It was about months past and Jackson had not returned from India although he was not clear to me about what he was going to do in India,he only told me that he needs to go and get some informations about something very important,

Prior to my child birth, It was full moon again and that was how I had the biggest devastation of my life, the baby had been kicking against the transition even before it was complete full moon, my grandma and mom had done all they could to stop the baby from kicking but the baby couldn't stop.

Before they could realize it I was already loosing strength because the pain was much and I couldn't bear it anymore,I cried and cried and cried and cried but the baby won't stop kicking and full moon was just about few hours more to complete.

my grandma called for help from one of her relatives who practiced ancestral magic, she came and made an incantation in her native language, asking the spirit what could be the cause of the baby's continuous unending kicking that was already killing the young mother..

The spirit replied and told her that the baby she's bearing in her womb is one of the best gift ever to walk the earth,the woman on hearing this message from the ancestors was so excited and told Marie's mother to calm her mind that everything is fine, she said "infact you need to be celebrating"

By the time they were doing all this things I had already lost consciousness so I was totally absent and in the spirit, while I was in my subconscious mind I saw a little boy standing in front of me dressed in royal robes with different faces,he walked closer to me but while he was coming to me his face was changing from a beast to a magician and to a vampire I couldn't understand or Stand there,I screamed

I was scared and I shouted in that dream and I woke up still shouting,my grandma and my mom rushed towards my ends and hold my hands with smiles on their face that got me confused the most.

My mom told me what the old woman I saw in that room with them said about the child I was carrying, hearing this message I got confused the more,

I told them the dream I just had that made me shouted from sleep, the old woman told me that I was carrying a miracle child that will be the first of it's kind, I said in my mind, I wonder what this could be..

Two hours before a complete full moon, I delivered the baby and it was a baby boy and I named him Jeffery after my first boyfriend "Eric Jeffery" whom I lost in a car accident.

Now the problem was that I was still going to under go the full moon transition in the next one hour, even though I had given birth

A complete full moon has set out and I went to our family cellar where we normally go for transition every full moon, I took the wolfsbane potion to trigger the transition as usual but to my greatest surprise it didn't work anymore,I did all I could to trigger the transition but I couldn't.

I went back home and met my mom and my grandma and they were both astonished to see me, I told them I couldn't trigger the transition,my grandma old friend brought out a pendant from her small hand bag and placed it on my palm and I spoke her native language, I shouted and threw the pendant away because it was very hot..

She told me that I'm still a wolf but she couldn't figure out why I couldn't trigger my transition, she asked me to try and trigger it at will instead of with wolfsbane, I cleared my minds and tried to trigger it at will immediately I turned and turned back to human just like a switch,oh my God, I shouted and repeated it again and again and again and it was just working that way,

After everything I called Jackson and told him I have delivered a baby boy and I could tell he was already dancing where he was, he told me he was already planning on returning home..

Very early in the morning he arrived from India with the answers to his questions,but he first had to celebrate his baby boy before any discussion.

After the celebration he took me to a quiet place at the back of my compound there is a river where we use to play around when we were kids, It's one of the most quiet places around the neighborhood and he started telling me what he went to search for in India.