Chapter 12 - Boss Fight

[You have leveled up 9 - 10]

An hour had already passed since we had entered the forest.

At that time, me, Gran the guardian, Loki the assassin, Turnip the sage, and Pumpkin the priestess had been facing off monsters if we saw one as we walk to the deep of the forest to look for the boos monster.

And as we went deep in the forest, I saw a lot of the herbs that are needed for my quest so I collected them. The only thing left to do is to report the completion of the quests at the guild.

"I've already completed my quests," I said with an innocent look at Gran.

"Cool, we can finally go straight ahead and find the boss." He said.

I stood up and we positioned ourselves.

Gran was in front of the party as he acts as a tank, at his back is Loki, then Turnip and me as the main dealers and at the center, and lastly at the back of ours is the healer Pumpkin.

After quite a while of walking, we finally had spotted the boss.

I saw its status and read it.


King Bear

Lvl: 30

HP: 800

MP: 300


The bear had brown thorny fur. Compared to the real world bears, this one is much tall and huge. If I were to approximately tell it was of 7' ft tall.

'This is the first time I have seen a monster with a Magic Power, does it have skills?' I thought to myself.

"Okay, as we have been doing earlier with the other monsters, I attract the bear's agroo as the tank while Loki, Turnip and Yoshi deal damage, while Pumpkin will prioritize healing me." He appointed roles to the group, then he continued speaking, "Pumpkin if you have excess mana, use it for buffs."

As he said this, the party members positioned themselves and so did I.

We approached the boss and the [King Bear] had noticed us, but, before it looked at the party members Gran had already used a skill.

"Provoke!" Gran shouted. A roar of a lion sort can be heard from him after he had activated the skill.

The bear looked at him intensely.


[King Bear had used Intimidation]

[Defense has been lowered 50%]

'50%!? That's crazy' I thought to myself.

"Don't falter everyone, we can kill this thing." Gran said with a confident voice, "While I am taking agroo, use your skills to deal damage!"

Turnip started chanting her skill as she heared what Gran said. Loki then grabbed his shurikens from the little pouch on his bag and threw it on the bear, and I reloaded my musket but much more slower than usual.

The bear raised its paw and swung it down to Gran, but he had defended himself with his huge shield. However, although not a direct damage from the [King Bear] he was dealt with a lot of damage from the single attack.

"Heal me Pumpkin!" He shouted.

As Pumpkin heard his request, she opened her book.

"Yes!" Pumpkin started chanting and after 5 seconds, "Heal!"

Gran's body glowed green and he was healed.

After 10 seconds of chanting, Turnip had finally finished chanting.

A ball of fire appeared above her head.

"Fireball!" She yelled out as she pointed her staff at the bear.

Then the fireball flew out and it hit the bear.

As the bear felt pain from the damage it received it roared again.


[King Bear has used Fire Breath]

The bear opened its mouth wide and seconds later it spitted out fire.

But Gran defended it with his skill.

"Guardian shield!" He shouted and a huge shield that was made of light appeared in front of him.

As Gran defended the attack, Turnip casted a skill again and Loki went on the bear's blind side and swung his sword on its neck.

[HP: 550/800]

"Damn it! When are you shooting Yoshi?" Gran yelled out.

"I just finished reloading!" I replied to him, and I raised the musket and aimed at the bear.

I pulled the trigger, and it missed as I purposely missed the shot. Then I reloaded my musket again.

"This noob," Loki said with an intimidating look at me.

"If you take a whole damn 3 minutes to just reload then make sure you hit target!" Turnip yelled out as she was chanting her spell, "Water ball!"

The water ball flew to the bear but the bear had noticed it and dodged the attack.

The bear roared in Turnip's direction.

[King Bear used Intimidation on Turnip]

[Turnip is stunned for 7 seconds]

She fell to the ground, "Fu*k! Help!" Turnip yelled out in anger.

The bear charged at Turnip's direction but it was stopped by Gran's skill.

"Shout of the Guardian!" Another roar of the lion can be heard coming from Gran.

As he used the skill, the King Bear stopped its charge and looked at Gran. Gran had used an aggroing skill on the bear. The bear then charged again but this time on Gran.

"Heal me Pumpkin quickly!" Yelled out by Gran.

Pumpkin then chanted a skill, "Huge Heal!"

Gran's body glowed green and his HP was healed.

Turnip was now unstunned and started chanting her skill.

"Give me 15 seconds!" She shouted.

"You heard her, Loki, do your job." Gran said.

Loki just nodded and he disappeared, second later the bear was slashed nonstop on his back.

[HP: 350/800]

"Get out of the way!" Turnip yelled as she had finished her casting, "Water Gun!"

A wave of water appeared on her staff and it flew right to the King Bear.

[HP: 150/800]

I had finished reloading and I once again aimed my musket on the King Bear and pulled the trigger.


It only hit the bear's hand.

-25 HP

[HP: 125/800]

[King Bear used Hibernation!] The boss creature crouched and healed itself.

