Chapter 9 - First Death

[You have missed the target] A voice rang in my head.

"Dang it!" I yelled out as I waited for the smoke to disappear.

As the smoke had disappeared, I saw the two-horned rabbit that was looking at me intensely.


The two-horned rabbit screeched as loudly, then it looked at me with its red eyes.

I was planning on reloading my musket but I got bewildered when I saw the two-horned rabbit start running in my direction.

I stood up and ran as fast as I could. And the two-horned rabbit chased after me.

After a while of running around, I just remembered that I had a melee class skill.

I shouted the skill name, "Bayonet charge!"

As soon as I shouted the name, a glowing blue blade appeared in my musket's muzzle.

[Lvl 1. Bayonet Charge activated]

'With this, you're dead.' A thought came to me.

I stopped from running and quickly turned around to face the two-horned rabbit.

"Ahhhh!" I shouted in pain.

The two-horned rabbit had already stabbed me in my stomach. Without defending myself, I was knocked back and fell on the ground.

-20 HP

I grunted in pain, "The hell, that hurts."

I glanced at where the two-horned rabbit was and it had jumped aiming its horn at me.

I dodged the attack as I rolled over. I stood up from the ground and to my shock I was perplexed by what I just saw.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said with a shocked face.

The 1 two-horned rabbit had multiplied, I counted them.

"1, 2 ,3 , 4 , ...13" I sighed, "Were you calling your friends when you screeched earlier?"

I planned on running away but I remembered that these small creatures were much faster than me.

'Well, let's just finish this.' The only thought that I had at that moment. I positioned myself and aimed my blade at the two-horned rabbits.

At that moment, all the rabbits rushed at me and one of them jumped and aimed its horn at me.


I had deflected its horn with the blade of my musket. And then I shouted another skill.

"Heavy strike!"

I charged at the rabbit but then it had anticipated my attack and it dodged.

My attack missed again and at that moment, another rabbit had stabbed me in my back.

-20 HP

"Ahhh!" I shouted as I felt pain on my back.

I lost all the strength on my feet and lost balance resulting me falling to the ground.

At that moment, all the rabbits had approached me and started stabbing at me.

-20 HP

-25 HP

-23 HP

My vision slowly darkened with all the damage the rabbits had dealt.

Seconds later, my vision really just went dark.

A notification had appeared.

[You have died... You are forcefully logged out and can only logged in again after 24 hours]

I opened my eyes and the next thing I knew, my consciousness was back in the real world.

I grabbed the VR Helmet and wore it off, then I also opened the capsule door and got out.

As soon as I headed outside, I quickly fell down on my bed and recalled what just had happened.

I felt frustrated not because I died, but because I was overconfident and underestimated my enemy.

'Just because I had killed a herd of one-horned rabbits, I was overconfident.' He thought to himself.

'I couldn't even use the gun even with the help of the combat assist system, what kind of marksman I am.'

Thoughts just poured out all on him as he was recalling the time he was beaten to death by the two-horned rabbits.

At that moment, someone knocked on his door.

"Come in!" I yelled out.

The door opened and his father Ren Blakely appeared.

"Did you just finish playing?" He asked.

"I died." I replied.

His father had a shocked face, "Ohh, then you don't have anything to do in the meantime?"

I looked at him, "Yes, why?"

"Well, we could have our little chat. If you want someone to talk to."

I just nodded and dad approached me sitting on my bed.

"How was the game?" He asked hesitantly.

I hesitated to reply, "W-well, I guess it was okay."

"What class did you pick?" He asked again.


His dad's face shined brightly, "That's a great class."

"Eh!?" I loudly said as I had a shocked face, "There's really nothing great about it. Me and all the other players who had picked the class are just rumbling about how bad the class is." I complained.

His dad had a confused look, "Why do you say so?"

"Well, everything about it is just plain ridiculous." I exclaimed, "I died because I picked the marksman class. I should have just picked another class." I said with a saddened face.

"Have you even tried learning how to use a gun?" My dad asked abruptly.

"N-no, why should I?" I answered with a confused look.

"Well, you see Second Life Online is indeed a game, but I think you should also look at it as the real world." He then stood up, "I'm going now. I still have a lot of work to do."

He left my room after saying all those confusing words.

I recalled what he had just said.

"What did he mean?" I asked myself with a confused look.

"After leaving with just telling me all those, you confused me more!" I shouted as loud as I could.

Then at that moment I just recalled what dad had asked me.

'Have you even tried learning how to use a gun?'

"That's it! If the system does not make me a good marksman, then I should learn how to be one." I shouted with a bright look on my face.

I quickly got up on my bed and went to my computer, and turned it on. After it was turned on, I browsed on the internet for a couple of hours studying everything about guns, specifically the musket.


After leaving the room only saying a few words, I barely closed the door and eavesdropped on my son Yoshi.

"After leaving with just telling me all those, you confused me more!" Yoshi shouted.

A moment of silence had erupted. Then it got noisy again as Yoshi had shouted loudly.

"That's it! If the combat assist system does not make me a good marksman, then I should learn how to be one"

Yoshi quickly stood up and hurriedly went to his computer and open it.

"I guess you already have the answer." He said with a grin on his face as he closed the door.