The Words of Drunken Dreams

[Anton's P.O.V.]

I had to stop them. I quietly peeked out to observe the situation outside. Madam Kerry was not far away and the few people who were ordered to put out the fire had not moved.

I took out the mask that I had prepared in advance and put it on my face. Then, I laid in ambush along the path they had to take to put out the fire. There were only three of them. As soon as they passed by me, I immediately knocked them out one by one.

I looked at the three bodies lying on the ground and sneaked toward Madam Kerry.

I was only here to make the plan go smoothly and had no intentions of taking anyone's life. Regardless, I had to take out Madam Kerry. Even if these three men were taken out of the equation, she would send someone else.

Madam Kerry had humiliated Ellie and Myron many times, so it was a good opportunity to teach her a lesson she would never forget and would stop being so arrogant.