Two months in a romantic relationship with Jackson, we had made out many times on the couch,in the bathroom and even in the sitting room in his paradise in a nearby estate that was sited a bit far from where I live,

Jackson was quite rich, his has a paradise indeed,but he never told me he owned the estate,

for the first time in my life I was deeply in love with someone else that is not my bloodline after five years of loosing my boyfriend, I always lived a reclusive life style.

Self preservation was always my first instinct, I didn't need any friends again, I didn't have that much time for friendship or relationship anymore,

I didn't really have any at all,my family was always my best friends until I met Jackson!

few months later I realized I had taken in for Jackson although I didn't see it first, it was my mom that first asked me if I was feeling fine because she's noticing some kind of unusual changes in my body, womanly speaking

so she began to diagnose me in her African native way with their African way of detecting if a woman is pregnant, they are some part of your body that would be painful for no reason

I decided to go for a medical checkup without telling Jackson even though he was calling me over the phone but I couldn't take his calls because it was a bit difficult for me to digest it that I have taken in for him,

How would he feel if I let him know,I was pondering in my heart,

I went to a nearby diagnostic clinic around my neighborhood and I met doctor Sandra who was a family friend!

She conducted a test and in few minutes she brought the results to me, she smiled and said to me I'm happy for you Marie, I tried reacting positively to that compliment but it was shown all over my face that I was still in a bit anguish over how Jackson would feel if I let him know,If he would be happier or angrier..

I managed to smile with doctor Sandra and collected the test results and took it home to my mom and my grandma, they were already celebrating it in my absence without my consent

my mom looked at my face and saw that I was a bit worried, have you told Jackson about his latest gift? she asked me,

I hesitated to answer her so she called me Marie my angel as she always call me, have you informed Jackson? I said no! she asked me why and I told her that I don't know how Jackson would feel if I tell him,

She encouraged me to call him, she said that Jackson would even be happier, I brought out my phone and I called him and I demanded he comes to my house as soon as he can, it wasn't up to 20 minutes he arrived at my house, something that was supposed to take him about two hours driving,I was surprised on his quick arrival and I asked him if he disappeared and got here, he smiled and told me he decided to take a long walk to my house and he was already very close before I called him.

With the curious look on everyone's face, my heart started palpitating, I asked if everything was fine and everyone said yes that everything is fine,

Marie; Jackson I'm pregnant!

He asked me to repeat what I just said, I repeated what I Said

Marie; I said I'm pregnant!

He shouted it's not possible.

Jackson; how do you mean,what do you mean Marie? how did it happen?

I was surreptitiously looking at my mom's facial expressions and I can tell she's getting confused already but my grandma was just excited she didn't even care if Jackson accepted the pregnancy or not, all she knew was that she has gotten a great grandchild!

Marie; my conscience won't stop beating me up, I felt like sinking while standing there, I said to him, all I know is that I've not seen any other man since 5 years ago until I met you so I'm no Mary and I'm carrying no Jesus!

My mom could tell that I was already getting tensed by his unacceptable reactions over the pregnancy,

Meanwhile the reason for his unacceptable reactions was not for the pregnancy actually but for the fact that he is a vampire that can not procreate, how did it happen?

Few minutes after his first unacceptable reactions,he rushed and hugged me and kissed me in front of my mom for the first time, my mom became so happy and comfortable.

Jackson; I have things I need to discuss with you privately my angel, let's go out, we went to his family house for the first time, all this while we've never gone there, but it was just inside the ZARIAN'S estate there, although we have been talking over the phone with the brothers and the parents the ZARIAN'S but we never met face to face!

I met his family members but I noticed something creepy, there was a bucket of blood bags all around the house and his brothers looked creepy too

Jackson; Everyone Meet Marie..

After exchanging pleasantries, I ignored the creepiness of the house and we went to see around the compound because it was indeed an empire, while we were looking around he said to me, Marie do you believe in myth? do you believe angels and demons exist?

Marie; Yes of course I believe they exist!

Jackson; Wow that's creepy, why do you believe they exist, have you seen one?

Marie; Yes I've seen one but I was still kid so my parents told me it was just an imagination that it wasn't real but I know what I saw even though I was a kid.

He was astounded with my weird response, we chatted happily while we were walking around the compound!

I can tell from his face that something was honestly bothering him but he couldn't speak it out and he could also tell that something was bothering me too and I couldn't speak it out.

Months passed by after he has gone for a research on how it was possible for him as a vampire to procreate.

He travelled to north India to see an ancient Buddha magician who explains all mysteries of the Earth..

Before he could return from India I had already delivered a bouncing baby boy!!