Party Crashers + Xing's Birthday

"Have you heard what's going on on the western side of this empire?" asked a man at a table with three others, they were resting in a tavern in a small town. The town was about a month's walk or three weeks by horse north-east of the capital.

"Heard the capital needs to be rebuilt, again." stated a second one.

"Is the empress leading her men west to regroup for a counterattack?" asked a third.

"It's the right move, heard the fight was chaotic when a secret weapon appeared." said the first.

"If anything, she's letting this rebellion to regroup as well, and if they were that strong at the capital, they'll be even more stronger when they collide again." stated a fourth.

"What about the princess? Has anyone heard from her?" asked the second when their food arrived.

"No, but I bet they have, considering their eavesdropping." shouted the fourth to a table of ten teenagers. Seven of them were girls while the remaining three were boys and one had his cowl up, looking at them from the shadow of his cowl.

"Is there something we can do for you?" asked the third. They said nothing as the boy with his hood up stared at them.

"They don't need anything, they got girls surrounding them every night." taunt the fourth.

"It's not fair that you guys have a harem to travel with, how about you share the spoils for one night?" suggested the first as they also noticed them.

"Nothing is ever fair," stated one of the boys as he and the other turned around to speak to them.

"And they're our companions, not our harem." stated the other boy.

"Drop it, you two," growled the boy with the hood up before taking a sip of his drink. The two turned to look at him and went back to playing with their drinks.

"Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, did you woke up looking at one of those two idiots?" asked the second, standing up and walking towards them.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll return to your table." threatened the boy with the hood.

"Cute, what are you going to do tough guy?" asked the second man. He soon got his answer as the boy with the hood stood up and pushed him back to the table where his companions were eating. He threw him on it and draw a broken Valtryek sword and stabbed it off to the right side of his head. The man's eyes widen as he stared at the blue and silver blade. His companions were about to arm themselves before the cold void of the boy's face and his actions had them freeze. The boy soon let go and put away the broken blade before returning to his table.

"Who are you?" asked the third as they helped their friend.

"No one special," replied the boy as he sat back down, "Just someone to be afraid of."

"I thought assassins were scary but you are on a whole new level." stated the first.

"So you ran into them as well, did you hear what happened to them?" asked the boy. The four men shook their heads, the boy motion them to sit and he begin to tell the tale of the Black Market Games.

A captain of a boat arrived at the harbor within the mouth of the dragon shape continent. He was the only one left on the boat as he carried goods for the Ninja Empire. He was soon moored and a plank was dropped as guards came to speak with him. "How many are on your boat?" asked one of them.

"There were ten of us but I'm the only one left." replied the captain.

"What happened to the other nine?" asked another one.

"Same thing that's going to happen to you." growled a stranger. Suddenly, five black hooded men sprang from their hiding places. Their hidden blades popped open as they plunge their blades into the guards. The guards were too slow to react as their life flash before their eyes.

"I assume we're good to dock?" asked the captain, mocking the dead bodies. "I guess this is too easy."

"If only the Assassin Empire share our views, remember why we're here. To capture the Princess of the Ninja Empire and bring her back home with us." ordered one of the black assassins.

"Happy fifteenth birthday, your majesty." said a lord. They were at Old Mansion, celebrating the fifteenth birthday of Princess Zhen.

"Thank you, my lord." replied Princess Zhen, she was greeting guess with her mother as they arrived for a three-day-long birthday celebration.

"You're doing great," stated Empress Wēi as she saw her daughter sigh with exhaustion.

"I know, I just wish I didn't have to wait this long." complained Princess Zhen.

"Well if it makes you feel better, a friend could be the thing to lift anyone's spirits." said Empress Wēi. Princess Zhen looked up to see an aging black hair and bread of the leader of the Ninja Black Market coming towards them. "Welcome, Lord Tyron."

"Thank you, your majesty, and happy birthday to you, your majesty." bowed Lord Tyron when he was close.

"Thank you, my lord, did Truman arrive with you?" asked Princess Zhen. Truman was the real name of Dual Bladed Ninja, or at least she thought. Amongst her friends, she considered him special to her.

"Unfortunately, he took a mission about two to three weeks ago on the other side of the empire. I told him to get it over quickly and come here." explained Lord Tyron.

