The Shadow

A horse and rider thundered past the gate of School Town late at night. They trotted down the streets before the rider turned off of the main road to pull his horse to the back of a building. The building was two stories tall with four chimneys near the back, there was a backyard where an apple tree once grew. As the rider approached the door, it suddenly opened, and light flooded out. "I guess I still need to work on my stealth." said the rider.

"Well, if I wasn't expecting you, you might have slipped in without being noticed." stated Zhōng, as he stepped aside to let his friend. He wore a necklace around his neck and his watch on his right arm. Around his hip was the knife given by his mother and the Ninja Sword on his back. "How goes the recruitment?" he asked as he poured leftover tea from earlier in the day.

"Well, I have the backups lined up," began Tony as the boys sat by the table upstairs of the shop. "I have six starters I told you about are willing to represent us. In short, we have a team."

"How? Those six plus us makes it eight, we need ten." pointed out Zhōng.

"Correction, us plus your sister makes it ten." explained Tony.

"One, using this because we can't find a better person, is not a good idea. Two, have forgotten about the assassins after her?" asked Zhōng, shaking his head.

"That's why it would be nice if you use it." stated Lord Tyron, he woke up from the boys' discussion.

"Uncle, I have a year or two of usage. If I use it now, I won't be able to use it later when I seriously need assistance." argued Zhōng.

"But you need numbers to protect her, I can't leave her here with unknown dangers. If she travels with us, we can keep her safe and if you use that, you can get some sleep." reasoned Lord Tyron as he joined them.

"My mentor says hi, by the way, my lord." said Tony, briefly changing the subject.

Lord Tyron shook his head and sighed before saying, "One these days, people will stop calling me a lord." he complained.

"What's wrong with that? It's a way to show respect." teased Zhōng.

"Because when someone says 'my lord' to me, it's disrespect to every lord and lady in this empire." explained Lord Tyron.

"I don't see a problem," stated Zhōng.

"Me either," agreed Tony.

"You two," groaned Lord Tyron as he reached for the empty teapot. "Xing, could you make us a fresh pot since you're up as well." he said without turning around.

"Sure uncle," replied Xing, standing in the doorway to her room. She was a little tired but hearing them scheme woke her up. She went into the kitchen and started to make a fresh pot.

"Xing, what do you think about joining us in our competition?" asked Lord Tyron while looking at Zhōng.

"I don't know, I know you guys are excited about it and I don't want to jeopardize it. I'm not a good fighter, if there's another event I could do, I'm sure I can do it."

"Well I'm doing potions and Zhōng is doing parkour and single death match." pondered Tony.

"We can have her on the team matches that way we can protect her." decided Zhōng.

"Is that because, if we survive, we can win the last event as well?" asked Tony.

"You better not use me as bait." warned Xing.

"Don't worry, he didn't cast the lure this time." assured Lord Tyron as he continued to look at his nephew. "So do you agree now?"

"Where do I do this?" asked Zhōng as his blues lit up to his demonic state.

Four days passed as the four of them reached the capital. Six others were waiting for them by the entrance to the palace when they trotted in. "My lord, it's great to finally meet you in person." said one of them.

"So you're the one they called Hangman," stated Lord Tyron, looking up and down at the thief in front of him. "For starters, it's Mr. Tyron and I better not have you abandon the others in the games." he warned.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll keep an eye on him." promised another.

"Who's that?" whispered Xing as they walked towards the palace.

"Well he's Hangman and his partner is the one they call the Owl." explained Zhōng with the same level voice.

"Over there are the Assassin Twins, they handled missions on the front lines. And those two are Catch and Run, they do mostly steal from others." explained Tony before the doors opened.

"I'll keep both hands on your pockets when you are close to them if I were you." suggested Zhōng.

"So if we have code names, what's mine?" asked Xing.

"We couldn't decide a final one for you, so we decided to give you two like Zhōng's."

"We decided to call you Princess or Messenger, you are perhaps a target and you can send messages to others in the market." explained Zhōng.

The group waited in the throne room as Lord Tyron was taken away to Empress Wēi's office. "Your majesty," greeted Lord Tyron as he entered with a bow.

"Lord Tyron, what can I do for you?" asked Empress Wēi, she was sitting behind her desk with letters and paperwork all over it.

