The ZARIAN'S are ancient lineage of vampires in the 14th to 17th century who originated from the south side of Riverdale in the north central of America, they had lived as humans for two decades and half before they were turned into vampires with black magic by their grandmother "Sarah akin" who's origin traced back to Africa and also a direct descendant of astiphia the ancient African goddess of good and evil.

it was on a hot afternoon when Andrew the last born in the house of ZARIAN'S went to a near by stream to fetch water with his keg, on his way back with his keg filled with water, he walked about few kilometers away from the stream and almost close to the house where they lived in,

suddenly a pack of wolves confronted him from the bushes around the roads sides of the river he did tried to run for his dear life but the wolves were in pack so he couldn't escape,they tore him apart and he died instantly,

meanwhile his family members were all inside hoping for his return but he didn't return,they were families of four men alone with their mother and father and their maternal grandmother "Sarah akin" their family is known as the Smith ZARIAN'S

...They have awaited Andrew's return but he didn't return,they all became curious and disturbed because Andrew was everyones favorite in the family,they all decided to go together and see if something was withholding him...

on their getting close to the river... their eldest brother "maccabees Zarian" sighted from a far distance and saw someone who was looking like his kid brother lying dead on the ground,

he exclaimed,"never ever" immediately,they all rushed to the body laying on the ground just to realize that he is no longer alive and he died few hours ago helplessly and hopelessly...

it was the saddest day of their lives because Andrew was the pet of the house and everyone loves him that much

they took his dead body home to their parents,their father "Mr Smith Raphael Zarian" who is a retired warlord and karate trainee,cried and cried and cried, with a raging wave of bitterness and anguish that is like the roaring of the ocean,

their mother "Mr silver akin Zarian"who is one part Africa and one part English,she has the gift of practicing voodoo with her mother who is also living there with the ZARIAN'S ,they all mourned Andrew's horrible demise and later found closure within themselves...

their grandmother "Sarah akin" swore with the gods of their ancestors never to be alive and watch animals take her grandchildren again! she went seeking for more protection to cover her remaining three grandchildren

mama Sarah akin consulted the goddess of good and evil "astiphia " seeking for more powers and the abilities to recreate something that is dead and bring it to live among humans,

Sarah akin is one of the direct descendant of "astiphia" the ancient goddess of good and evil,she communes with the ancestors frequently,she has unlimited access to black magic, and she was also one of the greatest regents of their coven,"okute coven"

the ancestors was always willing to grant her request, considering the fact that she is their direct descendant, without wasting much time, she was granted access to the deepest darkest root of the greatest black magic the first of it's kind for centuries,

it was beyond what she asked for,the power to resurrect, mama Sarah and her daughter silver akin with Smith Zarian decided to turn their three remaining boys to vampires to protect them from animal predator's, rather let them be the predators than being the prey including their father!

She consulted the seven great goddess of asparagus and astiphia to grant them the gift of immortality and super natural powers, but the spirit warned mama Sarah against the magic she's requesting for that it will upset the balance of nature and nature must find a means and take it's balance,but she insisted, she knew they would be consequences but she never expected it to be the worst atrocities ever to walk the earth

their eldest brother "maccabees Zarian" was quite afraid because the explanation sounded so horrific,

the second son "Jackson Zarian" who was the prodigal son of the house who was also the most handsome of them all, Jackson had an untold history about his biological father who happens to be a wolf,

Jackson wasn't much afraid because he said in his minds that nothing could be as painful as loosing someone who is so dear to you and he wasn't willing to mourn any of his siblings again,so he urged their third brother "sakas Zarian" to be brave and be man enough to secure and protect himself from the forest predators,

they all agreed to under go the transition from living human beings to living dead humans,"vampires"...