"Still searching traitors with that traitor?" asked Empress Wēi, she was trying to find the former prince but like her daughter, she didn't know that the former prince was right underneath her nose.

"My apprentice and my nephew haven't seen each other since the cave. I'm told by my apprentice, that he's patrolling the northern parts of the empire. They might have crossed paths this time, but it shouldn't be a problem in their work." replied Lord Tyron.

Zhōng rode Yáo, his horse, towards the road to Zhēn Lǐ. The wind of their speed lifted his cloak, exposing his gadgets, his knife, and his two ninja swords. Behind where he sat were his blankets for the both of them and utensils used for cooking. On his right arm, was a watch, an heirloom that had a unique feature. His cowl was up as two blue eyes, blazing like fire, peek out of the shadows. He passed people, carts, and soldiers rotating to a different town. No one dare to get in his way for two years, he built a reputation of killing anyone who stand against him.

Zhōng soon made it to a village that was in the middle of his travel, a man waved him down as he came to a stop. "Thank goodness you came this way, Dual Bladed Ninja." stated the man.

"What's the problem? I'm going to be late for something." stated Zhōng, still sitting on his horse.

"Please, come with me, There's something we need to show you." said the man and he led Zhōng away. When they arrived at the place the man wanted to show him, Zhōng analyzed what happened. There was blood pouring from dead men and crates destroy, showing it was a struggle. He took a look at one of the bodies, the stab didn't all the way through and there were no side swipes of blood on the body nor on the walls where they lay.

"What're you thinking, Dual Bladed Ninja?" asked a man from the black market, in charge of the warehouse where the crime took place.

"Wasn't caused by a sword, too short, but it wasn't caused by a knife as it's too thick." replied Zhōng.

"This warehouse is a secure place, whoever did this must have had someone from the inside." he theorized.

"No, that man was pounced on and that one charged at, the rest looked like they give him a fight. There's a stable in the back, correct?" said Zhōng after pointing out the body's cause of death.

"Yes, we're only missing a horse." he said. "But who could do this?"

"Either we have a new hitman, bounty hunter, or he's not from here." suggested Zhōng.

"Zhōng," a mysterious voice whispered into his ear. Zhōng turned around quickly but saw no one was there. "I need you to come back to the cave."

"Dual Bladed Ninja, you're alright?" asked the man.

"I'm late," stated Zhōng as he turned leaves.

It was dark when Zhōng reached the mouth of a cave, it was months ago when he first discovered this cave. He soon got off of Yáo, the horse whimpered before calming down with a gentle pat. The cave collapse the last time he was there but going deeper inside was still dangerous and confusing. "Eula?" he called. His voice echoed before a rumble followed, coming louder.

A bright light appeared and a girl with long blond white hair and green eyes appeared as she glow in a white long dress. "You came, former prince." exclaimed Eula.

"Is something wrong down below?" asked Zhōng.

"No that's not why I called, how have you been? It's been eight months since we last saw each other." said Eula.

"If you're going to waste my time, then I need to go, I'm late for a birthday party." grumbled Zhōng.

"Down to business already," said Eula, shaking her head while smiling. With a wave of her hand, a blue aqua rock monster joined them. "This is Ikaika, one of my generals, he has a warning for you."

"What kind of warning?" asked Zhōng.

"Trouble, to those close to you." croaked the rock monster. Zhōng looked at her confused as to who is in danger to him.

"They've been feeling vibrations of feet running similar to yours suddenly all over this empire." explained Eula.

"You feel how hard I step?" asked Zhōng.

"That's how I know you're close." replied Eula. Zhōng couldn't decide if he felt awe or weird by their ability.

"So where are they? Where did they come from?" asked Zhōng.

"One is close by, there are nine others spread throughout the empire. They all started up by the Iarnă Mountains." answered Eula.

"Then they came from the Assassin Empire." proclaimed Zhōng. "If they move like me, and came from the harbor up there, then they have to be assassins. Do you know what they're after?"

"No, we don't." said Eula.

"Then I'm going have to just ask the one close by then." declared Zhōng.

"If they are as deedly as they sound, then you're to need something." stated Eula as more rock monsters approached them.

Zhōng watch the herd come out of the cave as they created an arc around them. "I don't suppose you can give me a present to give to someone? Considering you also wanted to chat." asked Zhōng, an idea popped into his head.