"I'm surprised that you allowed me to see you uninvited." began Lord Tyron.

"Well coming here in your own free will does have me curious." stated Empress Wēi.

"I've to tell you in person, it would be difficult to reach me for a while. You might not know, but we are competing against other empires' black markets in some games." informed Lord Tyron.

"I see, so if I need you, I should expect a very long wait for a response." concluded Empress Wēi.

"Correct, your majesty," confirmed Lord Tyron.

"Where are these events held?" asked Empress Wēi.

"They happened usually every ten years and normally in the winner's empire. Usually, that's the Egyptian Empire, but I have a good feeling their streak will end this time." explained Lord Tyron.

"That's a month on horse and another one out on sea, if you don't run into trouble." calculated Empress Wēi.

"That's the hope, your majesty." agreed Lord Tyron.

"Then you'll be stopping in the Spartan Empire." realized Empress Wēi as Lord Tyron nodded to confirm. "Then I have a final mission for you before you continued to the Egyptian Empire."

"Your majesty, I would not recommend she to come with us. There are rumors about the final event and it would be best if they didn't know. Also, they are thieves and murderers, I don't recommend for her to come with us." advised Lord Tyron.

"She'll have Captain Howin and Lord Zào to come with her. While you may bring criminals, you're bringing your apprentice who is very good at keeping her safe." stated Empress Wēi.

"While Truman may be good, I wouldn't trust his actions with his past words. I beg you to have her go with more guards and stay away from us, your majesty." pleaded Lord Tyron.

"Then I suggest you look at it this way, you came here without an invite. You could have sent me a letter about where you'll be instead. Look at this as a way for me to turn a blind eye to this visit." declared Empress Wēi, standing up from behind her desk where she worked. "What do you say?"

Lord Tyron, Lord Zào, the nine members of the black market, the captain, and the princess rode off from the capital later that day. They took the merchant's road which was the direct road from the harbor up northeast to the capital. "One! Two! Three! Two!" shouted Truman, calling out strikes as he trained Xing how to fight with their real swords. While they trained, the Assassin Twins took watch while Catch and Run were busy searching for food. Captain Howin, Princess Zhen, Lord Zào, Lord Tyron, Tony, Hangman, and Owl were the only ones watching them battle.

"She told you," teased Tony to Lord Tyron as they glanced at the other three.

"I'm sorry tradition is worth more than my head, I knew the consequences of me showing up. Which is why Truman would take over the lead if it did happen." grumbled Lord Tyron.

"One! Two! Four! Three! One!" called Truman swinging his arms to the moves except the ones were completed differently, catching Xing off guard. "Just because I called out a sequence, doesn't mean they're the same." warned Truman with his blade still pointing at her before he put it down.

"Take a break, Messenger, have the Poisoner have a go." ordered Lord Tyron.

Xing nodded as Tony groaned as he stood up and asked, "Is this what I deserved?"

"You shouldn't have rubbed it in, plus it gives a perfect chance for her to study you two's movements." explained Lord Tyron with a smile.

"Well this won't last," declared Truman, drawing his second black blade since he was only Xing with one.

"Go easy," pleaded Tony as he drew his blade and the fight began.

"You did great," encouraged Princess Zhen when Xing sat down.

"Thanks, your majesty," replied Xing as she watched the blades blur with movement. Tony suddenly pulled a crossbow but Truman saw it and deflect it.

"That should be illegal." stated Captain Howin as observed the move.

"You forget captain, there are no rules on fighting. You either win or you die." said Lord Tyron.

"Surely you guys are held up to some kind of code." said Lord Zào in disbelief.

"We do, it's called a challenge. We can refuse a challenge or accept, the only exception is if the royal family challenges us." explained Lord Tyron.

"So the princess could fight one of them and they can't refuse?" asked Captain Howin.

"Correct, that's the only code because it's the only one that's fair. Even in a fair fight, there's an illegal somewhere thrown. Someone could and called out the cheater or you'll have this lengthy debate which ends being another battle you're right back at the problem again." explained Lord Tyron as they watch Truman push Tony's blade away before having the other one pointing at his throat.

"I thought I asked to go easy?" gasped Tony.

