, "This is a shuffle of the world by God! In front of the black rain, everyone is equal!"

"If it weren't for black rain, how could we get such a powerful extraordinary power?"

"In the previous movies and television works, the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology?"

"The black rain has given everyone a chance to evolve. Whether it is the poor or the rich, they all become equal at the moment the black rain arrives!"

Fit was speechless, but he didn't know how to refute him, "Well... You are right, although the risk of evolution is a little high."

"That's not a big deal. The fittest survives. The incomplete ones that fail to evolve only deserve to be our vassals!"

Charles madly said, "We are new humans! In the future, we are destined to be new humans!"

"Well, what's the difference between this world and the previous world? A group of people rule another group, even worse than the previous world."

Fit sighed.

"It's different! We are new humans, and we are no longer the same species as those low-grade creatures..."

Charles was still stating his ideas.

But Fit didn't want to play with him anymore.


"Yes, master."

The figure of the phantom demon emerged from the shadow.

"What, what is this? Your ability? "

Charles was a little surprised, but didn't panic at all. Instead, he stared at Bessie and swallowed.

He was very confident in his own defense.

"A summoned creature? Her figure is really good. If you are willing to give her to me... "

"Shut up, fat pig!"

Fit turned his eyes cold and ordered, "Bessie, control him."

A pink light immediately flashed in Bessie's eyes, enveloping Charles.

Charles's face changed and a brown yellow light rose from his body, trying to block it.

But in the face of the erosion of the pink light, it was completely useless.

After a while, he stood still like an idiot.

After that, the phantom demon stuck herself to Fit.

"Master, were you angry just now for me? I'm so moved! "

"You think too much."

Fit he pushed her away indifferently, "You are my pet and only my personal belongings. He wants..."

Speaking of this, Fit suddenly realized that there was no need for him to explain to her, so he didn't want to waste his time.

"That's for me, master. I like you more and more!"

The demon smiled happily.

"Well, Bessie, let's get to the point. I've been neglecting your ability before. What can it do?"

As he spoke, Fit opened the eye of perception.

The real name of the demon: Bessie Rivet Tashi Barth

Race: phantom demons

Talent ability: Charm, Dark Whip, Shadow Creeping

Charm: It can affect the spirits of the targets within thirty meters in front and make them listen to their orders. During the period of the charm, it will consume 1 point of energy per second. Every time a target is increased, it will consume 1 point of energy per second. At present, it is ineffective for the targets above level 3.

"Master, I can charm all the targets within thirty meters and make them obey your orders."

Bessie leaned over again and said with an arm of Fit.

"You told the truth this time?"

Fit glanced at her, surprised.