Zhōng entered his tent assigned to him later that night, he was sharing one with Lord Tyron who appear to be sleeping when he arrived. Zhōng took off his cloak and shoes and laid his weapons right by him as he crawled into bed. Suddenly, a candle was lit giving the tent the light. Lord Tyron was sitting in a chair while his stuff lay on his bed. "Your late," he said.

"Never said what time to be here." defended Zhōng as he pulled sheets over him.

"Midnight of the next day counts as late." stated Lord Tyron. "What took you so long?"

"More came popping up and I had to deal with them." began Zhōng sitting up with a necklace around his neck. "After I deal with them, I was stopped to look at a crime scene that didn't make sense till I arrived somewhere else that gave me the answers."

"So from the town of the job, to another town with a murder scene, to the cave, to here is the reason why you're this late." summarized Lord Tyron.

"Pretty much, can we get some sleep now?" asked Zhōng as he nestled back into the bed.

"What part of, 'come here immediately' did you not understand?" asked Lord Tyron.

"The 'come here immediately' part," replied Zhōng.

Lord Tyron sighed and said, "I know this is perhaps just a show for you, but people look up to you to set the example. Running late cause you found more, or because you gave a helping hand, or you decided to stop to say hello, is not a good look to your reputation." he then pulled all his stuff set on his bed off and crawled into bed to get some sleep as well.

"It's not just for show." thought Zhōng as he nestled deeper in the bed.

The next morning, Zhōng went to Princess Zhen and her friends after breakfast. Behind his back, hidden underneath his cloak was his present to his friend. He explore around the campgrounds till he spotted her. "Truman!" exclaimed Princess Zhen, seeing him approach her and Lord Zào.

"Happy birthday, princess." greeted Zhōng, taking a bow.

"May I ask why you're late?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Would you like the boring one or a better one?" asked Zhōng.

"Well, either way, you're late Dual Bladed Ninja." sneered Lord Zào, he didn't like Zhōng ever since they met. He was careless and didn't like people getting into his personal life. However, that's what Zhōng did, two months ago, Zhōng uncovered a hidden truth about Lord Zào's heroic deeds in the Eight-Year War. This angered Lord Zào as it stated he was a coward and wanted nothing else but a girl to sleep with.

"It's good to see you again, my lord." greeted Zhōng, though he despised him as well, he must show some control and respect.

"Wish it wasn't," stated Lord Zào, not caring about respect at all.

"Could you entertain us with the reason why you're late now." suggested Princess Zhen, trying to break the tension.

"Well, your majesty, the job I did took longer than expected. I had to ride throughout the night and during the day till I made it to a town to rest and resupply short rations. I then was stopped at another village due to an incident and once it was all settled, I arrived here late last night." explained Zhōng.

"That sounded more like an excuse than a story." insulted Lord Zào.

"Do you have more friends than him, your majesty?" asked Zhōng, he was starting to feel annoyed.

"What're you implying, crook?" demanded Lord Zào, he grabbed Zhōng and immediately regretted it as a knife was stuck out at his stomach.

"This blade was seen a lot of action in the last two weeks, my lord. Killing all who got in my way, if you want to stand in my way as well, I won't hesitate." threatened Zhōng.

"Truman! Put the blade down." ordered Princess Zhen. Even though he was right, she didn't want to see blood spill. Her red flared with her anger, she was starting to become an assertive and determined leader. The more she tried to chase him down, the more confident she became.

"As you wish," obeyed Zhōng, spinning the knife before putting it away. "I don't belong here anyway." he said as he walked away. "Not anymore," he thought, he still had her present with him.

"What is wrong with him?" accused Lord Zào as they watch him go.

"That's a man that seen too many fights, and is on the edge for another one." stated Captain Howin, joining them with a spear in hand. He saw what happened and felt on edge afterward.

"Another fight? Here?" questioned Princess Zhen.

"We might need to keep that in mind, he has seen things that he might not want to talk about. He might know something that we don't, if it weren't for someone pushing his buttons, we might know why he is late and what's coming." stated Captain Howin.

Princess Zhen could never find Truman again as she was always talking to people while he was roaming around. When their paths cross, it was brief as someone came to speak to her and he'll disappear around the corner. It was almost evening as Zhōng was up in a tower with his present still in his hand. He was leaning on the railing, hands netted as the present was firmly in them. His mind was scattered from what was given to him, to the assassin nearby, to making the princess mad at him. "Where is he?" he said to himself as he decided to search the ground below.