"Don't remember shaking on it." stated Truman as he smiled.

"Round two?" asked Tony.

"No thanks, let's tend the horses." suggested Truman as they left to head over to the horses.

"They get along well." noticed Captain Howin.

"Let's see, Truman is the Dual Bladed Ninja, he is Tony the Poisoner, and you're Xing the Messenger." analyzed Lord Zào. On the trip so far, Lord Tyron told the three of them of Xing's identity and explained that it was the only way to ensure she was safe.

"Of course, you have us, the Assassin Twins and Catch and Run." stated Hangman.

"Don't forget Shadow," added Owl.

"Who?" asked Captain Howin.

"Shadow, apparently he's our final member for our team." explained Hangman.

"Who is he?" asked Lord Zào.

"The best swordsman in the empire according to Truman, my lord." replied Xing.

"How come we never heard of him?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Because he's like his name, he apparently hang out with the Dual Bladed Ninja and Poisoner when they started. Now he's one of the greatest mysteries in our black market." replied Owl.

"He's a myth, I'm sure Truman and Tony are just pulling one on us. This tenth member better be someone special to have Yoi be our first-string backup." said Hangman.

Princess Zhen ponder on the information she just heard for the rest of the day and till night. She woke up from her sleep to see Captain Howin and Lord Zào were still asleep as well as Lord Tyron and the members of the black market. The only ones that weren't sleeping were her, Truman, and Tony, they were on watch. A distant clank of sticks perked her ears as she got up to find the other two boys.

Truman battle against a stranger in the cloak matching every move with his own. Tony watched them fight while also keeping an eye out for any other intruders. He didn't see Princess Zhen hiding in the bushes as she watch the battle as well. The sticks thudded like real swords as they tried to outlast the other. With a quick change of grip hold, the stranger forced Truman's sticks up as they follow the sword. He collapsed and kick Truman's feet for him to fall down. When Truman sat up, the stick of the stranger was pointing at his throat, forcing him to yield. "I say it looks like this can work." commented Truman.

"Of course it will, it must." said the stranger, moving the stick away to help Truman back onto his feet.

"Well welcome to the party, Shadow." greeted Tony as he joined the boys.

"Shouldn't you keep an eye out for enemies?" questioned Shadow giving his stick to Truman.

"Technically, we're all supposed to be on watch and we're being watched already." stated Truman. Feeling her cover was blown, Princess Zhen crawled quickly away, back to the camp before they could even find her.

The next day, the three boys and Xing were together, telling stories of their adventures so far. They were laughing, joking, and talking just loud enough that everyone else couldn't hear as they rode their horses ahead. "Looks like they weren't joking that he's real." said one of the Assassin Twins, as they watch the group talk.

"But is he as good as they say?" asked Hangman, who still doubted the mysterious person's ability.

"Who knows, I was surprised he woke me up for my shift last night. I didn't hear him approach." claimed Owl.

"What's his real name?" whispered Princess Zhen to Lord Tyron.

"If I tell you, your majesty, you'll regret it. For his name is forbidden to say both in the shadows and the light." replied Lord Tyron.

"Lord Tyron, I suggest we take a break. It's a good time to show Shadow what she has learned and help critique her." shouted Truman, he pointed over a spot where a tree grew in the valley. It was a big tree providing lots of shade for them as it was the only one for a few more miles.

"Good thinking," agreed Lord Tyron after he scan around for an obvious threat.

"We could keep going, there's a town not far from here I'm sure." advised Captain Howin.

"That town is where I want to rest for the night, also this break is more for your horses to catch their breath." reasoned Lord Tyron.

After settling down, Owl and Hangman took watch first while the rest watched Xing battle with Truman. He called out different strikes but when he called the same number but a different strike, Xing blocked it as she was on alert. "You're not going to get me with the same stunt twice." stated Xing while their swords locked.

"Well, it's a pity you've lost." claimed Truman. He kicked at her feet, causing her to collapse to the ground. As she tried to get up, she felt the cold metal tip of the blade touching her chin.

"Always be on your guard, especially ones you know well." advised Shadow, he was still wearing his cloak over and around him. The only thing anyone could see was a necklace barely peeking out and a black handle of his sword.

"I did," defended Xing.

