Chapter 38 Survivor, Gisley

"When shall we take actions?"

Kelly calmly looked at Fit and asked.

Just as she had said, she was not in a hurry to go to refuge. In addition, Fit had proved her reasoning ability before, so she was ready to do as he planned.

"Take actions? No, the problem has been solved."

Fit smiled and got on the car.

"What? You..."

Kelly was surprised, but soon she smiled and said, "Well, it must be Miss Bessie."

"Yes, Bessie helped me a lot, but this time it mainly depends on the people in that small town who want to resist."

Fit nodded. After thinking for a while, he explained what had happened before to her.

He wanted to give her a heads up in case she thought too highly of the survivors' base.

"It's... it's impossible. Just to control the population... A person who is determined to establish refuge won't do such a thing!"

Kelly didn't want to believe it, "It must be a lie!"

"I hope so, but there is no need for him to lie at that time..."

Fit recalled it.