"If you're going to hide from the princess all day and perhaps tomorrow as well, then you probably shouldn't have come." stated Captain Howin behind him.

"Captain," greeted Zhōng, hiding the present.

"Dual Bladed Ninja," said Captain Howin, joining him. "Would mind telling me what's got you nervous?"

"Just busy, nothing else." stated Zhōng.

"Even when you were busy, you had a calmer mind than now. Something seriously has shaken you." stated Captain Howin. "Or Lord Zào knows how to make you explode better than I could."

"What do you want?" groaned Zhōng.

"To bring you back down so you and she can apologies and you can give her your present." answered Captain Howin, he notice something going into Truman's cloak after he revealed his presence.

"But I bet you first want me to speak my mind." assumed Zhōng.

"Well, if something has shaken you, then yes I want to know what we could be up against." confirm Captain Howin.

"Assassins," replied Zhōng, they went quiet as the word made Captain Howin quiver.

"How many?" asked Captain Howin.

"Ten spread across the empire and one of them is here."

"What are they after?"

"I'm not sure, but I would feel safer if I knew."

"They can't be going after the royal family if they're so spread out."

"Agreed, they could be spying on us for weaknesses."

"Do you think they're preparing to go to war and this is a declaration?"

"Depends where the other nine are, if that's the case, then it'll make sense why they're here." They stood in silence as they watch the sun beginning to set.

"I'll give you my and my men's support after you come with me to talk to the princess." declared Captain Howin.

"Fine, let's go then." sighed Zhōng as he and the captain left.

They walked through the grounds and towards the gardens with other people. The gardens were set up to host the party's dinner tonight. "Your majesty, look who I found." shouted Captain Howin as he approached Princess Zhen.

"Who?" asked Princess Zhen.

Captain Howin looked behind him to see the Dual Bladed Ninja was gone. "He was just with me, where did he go?" he said. As a silhouette of a man scampered across the roof.

The dinner was about to begin as the empress prepared to make a toast. Just above them, a black coat assassin was perched waiting for the princess to come in his acquire spot when he saw her sit down, prepared to jump. He flew over their heads before diving for the princess. Suddenly, a blue and silver mech intercepted him and they crashed into the tents outside of the gardens, causing a ruckus.

Zhōng tucked and rolled after he deactivated his mech. He armed himself with his Longus and the Ninja Sword as he looked at what happened to the assassin. He didn't search long as the assassin was already in the air with his blades unleashed. He came down on him as Zhōng just barely dodge. They locked blades as tried to get the angle but the assassin blocked him before throwing a stab at him. He barely escape the plunge as it scratched his shirt. "Impressive," commented Zhōng as he brought his blades back up.

"You're the one they call the Dual Bladed Ninja, I see your reputation is true about you." stated the assassin.

"Does my reputation says anything of me being late?" joked Zhōng. "Who are you? What are you after?"

"You're going have to beat me if you want to know." stated the assassin. He charged with quick speed and strike one of his blades at Zhōng's left thigh. The deep cut was painful, but Zhōng was still able to stand. He changed his fighting style from overwhelming on all sides to constant stikes in the middle. The assassin was forced to block as Zhōng push him back. Their blades locked but before the assassin could react, Zhōng pushed his blades down and out before tackling him to the ground. With his left hand holding the Ninja Sword and the assassin's right arm, Zhōng threw punches to the assassin's face with his right.

The assassin, noticed Zhōng's error as he unsheathed his hidden blade on his left and prepared to plunge it deep into Zhōng's side. A foot stomped on his hand preventing him from carrying the deed. "I don't think so and Dual Bladed Ninja, that's enough." barked Captain Howin, sliding his spear close to the assassin's throat.

"Very well," panted Zhōng as he got off the assassin when guards hold him down. The cut on his thigh throbbed with pain, it first time he felt pain but it was uncomfortable. He looked up to see the empress, Princess Zhen and a crowd with terror looks on their faces. He pulled up his hood since it came down during the fight and picked up his Longus before putting both blades away.