"You went on autopilot, focus on when and where my different attack would come. Once it did, you felt victorious only to be swept off your feet." explained Truman, helping her up.

"Never believe that you out-think your opponent, if they're smart, they'll find a way to win." said Shadow.

"Sounds like you had that happen to you." called out Lord Zào.

"Too many times, my lord." sneered Shadow, as his voided face turn to look at him. "So many times that I lost count of opponents who thought they knew me."

"Then how come we never heard you if you fought against many?" asked Lord Zào.

"Because those who fought me were never seen alive again, I like to keep a low profile." replied Shadow.

"Only me and Tony have seen him fight, my lord. He's not someone to challenge against." warned Truman.

"I would like to see if that's true, Shadow, I challenge you to a dual." challenged Lord Zào, staring at the shadows covering the Shadow's face.

Shadow said nothing, he only looked at him giving no expression or hint at what he was thinking. "The breeze must have picked up, 'cause I thought I heard it challenge me." he declared, ignoring Lord Zào.

"Must be your imagination," stated Tony, playing along.

Lord Zào's mouth dropped for the respect given to him. "Excuse me, I'm talking to you." he said.

"There it is again," stated Shadow.

"I wonder if the wind counts as the royal family." pondered Truman aloud.

"You know it's me, Dual Bladed Ninja. I challenge Shadow to a dual, he can't ignore my request since I'll be emperor." snapped Lord Zào.

"Wrong," stated Shadow, finally acknowledging the lord. "I can't refuse a challenge for royalty, but aren't yet. Planned marriage doesn't count either, therefore I can give you the disrespect you perhaps deserve till you are emperor." stated Shadow as more of his face hid under the cowl creating a blackhole. "But if I did accept, you won't win, you won't even get a strike. I'll move so fast that your blade will be gone from your hands before a second has passed." he threatened.

"Then accept mine," declared Princess Zhen, she wanted to face him for being rude to her party even though it was true.

"I'll warn you, you won't win." warned Shadow.

"I've trained with Truman, the instructor at the academy, and Captain Howin taught me a thing or two. I won't go down easy and if I win, you tell me what's your real name." stated Princess Zhen, her eyes began to dance like fire as she was determined to fight him.

"Very well, if I win or you win, I will tell the rest of you my real name. But if I win, no one will tell anyone about it." stated Shadow, as he turned looking at the members of the black market, the lord, the captain, and the princess.

"I accept those terms," agreed Princess Zhen.

The two found a clear patch in the field and prepared for battle. Truman approached Shadow and offered him his black Valtryek. "No need, we won't battle with mechs." refused Shadow before turning to face his opponent.

Princess Zhen felt a pinch of jealousy that Truman was close to Shadow that he even offered his sword. "Is the reason being you'll lose if we did?" she mocked.

"It will be unfair for you, not that it is anyway." declared Shadow. They glare at each other as the tension rise, creating chills for some of the others as the rest felt the heat.

"Princess Zhen has challenged Shadow for a sword battle only. The rules are they'll be using real blades. They are not allowed to do harm to each other while they fight. The winner will be decided if the loser has its sword knocked out of its hands or the blade is out of position and the victor has his pointing for the final blow. In a black market dual, you may use anything to get an advantage as long the other has the opportunity as well. Do both of you agree?" said stated Truman, who was going to be the referee of the dual.

"Agree," stated Shadow, pulling his cloak back to grab and revealed his black sword.

"Let's do this," agreed Princess Zhen grabbing her sword.

"Both have understood the rules of the dual. Lord Tyron, will you be the second witness to this fight?" asked Truman.

"I will and I'll make sure the terms will be upheld." said Lord Tyron.

"Then begin!" announced Truman, leaping back as the two charged at each other.

Princess Zhen's and Shadow's blades clashed, locking for a breath moment before they separated and Shadow begins his attacks. They were quick and strong but Princess Zhen was able to block and push them away almost like a spear. She then went on the offensive, forcing Shadow to stop his next swing to block the oncoming assault.

"I don't remember teaching her that," commented Truman as he watch how Princess Zhen moves her sword.

"It still should be familiar to you," said Captain Howin as he watched with Truman the dual.

"It's similar to your technic but you use a spear mostly and not the sword." said Truman.

