The Foe within

The ship landed in port just three days after casting off to the capital of the Spartan Empire. It's been two weeks since the dual and things were different after it. "Look, brother! Seagulls!" exclaimed Xing, she had never seen one but her brother described one to her a couple of months ago.

"Don't you mean Sea Chickens?" asked Truman, he and Tony were with them as they watch the birds.

"What's the difference?" asked Tony.

"I'll tell you later," said Zhōng.

"Please, can you tell us," begged Xing. Zhōng sighed and looked up to his friend.

"Oh, you'll tell us when your sister asked but not when I ask." concluded Tony.

"You forget, we grew up our entire lives together. If I don't, she'll ask us the entire time." stated Truman.

"You know me too well," giggled Xing as Zhōng began explaining the difference.

Princess Zhen scowled behind them, since the remaining of the trip, she promised to be quiet but didn't like the fact that Zhōng was out of the empire. She glared at him while he explained the difference between the two birds. She didn't trust him for she believed Zhōng was well aware of her suffering. "I've been told there'll be spartan guards waiting for us to moor. They'll escort you to the palace, your majesty." said Lord Tyron, approaching them.

"How do we know it's for us and not him?" asked Lord Zào, he glared hard at the former prince who just didn't seem to notice them.

"Cause he promised he won't, my lord, he said that in front of your face." replied Lord Tyron.

"Did you know it was him?" asked Princess Zhen, shifting her glare in Lord Tyron's direction.

"I requested him, yes, Truman and Tony only knew where he was. I wanted my nephew for two reasons, the first is I've been told by Truman he's great with the sword and possesses the same skills as Truman giving us another strong and mysterious person to our advantage. The second is for protecting his sister, when he heard she was being tracked down, he begin searching where the others could be to find out why only to come up empty. There's no doubt I have that these assassins will try to come after her again. Having him come with us will make them think twice before attacking." explained Lord Tyron.

"If you are still worried about them, we discovered two more in the southern fiefdoms. However, we only discovered them and weren't able to catch them." reported Captain Howin.

"That doesn't surprise me, Truman figured they might move further in the empire." stated Lord Tyron. He turned around and begin walking away before stopping to say, "I wouldn't worry about Zhōng, he promised he would stay quiet. If he breaks it, I will personally throw him into the sea."

The group watched as the princess, the lord, and the captain left with Spartan guards escorting them to the palace a couple of minutes later. "When do we sail again?" asked Zhōng, his cowl was up hiding his face, but his cloak was open and exposed.

"Tomorrow at the earliest, in two days at the latest." stated Lord Tyron.

"Does it depend on the ship we're taking?" asked Tony.

"That's exactly why we don't have a confirm time." replied Lord Tyron.

"So what are going to do while we wait?" asked Truman.

"We're going to stay here. There's an inn that I heard about, we'll see if there's any vacancy." declared Lord Tyron as the group began to walk into the capital city.

"Then I say we meet up there later today before we get some sleep. We should explore given the opportunity." said Truman.

"Can we, uncle?" pleaded Xing.

Lord Tyron sighed and said, "Be in pairs in case you get in trouble."

"Understood, uncle." responded Zhōng, he then led Truman, Tony, and Xing away from the group as they begin exploring the city.

"Does they know which inn?" asked Hit.

"Knowing them, at least one has heard about the inn and knows where it is." responded Lord Tyron as he continued to lead them.

Princess Zhen was sitting in front of a table waiting to begin negotiations. Behind her standing on her right side was Lord Zào and on her left was Captain Howin. The room was spacious with the wind blowing smoothly in as there were no windows. The door behind them opened and two spartan guards entered with another spartan dress to show his status. "I apologize for making you wait, Princess Zhen. I was looking for my king only to find out he went out to fight a battle." said the negotiator as walked past them and behind the table before he sat down.

"It's okay, I assume he informed you why I came and what his terms are?" questioned Princess Zhen.

"He did, and I can only go so low, your majesty." said the negotiator.

"Then my mother, the empress of the Ninja Empire, and I have only one request, that we are given safety in your empire and we won't fight you as long as my mother and your king reign." declared Princess Zhen.

"Safety, as in sanctuary?" questioned the negotiator.

"Yes, that's what we're asking." confirmed Princess Zhen.

The negotiator shook his head and said, while there may be peace between our lands, giving us to boost our focus on battles over the sea, I can't accept these terms."