"You want to know what we're after, Dual Bladed Ninja." cried the assassin just before they took him away. "Our king wants Princess Xing, Daughter of Emperor Huo, he wants her to come and take her rightful place by his side."

"Why her?" growled Zhōng turning around to face the assassin. The blue eyes under the cowl lit up like flames as he walked towards him.

"That's none of your business, you didn't beat me fairly." stated the assassin.

"Permission, captain? I have a reputation to keep." stated Zhōng, when he made it to them.

"In front of the princess, you sure you want that?" asked Captain Howin.

Zhōng pondered what was asked, he wanted this assassin dead since he won't speak anymore. They were going after his sister, but the words of the captain rang through his head. "Then get him out of sight." he ordered before turning back around and walked towards the princess while the guards took him away. When approached her, he reached behind and reveal his box gift. "Happy birthday, princess." he said as he gave it to her.

Princess Zhen opened the small little box, inside was a crystal necklace. It sparkled in the setting sun revealing interesting shapes of light. "Thank you," she said before she notice he was gone.

Zhōng was finishing saddling up Yáo when Lord Tyron came to him. "You are not serious." he stated.

"I have to get home, she's in danger." replied Zhōng as he tried to get up.

"She's safe, they don't know where she is. Besides, Tony and Darius are with her and her aunt is close as well."

"But they don't know what we're up against, these assassins, they're not what we describe when we talked about them. They're greedy and more aggressive." explained Zhōng.

Lord Tyron sighed and said, "Well you're going to start a reputation of arriving late and leaving early."

"Like that bothers me," stated Zhōng, he then was off, riding back to School Town.

Xing's Birthday

"Happy Birthday!" cried out the girls. They greeted Xing with cheers and excitement because it was Xing's birthday.

"You're finally a teenager." cried out Cortana, she was the most strategic among the four friends.

"You're older than me till I turn thirteen in a couple of months." said Pina, she was the most entertained one among them.

"I hope you'll have an awesome birthday!" said Silica, she was the friendliest among them. It was through her that Xing entered their fold.

"But you better not do anything crazy." warned Kotori, she was the most serious among them.

"Don't worry Kotori, I won't and thank you all." said Xing, she was excited to come. Though she was hiding from the empire and Assassins that wanted her, it didn't stop her from coming over to the school for a party.

"Hey Ning, shall we start playing some games?" asked Pina, holding up a blindfold and ribbons. Xing nodded and the girls went to a wall in the galley to play a game.

"Look how much she's grown." marveled Principal Jiào, she was in charge of the school she watched her niece. It was the first time she saw her niece in years since the last time was when she was a princess.

"Indeed," agreed Lord Tyron. "It's hard to believe how much different she is now than back then."

"I recognized her features and personality, but her habits and knowledge are different and unfamiliar." said Principal Jiào as they watched the girls trying to pin a ribbon in the right place while being blindfolded.

"She hasn't changed that much unlike someone else we know." hinted Lord Tyron.

"Speaking of which, where is he?" asked Principal Jiào.

"He's out," replied Lord Tyron.

"Of town?" questioned Principal Jiào.

"No," chuckled Lord Tyron, "fortunately not, he's out looking for… your majesty." exclaimed Lord Tyron as he bowed in front of Princess Zhen who entered the room.

"Your majesty," greeted Principal Jiào as she bowed as well.

"Principal, Mr. Fields," began Princess Zhen, though she ran into Lord Tyron a few times, she didn't recognize him as he was dressed in a smith attire and his beard wasn't neat but had ash within it. "I would like you to know, principal, that I'll be exploring the town for a while." she declared.

"Very well, your majesty, would you like me to call some guards for you?" asked Principal Jiào.

"That won't be necessary, I should be fine." stated Princess Zhen, revealing her sword on her hip. She turned and walked away leaving both of them confused but Principal Jiào worried.

"Don't worry, she'll be alright." assured Lord Tyron.

"How do you know?" asked Principal Jiào.

"I have a feeling she'll cross paths with him," said Lord Tyron.

"Okay, you got to give me some better ideas than this, Zhōng." stated Tony, he was a member of the black market and Zhōng's closest best friend at the time.

"That's all I know," said Zhōng. "She cooks and crafts, I haven't been home for a while to understand her hobbies and interests."

"Well then you gotta stop doing trips up north and west every time, why don't you take a trip to the capital or to Zhèng Yì? You can be there within two days." said Tony.

