Chapter 10 - Hidden Quest

Its been 24 hours since Yoshi had been forcefully logged out of the game due to dying.

As soon as he logs back to the game, he plans on going to the training ground and practicing using the musket.

He already did his best studying about how to use the gun, and its tips and tricks.

But as much as he studies it, there's nothing that can beat practice.

He opened the VR capsule and sat. Grabbed the VR helmet and wore it on his head. Closed his eyes and opened it. The next thing he saw was that he ceiling above has a beautiful painting of the sky and countless angels are also painted.

"Am I in heaven?" Yoshi mumbled.

He sat up from laying down on a table covered in white cloth. He looked around the place and saw that there is an altar of the Goddess on his side.

"Ohhh.... Is this the church?" He asked.

He placed both of his feet on the ground and stood up. As soon as he stood up from the table, a pixelated figure appeared laying down on. It was another player.

"So, this is the place where people get resurrected. Interesting."

He then went outside the church and went straight to the training ground where he was planning to go in the first place.


As soon as he arrived at the training grounds, the first thing he checked from his inventory was that there was an item he had dropped or lost as he died.

He checked his inventory, fortunately there wasn't anything that he had dropped.

He then reached out on his inventory and picked up his musket, the gunpowder, and a round ball.

He closed the inventory screen and opened the settings screen to check if the combat assist system was turned on, and as he saw that the combat assist system was turned on, he turned it off.

He approached the dummy, as he was really getting close to it he turned around and walked opposite to its destination.

After a while of walking, he finally halted and turned around to face the dummy.

"I guess this is 55 meters away from the target?" He questioned.

He then pulled out the gunpowder and tore off the paper with his mouth. The swiftly poured out half of the gunpowder on the pan, and the other half into the muzzle.

He then grabbed the round ball and put it inside the muzzle.

He grabbed the ramrod and pushed it inside the muzzle.

"Push, push, push until all are nicely packed." He said as he recalled what he had learned from reading online.

As soon as he finished reloading, he raised the musket. And looked at the time that's showcase in his [Menu] screen.

"A minute and thirty seconds," He sounded proud, "That's half the reload time without the help of the combat assist system."

He then aimed the musket on the dummy and pulled the trigger.


A loud sound resounded on the place and smokes emerged from the musket as he fired the shot.

He checked the dummy if he had hit it.

And he checked he saw that the dummy had a hole on the side of its tummy from the bullet.

'Not my desired target, but at least I got a shot on the dummy.' Is what he had thought with a proud face. All the reading he did offline was paying off.

He then did the same thing over and over again, until he was satisfied. He reloaded his musket, and fired. He once again reloaded the musket and fired.

On his last attempt the which is the tenth time, he decided to increase the distance between the dummy and him.

He walked further from the dummy and after some time he had stopped.

"I think this is a 100 meters?" He sounded unsure.

He then reloaded his musket and after reloading he raised his musket and aimed it at the dummy once again.

After seconds of staring at the target, Yoshi pulled the trigger.


A loud sound rang out and smoke appeared from the musket.


A sound can be heard coming from the notification. But he couldn't see a thing as it was clouded with smokes over him. After a couple of seconds, the smokes faded and he could finally see a screen had appeared. He read it.

[You have received an achievement]

"Achievement?" He whispered as he pressed the screen and another window appeared.


100 Meters Bulls Eye - Rare

You have successfully stepped foot on the path of being a marksman. This is just the the beginning, hone your skills.

Only one player is able to achieve this achievement.

Reward: Dex + 30

Agi + 10


As he read the content of the achievement he had just received, he couldn't believe it, he read it again for a couple of times and he quickly approached the dummy to check.

He inspected the dummy, and it really did hit the target on the center of its head. A bullseye.

He was overjoyed, he wanted to shout about how happy he felt but he suppressed it, but there was a huge smile on his face.

*Clap clap clap*

Suddenly Yoshi heard a clapping noise. He then looked where the sound was coming from and found the owner who was making the sound.

It was the instructor who had given him the the short sword.


I am Douglas, the captain of the surveying corpse of this village, but most of the time I act as an instructor at the training grounds for the beginner adventurer's.

I was walking along the streets after I had my lunch. I was just having a carefree and relaxed day because it is my day off.

Suddenly, I heard a gun shot, it was coming from the direction of the training grounds. I quickly ran as fast as I could to check. But when I had arrived I had only saw a boy shooting his musket at the dummy.

I looked at the boy's face closely and had remembered that it was the boy who I had seen potential in being a swordsman a couple of days ago.

'He said his name was Yoshi right?' Douglas thought to himself, 'Why is he holding a musket instead of a sword?' He questioned. "Another talented person picking up a different path that was meant for him. Such a waste." He grumbled.

As I had nothing to do anyway, I just watched him do his thing.

"How is he not able to bullseye that thing when he is just close to the target?"

"Raise your muzzle a little to the right."

"No, don't shoot yet!"

"Nice! He finally hit its head!"

These are what had thought as he continued to spectate on Yoshi. As it was getting late, he had thought of leaving but he changed his mind when he saw Yoshi on his last attempt, decided to move away from his position.

"Aigooo, you can't even hit the target properly but you are already planning on getting your distance longer." He snickered at him

Yoshi reloaded his musket, and aimed at the target and he pulled the trigger.

I looked at the dummy as I was also curious at the result and to my shock I saw the bullet had pierced the dummy on the head. It was a bullseye.

Douglas raised his hands and striked them to each other as he created a clapping sound.

"Although, you have a great talent for the swords you have picked up the musket, I'm quite disappointed boy." I said with a saddened voice. "But, for following what you like." I grabbed something from my pocket and gave it to Yoshi. "I think this would be helpful to you."


The instructor reached out his hand and gave me something. I looked at it and saw that it was an emblem.

The emblem was golden in color and at the center it had a griffin logo.

"What is this?" I asked the instructor with a confused look.

He replied with a straight face, "That's my emblem. I am giving it to you so you can pass it to someone."

As soon as the instructor finished talking, a notification appeared.


Hidden Quest - Enroll at the Marksman Academy

The captain of the surveying corps gave you his emblem and wants you to enroll yourself at the marksman's academy. Where his long time friend a great marksman located. If you have what it takes to become the greatest marksman of the world, go to the city of Grarora – The city of guns and enroll yourself at the academy.

Quest Objective: Enroll yourself at the Marksman Academy located at Grarora.

Reward: The friend of the captain of the surveying corps will teach you how to be a marksman

+15% Familiarity with the Marksman Academy Instructor



As I read the screen I couldn't believe what I had just read,

'Hidden!? Hidden Quest!?' I shouted internally.

"I have high hopes for you boy." Instructor Douglas said as he patted my shoulder.

I just simply nodded with a smile on my face and the instructor left the training grounds.