"He can't accept the terms?" repeated Lord Zào an hour later. They were in a quest room of the palace to discuss what was said before returning with final offers.

"I wouldn't blame him, we're asking if his king could do something treasonous." said Captain Howin.

"How's is that treasonous, captain?" asked Lord Zào.

"To start, the seven wielders of the most powerful weapon mechs made a promise. To answer the caller by joining him or staying out of the conflict. As the years went on, they decided to enforce another part of that vow, they will protect the former royalty from a different empire if they were overthrown. As such, Zhōng and Xing are so far the only ones of the old royal still alive." explained Captain Howin.

"What about Lord Tyron?" asked Princess Zhen.

"Mr. Tyron isn't either a lord since his brother evoked that right or in line for the throne. But because they are, by law, they can claim sanctuary escaping our grasp if we aren't careful. Having you, the princess, claim it while you're still in power is not okay to do." answered Captain Howin. What the captain was true as Princess Zhen begin to ponder how to avoid this while ensuring Zhōng.

Lord Tyron was hunching over a table in a bar, his drink was in his hand as he scanned the room searching for something or someone. "Tea and bottle of alcohol with it with wine as well." ordered a stranger behind him. The waitress hurried away and before the stranger spoke, "It's been a long time."

"It has, you sound terrible, I guess that's what happens over the years." replied Lord Tyron leaning back.

"I assume you didn't come out here to chat with me." said the stranger a little annoyed.

"We're continuing to go north tomorrow." said Lord Tyron taking a sip of his drink.

"So he's here," concluded the stranger as the waitress came with his drinks.

"He is, do you have it still?" asked Lord Tyron after she left.

The stranger with his left hand into the cloak he was wearing, pulled a book out of a hidden pocket and reached behind him as Lord Tyron did the same to grab it. Lord Tyron turn through the pages till he reached near the back. He read a paragraph, though he read the diary before, it was hard to believe what it said. "I still don't understand why we can't reveal this." grumbled the stranger.

"I promised Lord Zhe I will not reveal it to anyone but only you. Not even Zhōng knows about this." said Lord Tyron, reaching behind himself to give it back to the stranger.

"So you made a decision without him knowing?" questioned the stranger, putting away the diary.

"We have two options, bring the empress's honor down or continued to have our's sink more. Though I decided for Zhōng, I did it for his greater good." explained Lord Tyron.

"This should have been discussed before you decided." objected the stranger.

"Like it was when I give you advice that you didn't like?" asked Lord Tyron. He heard the stranger sigh with frustration before taking a sip from his drink.

"You will tell him?" pleaded the stranger, breaking the tension between them.

"I promised when it's too late to go back, I will tell him." promised Lord Tyron.

"Then I guess you destroyed the little honor the old royal family had left." groaned the stranger.

Lord Tyron got up and turned around to see the stranger for the first time. He wore a cloak with his cowl up, he was twirling the liquid inside his cup and staring at it. His posture was worn and defeated yet there was a warrior hidden from within. Though he wore spartan clothes, he wasn't from their lands. "You know, I heard you go by a name. A name that can challenge Zhōng's for being fearful." stated Lord Tyron.

The stranger chuckled and smirked before saying, "If I tell you, it would be harder for me to hide from her. Also, your nephew's reputation is extremely more impressive than anyone I ever heard of." stated the stranger. Lord Tyron nodded and walked away, the person he once knew was clearly gone, and wanted nothing more to do with them.

Zhōng, Truman, Tony, and Xing were exploring the marketplace before stumbling by the beach. Xing was in awe as it was the first time in years she had seen the ocean for fun. "It's so beautiful." she exclaimed.

"Maybe on the way back, we can stay here for a couple of days." suggested Tony.

"We got work to do still," stated Truman giving him a questionable look.

"And we're on vacation." added Zhōng, he turned his head to see his sister was still amazed.

"Well, then we're going to need you to stop finding something to do and forget about your troubles." suggested Tony.

"That's kind of hard to do when I'm still around." stated Truman. Zhōng smirked before looking down at his necklace that glowed blue.

Two weeks ago, the night when Princess Zhen woke up by them, Zhōng and Tony began a ritual that cloned him. With his knife, he cut his left hand and squeezed the crystal of the necklace. His blood soaked into it as he said, "Rise, from the ashes again. Come forth from the shadows and walked this world again. I heed you to answer my call and help me protect the ones I cared about."