"Because I much rather have you take care of it so I don't have to worry about the empress or the lord." answered Zhōng.

"Right, you have bad blood with them." sighed Tony.

"More like, I know I'm not welcome." stated Zhōng.

"When are we ever welcome?" asked Tony. Zhōng smirked and shrugged, he knew he was right. "Come on, let's see what's in here." suggested Tony as they looked into a shop.

Princess Zhen was walking through the streets nearby. It wasn't uncommon for someone from the school to be walking throughout the town. Though to be safe, she had her cowl over her head to not draw too much attention to herself. The streets were lively and she enjoyed seeing the people smile at her. She often walked around with guards then the people would greet her. She loved to be away from school and from royalty for at least one day. She suddenly stopped as she saw two boys looking into a shop through the window. She recognized one of the boys as she approached and asked, "What are you doing, Dual Bladed Ninja?" 

Zhōng turned around as he recognized who it was and bowed. "Princess, I never expected you to be out and alone." he said.

"We have a day off and I let Principal Jiào know I was going out," said Princess Zhen.

"Well it's ironic to bump into you here," said Zhōng. Tony coughed in his fist, directing Zhōng's attention. "Princess, this is Mr. Tony otherwise known as…" he introduced.

"The Poisoner, at your service." interrupted Tony.

"I see you have more than one friend in the black market." stated Princess Zhen.

"All three of us go way back when we started." explained Zhōng.

"Three?" repeated Tony, Zhōng shot a quick glare at him as a warning. "Oh right, it was me, you, and Zhōng, I totally forgot since we rarely see him." he said innocently, recovering from his question.

"Is he still up north?" asked Princess Zhen.

"A little more eastern from the capital," said Zhōng.

"I see, may I ask what you two boys were doing in front of a women's tailor store?" asked Princess Zhen. The boys turned around and read the name of the sign and realized what it was.

"Cosplaying for us," said Zhōng.

"Crossdressing for a mission," said Tony.

"Both of those answers are hard to believe," said Princess Zhen.

"At least mine sounds more believable, you never know what you need to do for coins," said Tony.

"Not worth it if they found out you're a pervert." commented Zhōng.

"Are you still considered a pervert if you fall into a girl's bathing room, accident or not?" asked Tony.

"Hasn't happened yet." replied Zhōng.

"Can we get back to my question, what are you doing?" asked Princess Zhen again.

The boys looked at each other, they knew something and weren't sure if they should tell. "We're giving a friend a gift?" Zhōng finally spoke.

"Is it for a girl?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Let's say they go way back, perhaps as far back as when we started," said Tony.

Princess Zhen looked at Zhōng confused. "Yes, princess, I've known her for a while. Today is her birthday and we were out to look for a gift."

"I see," began Princess Zhen, she felt a sharp pinch when Zhōng mentioned its gender. "Then what does she like?" she asked.

"Oh don't ask him, your majesty, he barely sees her that often and we can handle this." said Tony, he didn't want them to bother her.

"I see, why don't I come with you and suggest places for gifts?" she suggested.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to school?" asked Tony, trying his best to leave her.

"It's a long way away, I'm going to need bodyguards." stated Princess Zhen.

"Well, we'll be going that way." sighed Zhōng and Tony groaned.

"Splendid, shall we enter?" said Princess Zhen and she led them inside the shop.

"At least it won't be awkward now." whispered Zhōng.

"Now it would feel weird with two guys walking with a schoolgirl." said Tony.

"Well if you want a dress, just say the word." harassed Zhōng and Tony sighed.

Lord Tyron and Principal Jiào continued to watch the girls play other games. As they watched, they asked each other about the past. "Remember how cheerful and happy he used to be?" asked Principal Jiào.

"Even on rainy days, he always smiles." agreed Lord Tyron.

"He was especially cheerful around her." added Principal Jiào.

"He still is on her birthday and Christmas, most of the time now you'll be lucky to get a different expression from him." said Lord Tyron.

"The war changed everyone in one way or the other. They either changed physically or internally or sometimes both." said Principal Jiào.

"I assume that the last part was directed at me and him," said Lord Tyron after taking a sip of tea.

"Well yes, you've grown a beard, I don't remember you having one when you were an advisor to our brother." said Principal Jiào.

