Marie; it was on a Tuesday morning, I went for a street jogging as usual, I was set to run for 3 hours within my neighborhood in the towns of Louisiana today, though it was not my usual route.

I have been jogging for over 1:30 minutes just to realize that I was being trailed by a guy, he was putting on a black hoodie with a red trouser and he is also dark in color, I tried running faster to get off his sight, but the more l ran faster the more he kept running speedily towards my direction, at a point I became scared,

I became very scared and traumatized then I ran to a near by chemist shop and acted as if I wanted to buy something from the store, immediately I stopped Infront of the chemist shop the black hoodie guy also stopped there,I felt like collapsing,

Black hoodie guy; hey

Marie; I didn't reply immediately because I was still in shock but after a while I replied and said: hey

black hoodie guy; I'm Jackson but friends call Jack

Marie; just call me Marie,I replied with much anger and anguish

black hoodie guy; sorry I've been running speedily to meet you

Marie; it was now that I became furious,I was already filled with rage, although that's one of the perks of being a wolf, "we have anger issues" for a while I didn't know what to reply, then he Said to me...

black hoodie guy: sorry if I scared you...

Marie; "he can tell from the look in my face that I wasn't happy any more" I Said in mind, but you could have just waved at me and I would have stopped or slow down for you to meet me instead of scaring the hell out of me, I said to him

black hoodie guy; I'm very sorry Marie, I didn't mean to scare you, please find a place in your heart to forgive me and forget that It ever happened, I promise such thing won't happen again from now on, I promised to always come out every Tuesday morning to look after me while you're jogging, no one would ever repeat this kind of thing with you and go free..

Marie; "he talks with so much confidence" I said to myself, if he was a wolf I should have sniffed it out from him but he's not,so what could really be the reason behind his too much confidence, I decided to give it a shot,

we exchanged complimentary cards and pleasantries as well and then we jogged together till I got to my apartment and we separated,

After I have washed off myself my sports kit, i went to the freezer to get a chilled lemon juice to cool my thirst,suddenly my phone rang and it was Jackson...

Marie; hello

Jackson; hello Marie,how are you feeling already?

Marie; Hey Jackson I'm feeling great, what about you?

Jackson; I'm good, please can I take you out for dinner tonight?

Marie; okay till then and the call ended.

hours later my phone rang again and it was Jackson,

Marie; Hello

Jackson; hello gorgeous please come let's get going for our date

Marie; I said just ok, smiling inside, my mother had already asked me who's been calling over the phone that it is making me so excited, I just told her is a friend I met earlier while I was jogging, she smiled and said " hmmm Marie let this thing that is making you so excited worth it and never end" I could tell from her facial expressions that she was also excited, because for years after my first heart break where I lost my boyfriend for a car accident, so I've lived a reticent life all this while, although self preservation has always been my first instinct,

I dressed up and walked outside to meet my new date Jackson after 5 years of being single, I wasn't expecting what I saw and I couldn't believe it either,

Jackson was so Rich that he own a Lamborghini Gallardo, I was astonished by what I saw but inconspicuously,

"Hey gorgeous"he said,and I replied "hey handsome" so fast with a smiling face, then I realized I had fallen already, before I could get myself back I found out that I was already in love but inconspicuously,

I was seriously refusing the emotions but it was too stronger than I have ever felt, finally I gave in!

We drove out from our street to one of the nicest places in the town of Louisiana, the name of the hotel is Casanova five star hotel.

We drove inside their VIP Parkside drive and alighted then we went inside their cafeteria, we took a hot cup of cappuccino then we started discussions.

Jackson; So Marie my dear I sincerely want to apologize again for the way I scared you the first day we met..

Marie; It's a past tense, it's a bygone, so let's face reality!

Jackson; wow that's so brave and wise of you Marie, you're indeed a good person! so tell me more about your lives Marie..

Marie; actually I don't have much thing to say because I'm an indoor person!

Jackson; okay, well,since we've met it means you're no longer an indoor person because I'm definitely going to show you the foundations of the beauty of this world,

I was a bit curious about the length of confidence and assurance in his words, so I asked him..

Marie; so what do you do for a living??

Jackson; I'm an importer and exporter, we deal on granites and gold's

but he didn't mention he owned the company,he only said he worked with the company " Jay gold's and granites" it was about few months later that I realized he owned the company and the hotel.

so in other not to be embarrassing in my questions for my curiousity, I paused asking him personal questions,

Jackson; I can see from your eye your curiosity about my source of wealth but don't worry "I don't bite" he said jokingly.. I came from the home of the ZARIAN'S we are known for wealth and authority!

The more he spoke with much confidence the more curious I get, but then I had already fallen, I just had to decide on whatever it takes, I decided to go again and give it a trial..

I never told him the other side of my life which is I was a wolf girl and he never told me the other side of his life which is he was a vampire,

We both decided individually to dissemble!

After a long conversation in the cafeteria,we spent about 4 hours chatting and smiling until we decided to take a bottle of beer to spice up the date,

Before we could realize ourselves we were already kissing and romancing in the cafeteria, though we were in the VIP section, we insisted that we go to his paradise he said, but I objected, after a little more kissing and romancing I asked him to come and drop me off,

Immediately he stood up and walked out and no one came to ask him for payments for anything, It was suspicious though,but we were already dripping,

He drove straight to my compound and dropped me over and left immediately to his paradise, I went inside smiling profusely with many gifts and eatables in my both hands,with the look on my moms face she was convinced that her inner prayer points has been granted!

before I could get to my room after spending a little time with my mom and my grandma my phone rang and it was a WhatsApp video call from Jack,

I answered the phone with so much excitement this time around conspicuously, we talked and talked and talked and talked..

the both of were already happy and comfortable with each other, I could tell from our conversations, I promised him I'd come to his paradise some day soon..

we talked until I slept off on the call.. the next day I visited his paradise and my love life began.