An aura of energy fled his body and dust and dirt stirred with energy. When it stopped, there stood almost the exact copy of him. "You have called me," he replied, bowing at Zhōng's feet.

"And you know what we'll call you, stand up, we don't treat each other like that." stated Zhōng as the clone stood up. He unstrapped his Longus and knife and handed them to his clone. Tony also gave him a black Valtryek to be put on his back hip.

"So when do we start, old friend?" asked the clone as he put his weapons on him.

Zhōng pulled his cowl up and Tony handed him a stick and gave the clone two. "Whenever you're ready, Dual Bladed Ninja." he said.

"Then let's see what you got, Shadow." stated Truman and the two crashed with their sticks.

"How long does that necklace power last again?" asked Tony, breaking the memory.

"About a year or two," replied Zhōng.

"But it can be shorter if either one of us suffers damage." added Truman.

"So if I pinched one of you, you both will feel it?"

"Yes, and you get something ten times from the other for doing that and shortening the life for something stupid." said Zhōng and Truman together.

"Okay, okay, okay," understood Tony, " you guys seriously need a real vacation."

"Come on guys, let's continue!" shouted Xing as she led them onward.

"Wait up!" shouted Tony as he trotted to her.

Zhōng smiled watching them get close, he was glad he let Tony back into his life. "We should tell him." suggested Truman.

"About what?" asked Zhōng but already knew the answer.

"About our plan, he doesn't know yet." said Truman.

"I know,"

"He believes that we're chasing that dream, we need to tell that we're no longer doing it."

"Now is not the time,"

"So when is? The longer we keep him believing the more we feel about keeping a secret from him."

"Don't remind me," groaned Zhōng, he watched Tony and Xing getting along well.

"If we don't tell him now, we might regret it later." advised Tony, putting his arm on Zhōng's shoulders.

"I'll tell him when this is over." promised Zhōng, turning to face his clone self.

"Are you done chatting? We should continue our exploring." stated Xing. The two boys looked at each before they hurried to catch up to them.

The door burst as Captain Howin stormed into Lord Zào's room. He was laying in bed with a girl on each side. "Really? I thought you said you were going to take a nap." stated Captain Howin, he didn't look happy.

"I did, captain, I just needed something to cuddle." groaned Lord Zào as the girls covered themselves and left quickly.

"And having 'fun' was the way for you to sleep? I've been banging at your door for the past minute." said Captain Howin, his voice getting colder with every word he said.

"Can't I not?" asked Lord Zào, stretching his arms back.

"You can when you're married, but not before with spartan girls." snapped Captain Howin. He grabbed one of Lord Zào's stretched arms and heaved him out of bed. He was also glad he told the princess to go ahead.

Five minutes later, met with Princess Zhen in the same room where they had their last negotiations. "Glad to see you've made it." said Princess Zhen, she was looking at a letter when they entered.

"Forgive us for arriving late, your majesty. Lord Zào was busy with something that shouldn't been important." apologized Captain Howin.

"More like you interrupted me and my sleep time." muttered Lord Zào.

The door opened and the negotiator entered the room again. "Your majesty," he greeted with a bow before he sat down. "I hope you've revised your proposal."

Princess Zhen quickly looked down at the letter in her hand. The contents were what her mother was hoping to receive in exchange for what she already said. "I still have the same request but I changed it to meet your terms as well as given you more to agree upon." she began as she folded the letter away. "I know your king must answer the caller and can't go against him. I understand that he must give the former royal family sanctuary from their rebellious empire. I request that if I can be given this for me to stay out of danger if Former Prince Zhōng doesn't claim it. In return, to show our friendship, we'll allow only spartan ships into our port. We'll also give you ground support to push the Viking Empire away."

"Away? As in pushing them out of the month?" asked the negotiator, surprised by the offer.

"The Viking Empire has always been a thorn to you, spartans. Having our port available for you to trade, we'll allow you to replenish before you fight them at sea. We'll push them from the end of the Iarnă Mountains to the east along the month's lower inner jaw shore. The Vikings have been no pest to us, but if we want to be allies, then we should help each other." said Princess Zhen.

The negotiator leaned back on his chair as he pondered the proposal. "When you came here earlier, you offer so little to gain so much. Now it's the opposite and your gain didn't change. Why didn't you ask for more as well?" he asked.

"My mother wants me safe in case another war broke out, she believes this is the best choice for me." said Princess Zhen.