"For a whole fu**king 3 minutes of reloading you can only deal 25 damage!?" Turnip berated.

She casted another skill and after 10 seconds.

As soon as I saw her casting a skill again, I felt that this was the time. 'I guess this is where they betray us now,' I thought to myself.

"Turnip, do it now!" Gran shouted at Turnip.

Turnip raised her staff and aimed it at me, and an electric bolt appeared on her staff and it flew right to me.

[Turnip had used Electric bolt on you]

[You are stunned for 5 seconds]

"Let's go now, RUN!" Gran shouted.

Turnip and Loki then followed along Gran.

"Eh!? Guys, where are you going?" Pumpkin asked with a confused look.

"They are betraying us." I said as I was laying on the ground, "You have mana left?"

As I ask, Pumpkin nodded.

"Quickly use your skill to unstun me."

"How'd you know I had that skill?" She asked with a confused look.

"Just quickly do it! Do you want to die?" I shouted at her.

She began chanting her skill and seconds later she had unstunned me with her skill. I stood up and grabbed my musket.

"Quickly hide in a bush! Heal and give me all your buffs!" I shouted at her.

And she quickly ran and hid in the bush.

As I saw that she had finally hid herself I yelled out in the air, "50 points to Dex, 20, to Agi, and 10 to Str!"

[50 status points allocated to Dex… 20 status points allocated at Agi… 10 status points allocated at Str…]

[As your Dex have reached a new realm, passive skill Gun Mastery has leveled up]

[Gun Mastery Lvl 1 - 2]

[King Bear has healed itself]

[HP: 250/800]

I swiftly closed the windows as I had no time to read it.

"Holy Magnus!" Pumpkin casted a buff skill on me.

My body glowed orange and I felt that my body was stronger than before.

[Pumpkin has used skill Holy Manus on you]

[Str stat is buffed 10% for 10 seconds]

I finally was ready to face the bear. I looked at its status and it had healed itself.


King Bear

Lvl: 30

HP: 250/800

MP: 60


The bear roared


[King Bear had used skill Intimidation]

[Defense has been lowered at 20%]

'70% of my defense had been lowered. One hit and I die.' Is what I was thinking.

I quickly ran around the place as I was reloading my gun. As soon as I had finished reloading my musket, at high speed I ran towards a huge tree. The King Bear accelerated.

"Watch out!" Pumpkin shouted.

As I was close at the tree I jumped on it and kicked the tree to push myself.

The King Bear didn't see that coming and he couldn't just stop himself from running at his pace so he bumped at the tree.

I safely landed on the ground and quickly raised and aimed my musket at the King Bear who was still confused as he was facing the tree.


I pulled the trigger and it had hit its neck, one of its critical vital points. As I saw Loki earlier slashing his dagger, I noticed he was aiming at the Bear's neck. So I had guessed that maybe it was one of its critical vital points, and It really was.

-70 HP

[HP: 180/800]

The bear screamed in pain, then he turned around to face me but he was bewildered when he couldn't see me. He looked around with a confused face. As he scanned his surroundings he couldn't really find me.


[King Bear used Fire Wall]

A circle of fire came out of its body protecting itself.

I stood up from the bush as I had finished reloading and aimed it at the bear. Earlier as I fired my shot, I quickly ran to the bushes and hid myself to gain some time to reload.

The King Bear charged in my direction.


I had pulled the trigger and the bullet had hit the Bear's eye. Blood was spitting out of its eyes and the King Bear roared out of pain.

-100 HP

The bear laid itself on the ground and rolled around and around as it was in pain.

I approached the bear slowly, "Bayonet Charge!" I shouted, and a sword appeared at my musket.

"Thanks for the exp and please drop some good items." I trusted my sword a couple of times at the King Bear.




I raised the musket and placed the muzzle on its head.

As soon as I tried to pull the trigger, I was flown to the air.

The bear was still able to move and see. Its paw striked me.

I flew into the air and crashed on the ground.

-140 HP

[HP: 20/160]

As soon as I landed on the ground, the King Bear charged at me at its full speed.


As I saw Yoshi being flown out to the sky. I quickly stood up from hiding at the bush and started chanting a healing skill.

I raised one of my arms and pointed it in the direction of Yoshi.

But I wasn't going to make it because the King Bear had charged itself at Yoshi at full speed.

"No! GET UP YOSHI!" I shouted and ran to his direction.

The King Bear opened its mouth ready to bite Yoshi's body.

But to my surprise, Yoshi grabbed his musket which was on the ground and shouted another skill.

"Heavy Strike!"

At split second he thrusted his musket on the King Bear's head who was ready to bite him and it pierced.

The King Bear screamed in pain and after that it fell on the ground and it pixelated.

"EH!?" I was surprised, "Did it die?"

I looked at the place where the bear was and now its body was nowhere to be seen. Only a grand a treasure chest appeared on the place where it had died.