Chapter 39 Boring Test

After coming back.

Fit threw the brain core into a plastic bag and began to cook.

Gisley took a quick look at the plastic bag and found that there were nearly a hundred brain cores in it!

He even saw some brain cores that were obviously larger, which belonged to those of level-2 zombies!

These were collected by Fit and Kelly after they killed the zombies on the way.

Gisley lowered his head slowly, with a flicker in her eyes. No one knew what he was thinking.

Fit sat beside the fire, roasted the snake meat and ate it directly.

Then he looked at Gisley and said, "Don't be too depressed. Gisley. After all, this is the end of the world. We have to ensure our safety first."

"Although we can't take you with us, at least we can guarantee that you won't be hurt tonight."

"And we can have a hearty barbecue."

As he spoke, Fit handed the meat and the stick to Gisley.

"Grill it yourself. You can eat as much as you can. There are still a lot of meat in the car."

"Thank you..."