"Then if I may, why do you want this? If you were going to offer so much, why didn't you do it earlier?" asked the negotiator. Princess Zhen opened her mouth but no words came out, she closed it as she ponders why as well. "We spartans may be excellent politicians, but we can't do something as big as a bluff. If anything, the offer is too good to be true. I'm curious if you're scared that the former prince will beat you to it, this stretch is almost too long. No one has seen the former prince in years, do you think if he's alive, he'll come here for protection?" he asked.

Princess Zhen pondered in her heart what was said. She wanted Zhōng to not escape, though he promised to come back, the memories of her pain while he played were too painful to forget. "He won't come, if anything, I believe he found somewhere to die quietly and is rot away for someone to find." she stated.

"If that's true, where's the Ninja Sword? Do you know who its new wielder is?" asked the negotiator.

"Why is this about him? If I may ask," asked Princess Zhen, growing impatient.

"Cause it should be in our interest, he's no longer in line for the throne that you claimed. If anything, he was prep and groomed for that seat only for it to be taken away. If we have trouble with this deal, then we should consider him to enforce the deal if he becomes emperor." explained the negotiator.

Lord Zào and Captain Howin looked at each other with concern. Their deal was too good to be true, but if Zhōng feels too threatened that he leaves, then he could purpose a better deal or cause slander to Empress Wēi and Princess Zhen's name. "I highly believe that won't happen," began Princess Zhen, snapping her friends' attention to her. "Though I don't trust him for keeping careless promises, I do trust that over the years, he has forgotten how to smile. I believe his too serious and his speech that he won't reveal himself yet is proof that he won't our empire no matter what. I don't know what he plans afterward but I can prepare for the worst and hope for the obvious."

"And what's the obvious?" asked the negotiator.

"He'll surrender and give up his claim completely to live in peace. He's testing how I and my mother leads," said Princess Zhen. "like he does to everyone he's close with." she thought to herself.

Zhōng, Truman, Tony, and Xing were finishing their tour around the marketplace. They tried strange foods to them and watched a play about the spartans' king. They laughed and teased each other the whole time before it was time to head back. "Do you believe their king is like that?" asked Truman.

"If he is, I feel for all who have to follow him." stated Tony.

"You know he was power in the black market as well." said Zhōng.

"That's why I feel bad, he can barely lead his armies to victory, I'm surprised this empire hasn't lost any land or gone poor." said Tony.

"Doesn't help they control the trade from the Egyptian Empire all the way down to the Viking Empire. They also are battling the control of the mouth which would increase their trade routes." said Truman.

"You've done your researched," applauded Xing.

"I've tried, like how I know there's someone following us." declared Truman, they turned around and saw a thief with a pouch in his hand. He took off the other way as the boys searched themselves to see if they were missing money.

"Want to chase him for fun?" asked Zhōng when they realized he didn't take any of their money.

"I would love to know why he was following us then." confirmed Truman.

Zhōng smiled then said, "Tony, Xing, stay here, we'll come back as soon as we catch him."

"Really, I can stay with you guys." stated Tony.

"I know, but she isn't as good as us, just stay here." said Truman then he and Zhōng took off after the thief.

The thief weaved through the town, he obviously grew up here and knew the layout well. What he wasn't counting for was Zhōng and Truman having excellent parkour skills. The two boys were gaining on the thief before he darted into an alley. He sprinted across and near the other end when Zhōng jumped in front of him. "Surprise?" he asked.

The thief turned around to see Truman blocking him the other way. With a flick of his wrist back, a blade appeared and he lunged toward Zhōng. Seeing the blade, Zhōng evaded it and embrace the thief before Truman plunged his sword into the thief with a gasp of realization. "Not as smart aren't you, assassin?" mocked Truman.

The thief laughed before and after the blade came out of him. "You're wrong, we knew you thirst for action, it's you that isn't smart. You lost, Dual Bladed Ninja, we have her." he declared. Zhōng stabbed in the head to silence him then they ran back to where they left Tony and Xing.

When they returned, they discover Tony was unconscious laying on the ground and Xing was nowhere to be seen. "Tony! Wake up! What happen?" shouted Truman, shaking Tony awake.

"They got her, they ambushed me from behind." groaned Tony before falling back asleep. While Truman was trying to get Tony to wake up, Zhōng was scanning the area for any signs of where they went. However, he found no signs of her struggling to escape.