"Well, there are times when I'm forced to use my blade. I watched her waiting under a tree a while back, sometimes an apple or two will fall and she'll cut it down before it hits the ground. She grew impatient knowing your technic involves a quick change in direction. So I decided to teach her how to fight using my spear technic with a sword. I was surprised she caught on quickly." explained Captain Howin.

"I'm not, my technic, while its main focus is to change how the blade flies quickly, it also opens up to using other technics. From the more peaceful and graceful ones to the more fearful and destructive ones." stated Truman. They continued to watch the fight as the momentum of attacks shifted between the two.

Shadow lunged back away from Princess Zhen as she was catching her breath. "Had enough?" taunt Shadow.

"Not even close," stated Princess Zhen before she charged at him. She swung her sideways, hoping to lock blades with him. However, Shadow somersaulted over her, when she turned around, he was nowhere to be seen.

"He's hiding in the bushes." declared Lord Zào. A few moments later, something black pounced out from the bushes. It caught her off guard as she barely was able to block it while the blur continued back into the bushes. "He can't do that, that's cheating." accused Lord Zào.

"May I ask how my lord?" questioned Tony, watching the fight nearby.

"He's hiding in the field for an advantage." complained Lord Zào.

"Can't her majesty do the same thing?" asked Tony.

"If he's cheating, she shouldn't, instead she should call him out to end this fight." stated Lord Zào.

"If didn't hear me from the first time," began Truman who heard Lord Zào's complaining. "I said, 'they may use anything to get an advantage as long the other has the opportunity as well.' The princess can use the bushes as well if she wants to."

"But I thought the border of the arena is that patched." argued Lord Zào.

"The empire's borders could be the border for this fight if they want. I never said where the out of bounds was, nor did I put up a wall shield to protect us and them." said Truman.

"If you're going to complain more, my lord, I would suggest you do it after we part ways or else." threatened Shadow, coming from the bushes in front of Lord Zào like a ghost. It scared the lord and before he could even flinch, Shadow charged at Princess Zhen again. After he passed her, she chased after him in the fields swiping the grass he just barely disappeared in. As the grass flew from the cut, she discovered he wasn't there. "Well, that was close," declared Shadow, hiding on the other side of the patch.

"Impress yet?" questioned Princess Zhen as she drew near to the center of the clearing.

"Of what? Your skills or I playing with you all this time?" mocked Shadow before he pounced and hide in the bushes again. "Your skills could be deadly if you keep practicing and your instincts could be fine even more than what they are now. That's all you have and nothing else, but I have something else." he continued to explain before doing the same thing again. "And it's working."

Princess Zhen turned her left to right violently, looking for where he'll pounce as he continued using his strategy. "You know he's serious when he uses the advantage against you." commented Tony as they watch Princess Zhen struggling to keep up.

"What is he talking about? What's his secret weapon?" asked Lord Zào as he realized the fight was almost over.

"Fear," stated Tony.

Suddenly, Shadow pounced for the final time as he sent strikes upon the princess. She was caught off guard as the blades clashed again and again while the sound coming from them continued long and sharp. "One! Two! Four! Six! Five! One!" shouted out Shadow. However, his last one was different from the first as he twirled while his cloak hid him and his blade. Seeing the opportunity, Princess Zhen went for one final move to win. Her blade came down, crashing on the cloak though it continued down with no resistance. And hand grabbed the handle of her sword and a black blade slithered in front of her face. When she turned to see her opponent, her eyes went wide and her skin went pale.

The opponent who she fought was wearing black pants and boots, they look worn but in great condition to last even longer. Around his hip was his sheathe for his sword and a tucked black robe. There was a white shirt underneath the robe as a necklace swayed back and forth before stopping. Near his sword hand, there was a tan where a watch used to be but now it was gone. Not only was the princess surprised but also Lord Zào, Captain Howin, and the six other members of the black market.

"Your majesty, my lord, captain, and members of the black market," began Truman, "Allow me to reintroduce to you Former Prince Zhōng, son of Emperor Huo and the Shadow in the black market. Our tenth and final member for us in the games."

Everyone's faces went even paler as the dark blue eyes never broke eye contact with the princess. "It's good to see you again, your majesty." said Zhōng as smiled with victory.