"I like it, it's different from the old me like you said." stated Lord Tyron.

"You were so smart and never believed in any myths or legends." said Principal Jiào as she reflected on the past.

"I believed in some before but not all. It wasn't till I saw something that I believed in all." said Lord Tyron.

"And if you didn't do that, you would have been with our brother till the end." said Principal Jiào.

"Probably die with him as well." chuckled Lord Tyron before taking another sip of tea.

"Do you know his intentions?" asked Principal Jiào.

"Our nephew's?" questioned Lord Tyron and Principal Jiào nodded. "I'm not sure, since he isn't the same innocent prince we knew him as. He's now a killer and a shadow to everyone in his sights."

"Does he still dislike his birthday?" asked Principal Jiào.

"He would rather give a gift to her on Christmas and birthday than to receive one still." replied Lord Tyron. "While he's no longer royal, he still in some ways acts in the same behavior as he did as a prince. But whatever happened in that alley for a year, changed his whole perspective of his world." 

"Mr. Fields, Principal Jiào, can you come and play this game with us," asked Pina.

"If you think it's that easy to do something to us, think again." stated Lord Tyron.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." urged Principal Jiào, she got up and dragged her brother with her.

"I see you're still this gullible," commented Lord Tyron, Principal Jiào snickered and they joined the group.

Zhōng, Tony, and Princess Zhen exited from another shop, the boys' faces were red from embarrassment but they still couldn't decide what to get for Xing. "How many more are there?" asked Tony.

"This would be the last one," promised Princess Zhen and Tony sighed with relief. However, the last shop she was embarrassed to go into.

"So far I can't figure out what to get her," sighed Zhōng.

"There were kimonos, perfume, makeup, and pretty much anything to put in a girl's hair. Do you seriously wear almost all of that?" said Tony.

"On occasions, we dress fancy for parties, and when there's someone important that speaks with us." replied Princess Zhen. They soon arrived at the last shop, the boys looked at the sign and their faces became extremely red as they knew what they were selling. "Well, shall we?" asked Princess Zhen, her face red as well.

"Are you serious? Do you wear those kinds of undergarments?" asked Tony in disbelief. Zhōng shouldered him for asking a personal question.

"I don't but I know some girls do." said Princess Zhen, she was losing confidence in herself the longer they stayed out.

"Can we just skip this one?" asked Tony.

"How do you know if the gift you're looking for isn't in here?" asked Princess Zhen.

"If I may ask, princess, are you feeling jealous?" asked Zhōng.

"What? Why would I be jealous that you found someone you like?" asked Princess Zhen but it was true.

"Cause the past few stores seemed not something you'll buy but rather someone who is desperate," said Zhōng. "All those shops are personal, something that I can't give to her unless I'm seriously depressed."

"Well, do you love her?" asked Princess Zhen finally.

Zhōng and Tony looked at each other, they were trying to figure out how to say it. Tony sighed and said, "When Zhōng told us who he truly is, he also told us about his sister being with him." explained Tony.

"When Lord Tyron took me in, he also took Xing with us as part of Zhōng's request." continued Zhōng, this surprised Princess Zhen as she wasn't expecting this.

"For the past couple of years, we tried to celebrate their birthdays with a gift. That's why we're out looking for a present, it's for Xing today." finished Tony.

"So when you said it was for a girl, you were looking for a present for her." summarized Princess Zhen. The boys nodded and Princess Zhen sighed with relief for the clear-up and not going into the shop.

"In the black market, since we're close, we take care of each other like a family. That means we laughed and cried and gave gifts to those we want to protect." said Zhōng.

"And you were looking for a gift that'll best suit her," said Princess Zhen.

"But that's where we're stumped because someone isn't around her often these days," said Tony.

"Who are you implying? Me or Zhōng?" asked Zhōng.

Tony glared at his friend and said, "I think you know who."

"Well what does she often act like when you're home?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Sometimes she acts like a housewife, other times she acts like a tomboy. It depends on what she's doing." said Zhōng.

"I never imagined her liking to work hard like a man," said Princess Zhen.

"And that's why Lord Tyron is fine with Truman being gone for so long." joked Tony.

"But even when I am around, she still takes extra slack. It makes it easier for me but I feel bad." said Zhōng.

"What do you think her brother might like to get her?" asked Princess Zhen. 

The boys looked at each other again, when they first met, their priority was to get Xing somewhere safe and live life comfortably. Suddenly an idea popped into their heads and Zhōng couldn't believe he had forgotten about it. "Your majesty, can you help one more time?" asked Zhōng.

Xing and Lord Tyron were walking down to a warehouse the evening of that day. "Please uncle, can you tell me." pleaded Xing.

"I promised them I wouldn't, although this warehouse better be worth it." said Lord Tyron. He pushed open a door to the warehouse, they couldn't see anything inside other than the light from the falling sun. The place echoed and felt empty when footsteps were quietly heard and Zhōng came out into the light.

"Happy birthday, from your brother, Tony, and I." said Zhōng, in his hands was a wrapped box which he offered it to Xing.

Xing unwrapped the box and removed the lid to see a beautiful pink and faded orange and red kimono dress. "Oh, it's beautiful," exclaimed Xing as she took it out to see it entirely. While she looked at it, Lord Tyron and Zhōng communicated with their eyes in morse code. Zhōng told their uncle that someone was here with them but didn't know who he truly was.

"I take it Tony left already," said Lord Tyron.

"Yes, my lord," replied Zhōng as he blinked the opposite.

"Well then I guess there's one more present to give you," said Lord Tyron.

"But I thought I got one," said Xing, confused.

"You got one from the boys, this one is from me and Truman." said Lord Tyron as he revealed a sword from behind him. "Had to find someone who understood the craft to make it special like Truman's Longus but this should protect you from any enemies from now on."

Xing put the dress back into the box and picked up the sword and marveled at the beauty of it. "But shouldn't I," began Xing before her uncle put up his hand to stop her.

"Your brother received his ordinary sword when he was eight, I assume Truman received his around the same time." began Lord Tyron and Zhōng nodded in agreement. "With the changes for the next generation, it should be clear that you're going to need to fight."

"Don't worry, I'm going to stay and teach you for a while. So first," said Zhōng, he activated his Longus and fired down the warehouse. The round whistled with fire, lighting up torches near it till it hit a target on the other side of the warehouse. "Why don't we start with some target practice."

"I think I taught you better than going into full mech on your first try." stated Lord Tyron as Xing came up to Zhōng after he deactivated.

"Oh, my lord, she'll have plenty of practice with that, why not use this warehouse while we're out here." suggested Zhōng.

"This still doesn't make it worth buying this place." grumbled Lord Tyron and Zhōng got to work teaching Xing how it works.

Princess Zhen watched from above, she gazed at Xing who was eager to try and appeared happy. Even the Dual Bladed Ninja looked happy as he gave her advice. "She hasn't changed much but the parts that have changed are her evolution." said Tony who was behind her.

"How old is she now?" asked Princess Zhen as she turned her attention to Zhōng who was smiling big.

"I believe thirteen, although I can double-check with Truman later," said Tony.

"Hard to believe it was ten years ago when I first met her." sighed Princess Zhen, this was perhaps the first time she saw Xing since the war which ended over two years ago. They continued to watch her learn and soon, she was firing at the target.

"If I were you, your majesty, I would try to avoid Truman as much as possible." suggested Tony.

"Why do you say that?" asked Princess Zhen as she turned to face him.

"You and the former prince have a history, so do we, it would be absurd to make us decide who to follow if a war breaks out." said Tony.

"You think there's one coming?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Even shadows hide darker shadows. While I dive into shadows to find them, Zhōng dives deeper and beyond. It would be a matter of time till he finds what he's looking for then it's time for decisions for Truman and I." explained Tony.

"You think this could get so violent that Truman will have to decide?" asked Princess Zhen.

"I do because he's tied to you and Zhōng, the tension that builds around you two pulls him apart. If you care for him, you have to let go and let him decide what he should do." said Tony. Princess Zhen turned back to the Dual Bladed Ninja, he was helping Xing adjust her aim while Lord Tyron gave pointers as well. He looked calm and controlled but there was a violent side that could be released if it must be. "Come on, your majesty, we should get you back to school. This will be the only time I'm escorting you." declared Tony, snapping Princess Zhen's thoughts.

"Very well, let's go," said Princess Zhen, she stood up since she was crouching the entire time and left with Tony to go back to school.